I really can't control myself

Chapter 2289 Accident

Linton quickly recognized the blue Pokémon that suddenly appeared next to them and stopped Rum from detonating the bomb. Yes, this Pokémon is exactly what Rum said, the legendary Pokémon that is not here, Gopalon.

Linton was also a little surprised by the sudden appearance of Gopalluon. It seemed that this was really the ruins where Gopalluon was. He had not sensed the location of Gopalluon before, but Gopalun Lu Weng seems to have been paying attention to the situation here.

Obviously Gopalluon knew what the things in Rum's hands were for, so he took action to stop him. This... is not a surprising behavior. After all, in the story told by Dr. Oak before, Gopalon was also a Pokémon who stood on the side of justice and stopped the war. Obviously, its judgment at this time was also to stop the black. This group of people from the clothing organization.

Linton also noticed that Gopalluon's eyes were a little angry when he looked at Rum. Rum here was a little confused when he was knocked away at first, but he quickly reacted and obviously recognized it. After leaving Gopalluong, his eyes suddenly became a little excited.

"Hurry up!" Rum here suddenly shouted to the men of the black organization next to him. The members of the black organization who received Rum's order reacted immediately, turned around and ran to a machine next to them, and without saying a word, pressed a switch on the machine.

The machine here started, and a ray of light suddenly shot out from the front of the machine. The light happened to be aimed in the direction of the stage. It was obviously set before, and it was probably the machine used to deal with Gopalluon.

However, this machine was obviously not a direct attack machine. The light suddenly began to split when it was close to the stage, separated into several positions, and then suddenly formed something like a translucent cube, covering the entire high stage. Everything was enveloped.

Besides Gopalluong, there is also Linton who is still on the high platform. Yes, Rum was there before, but he was pushed to a lower position by Gopalluon just now. So this translucent cube directly covered Linton and Gopalluong.

Looking at this thing, Linton's first reaction was a bit like the Four Purple Flame Formation, which was the one that locked up the Third Hokage during the Hokage Chunin Exam and forced him to fight Orochimaru in a duel. I guess... it has a similar effect. Bar.

Obviously this is unlikely to be a technology invented in this world. It should be a weird technology from the Pokemon world. The level of technology in the Pokemon world is really weird sometimes, and the general situation is somewhat similar to that in the Conan world.

In the early days, the Pokemon world even used things like handset phones and candy bars, but soon contacts similar to smartphones also appeared. Linton felt that this was mainly related to the time span of the original work, so... Linton suddenly thought that the similarities between the two worlds could not be due to the similar creation time.

And things like this, which look a bit too high-tech at first glance, do exist in the world of Pokemon. Moreover, Team Rocket has indeed used it many times. In the original book, even low-level members of Team Rocket such as Musashi and Kojiro can easily take out such things to snatch Pokémon. Linton is indeed somewhat impressed.

"Caught!" Seeing that Gopalluong was successfully covered, several people in the black organization were also a little excited. Of course, Rum was still relatively calm. Of course, he knew that the situation was not stable yet, so he quickly shouted in the direction of the person controlling the machine: "Start it quickly!"

"Stop!" At this time, Xiao Mao here also reacted. The sudden situation made him a little confused at first, but when he saw Gopalu Weng was trapped, he immediately came to his senses and took it directly He took out the elf ball and rushed towards the person from the black organization who controlled the machine. Although I don’t know what startup the other party is talking about, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Come on, Dabi Bird!" Xiao Mao also released his Pokémon. With a cry, a very magical Dabi Bird that was cultivated quickly appeared. It didn't slow down along with the light that appeared, and headed directly towards The direction of the machine rushed forward.

However, although Dabi Bird was also very fast, the man from the black organization was standing in front of the machine, and it was obviously still a little too late. Although the other party also saw the big bird attacking him, he didn't care about the situation on his side and directly pressed another button on the machine.

With a "Zila" sound, a purple electric light suddenly appeared on the high platform shrouded by the cube, and then a large number of thunder and lightning quickly appeared around it. Obviously this machine is not only a capture machine, it can also release energy like lightning to attack captured Pokémon... and people.

Gopalluon here had almost no time to react. He was quickly surrounded by thunder and lightning from all directions, and then he immediately let out a painful scream. Obviously, the attack effect of these lightning points on it was quite good, and it almost kneeled on the ground in an instant.

But it wasn't the only one in the cube, Linton also encountered the same thing, and a large number of thunder and lightning also surrounded him.

Yes, for the situation on Linton's side, it seems that the only word "surrounding" can be used. Although a large number of thunder and lightning were directly wrapped around his body, let's say it was an attack. Linton had no reaction at all. It was just that the visual effect seemed quite scary. In fact, Linton was not only attacked by The thunder and lightning around me was so dazzling that I felt nothing else. I even... seemed to be in better spirits.

"I see, I can charge it here too, right?" Linton felt that the lightning was really charging himself. That's probably due to the physique of the God of Thunder bought here. After all, he is a God of Thunder, so he can't be killed by thunder. This is too much of a joke.

At this time, outside the cube, because the thing itself is translucent, you can also see what's going on inside. Gopalu Weng here was obviously a little injured by the electric shock, and Xiao Mao looked a little anxious.

Ever since he heard about Copaleon, he naturally felt that the other party was a righteous Pokémon, and of course he wanted to protect it from being harassed by people from Team Rocket or the organization in front of him. So he also accelerated and ran towards the machine, wanting to shut down the machine immediately.

At this time, the members of the black organization who were operating the machine had been pushed away by the big bird. The next second he turned on the button, the big bird had already arrived at the position and knocked the person away with a single collision. go out. But it was obvious that Big Bird was not the one operating the machine. Although it knew that its purpose was to shut down the machine, it looked at the thing next to it and had no idea how to do it.

However, Xiao Mao quickly ran to the side of the machine. He just glanced at the situation of the machine here and couldn't understand it at all. Yes, he is a Pokémon researcher, but he is not a mechanic. How does he know how to do this?

Fortunately, the current situation is not about actually controlling the machine. Since the cube is originally controlled by the machine, it would be enough to just destroy the machine. Xiao Mao also waved his hand and quickly shouted to the Big Bird next to him: "Dabi Bird, use the storm to destroy this machine."

"Bi!" The big bird here took off directly, hovered in the air, and then aimed at the machine here. It was obviously preparing to use the storm skill.

"It's too late!" It was Rum here who spoke, and his expression at this time was completely different from before. When Linton appeared before, he was really desperate. The legendary Pokémon he was looking for was not there at all, but Linton, a monster he didn't know how to deal with, appeared in front of him. This forced him to self-destruct.

However, the appearance of Gopalluon gave him a chance. Although the other party stopped him from detonating the bomb, isn't it you who they are waiting for here?

This capture device was indeed prepared by Team Rocket people, and it was originally used to deal with Gopalluon, but Rum obviously had a misunderstanding.

Precisely because he didn't understand Pokémon, Rum felt that as long as he relied on this thing, he would be able to capture Gopalon. However, in fact, even Apollo could not be sure of such a thing. Although Team Rocket did use similar machines to capture a lot of Pokémon, and this one was specially enhanced because it was originally prepared to deal with legendary Pokémon, Apollo really can't guarantee that it can OK.

It's just that when he told Rum about the plan, it was obviously impossible to say no, saying that everything was under control. As long as he could open the guidance room, he could conquer Copalluon with this, and Rum really believed it. He even deliberately asked questions to find out how the machine worked, and he really felt that it was useful.

At this time, he followed what Apollo told him before. After the machine controlled Copaleon, he took out the Poké Ball he had prepared and threw it directly in the direction of Copalion. .

"Come in! Be my strength!" Rum shouted here.

At this time, Big Bird had already released the storm, and the huge storm hit the machine, but it was still a step too late. Xiao Mao was also a little bluffed by Rum, and he also felt that the other party's plan might succeed. He watched with some despair as the Poké Ball landed on Gopalon, who was knocked down by electricity.

Then... there is no more. Yes, there was no reaction at all. The elf ball landed on Gopalluon, and then there was no reaction at all. It rebounded directly in the next second and flew back in the direction of Rum. Rum here was stunned and subconsciously caught the bouncing elf ball.

"This Gopalluon...is a Pokémon with an owner." Xiao Mao suddenly said in a daze.

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