On the other side, Sakaki's invasion went very smoothly.

Sakaki here had no intention of sneaking in, so he directly revealed his identity openly. Although he was alone, the group of Rockets subordinates who saw him did not dare to stop him.

Many people were just stared at by Sakaki, and the other party backed down without taking action. When no one dared to take action against Sakaki, Sakaki here also walked straight towards the depths of the underground cave.

Soon, Apollo naturally also received the news. His former boss Sakaki came, and he came alone. Of course, his men couldn't stop Sakaki. This was something he knew from the beginning, but what he didn't expect was that no one dared to attack Sakaki. The other party dared to come alone. This also meant that he didn't take him seriously at all. ah.

"Damn guys... and these idiots..." Apollo was very angry with his men, but he probably knew why they didn't dare to take action. Not only because of the gap in strength, the most important thing is that they still recognize Sakaki as the boss, so they still have to go out and face Sakaki themselves.

Apollo can understand what his subordinates are thinking, mainly because he himself is a little afraid of Sakaki. He used to be Sakaki's younger brother in the Rockets. Now, deep down in his heart, he is naturally more afraid of Sakaki, but he doesn't want to admit it.

But whether you admit it or not, your body is still very honest. While standing up and saying that he wanted to face Sakaki, Apollo also pulled the alarm and summoned all his men. Since the opponent doesn't take him seriously and dares to come here alone, he must defeat the opponent this time in order to prove that he is the real evolved Rockets.

Not long after, Apollo appeared in front of Sakaki. At this time, more and more people were surrounding Sakaki. Seeing that there were so many people on his side, Apollo felt a little more relieved when facing Sakaki, at least he was not so scared anymore.

"Sakaki, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant and dare to come to my base alone." Apollo took a step forward and said to Sakaki.

"Apollo, you are still the immature boy that we were when we met. You haven't made any progress at all in the past few years." Sakaki said politely.

"Shut up! I'm no longer the same person I used to be. And you're no longer the same person you used to be." Apollo here said angrily, "When I first joined Team Rocket, you were indeed the one I admired. That leader, my loyalty to you at that time was real. But you have changed over the years. Since being defeated by that boy, you are no longer the boss Sakaki you were back then."

"I'm still the same me, and the Rockets are still the same Rockets. The one who really went astray is you, Apollo." Sakaki said directly here.

"No, everything is wrong!" Apollo yelled here, "I'm not talking about you being defeated, but your philosophy has changed, and you are no longer suitable to lead the Rockets. In other words, the Rockets are no longer the same Rockets. Now my Rockets are the real Rockets, an evolved and more powerful Rockets."

"It's so... childish." Sakaki curled his lips and said with great disdain, "A little guy like you should just go back to sleep, kid."

"You guy...get it, Big Mouth Bat!" As expected, the first person to be angered was Apollo, which shows that Sakaki was really crushing Apollo casually in terms of psychology. Apollo was obviously worried. With a wave of his hand, the big-mouthed bat behind him rushed forward.

However, Sakaki here stood there without even moving when faced with the attacking Pokémon. However, just when the big-mouthed bat came to Sakaki, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from Sakaki's side and hit the big-mouthed bat directly. The speed was too fast, let alone dodging. Neither the Big-mouthed Bat nor its trainer Apollo saw clearly what was going on.

With one blow, the big-mouthed bat here flew back directly and hit Apollo's wall with a "bang".

"Big Mouth Bat!" Apollo looked down and found that the eyes of Big Mouth Bat here had begun to circle. Apparently, he was killed by Sakaki's Pokémon. At this time, Apollo looked up at Sakaki and found that a shadow had appeared beside him. At this time, it slowly revealed its true identity. It was the ghost-type Pokémon, Gengar.

"Gengar?" Apollo was quite familiar with Sakaki's elves. This Gengar was also one of Sakaki's aces, and its level was quite high. Sure enough, Sakaki here was not unprepared. He should have released Gengar just now and had been lurking beside him to protect him.

"Damn it, let's go together and deal with him." Apollo didn't want to talk about martial ethics. After all, he didn't think he could beat Sakaki in a one-on-one fight. Moreover, they were Team Rocket, so there was no martial ethics. With so many people surrounding him, wouldn't it be stupid to challenge him one on one?

And he also knew clearly that this Gengar was not Sakaki's strongest Pokémon, Sakaki's real ace, but Nidoqueen and the powerful cat boss, in short, quickly used the advantage of numbers to weaken the opponent's Pokémon. Let’s talk about it again. Otherwise, it might really be penetrated by him alone.

Probably because Apollo was present in person, those subordinates who had not dared to fight with Sakaki before now all took out their Poké Balls. A lot of Poke Balls were thrown forward, and a large number of Pokémon appeared directly. Of course, there are more Pokémon such as Megabat, Lada, Smelly, Double-Bomb Gas, and Black Luca.

Although even a layman would know the gap between the training of elves on both sides, after all, the number was large. In an instant, the people on Apollo's side began to gain momentum, thinking that they might really be able to do it.

However, Sakaki here only used one blow to let everyone understand what the gap in strength was.

"No matter how many sheep there are, it is impossible to surround and kill the lions." Sakaki said and pointed forward, "They are too weak. To deal with them, Gengar, use the wave of evil."

"Jie Jie..." The Gengar here let out a weird laugh, and then his whole body flashed with black light, and a black ripple centered on its body and quickly spread out in all directions.

With a few "bang bang bang" sounds, several Pokémon that had been close to Sakaki were instantly engulfed by the black light wave and were directly rushed away. The attacks of the people on Apollo's side were obviously affected by this evil attack. The fluctuations were contained.

"Use... Shadow Ball!" Sakaki here ordered again. Gengar opened his mouth and spat out a purple-black ball directly from his mouth, hitting the middle of the pile of Pokémon again. With a loud noise, another large number of Pokémon were hit by the shadow ball. After being blown away, they fell to the ground and did not get up again.

Two attacks had already killed most of the Pokémon that came forward in the first wave. Obviously the power shown here is dominant.

Seeing this situation, Apollo's heart was once again shrouded in Sakaki's shadow. Before this, he had always stayed by Sakaki's side. In addition to respecting him, he also had fear of him. At this moment, he actually remembered the fear of being dominated by Sakaki.

Apollo is like this, and so are the other subordinates. Although these people were also members of Team Rocket before this, not many people had really seen Sakaki's strength, but now they faced him, and they realized how powerful their leader was. He was simply invincible. They rebelled against Team Rocket, Can it really succeed?

At this time, Sakaki here was obviously close to controlling the situation, but at this moment, a burst of timely footsteps came from the rear passage. Apollo immediately turned around and looked around, and found that the people who came were all his men, dozens of people, and reinforcements had arrived.

Yes, hadn't the alarm been sounded before? The people here had obviously been patrolling various places in the base and came after hearing the alarm. Fortunately, these people arrived in time. Once the reinforcements arrived, the morale of the army was stabilized.

Apollo also came to his senses and hurriedly hid the fear in his heart again. After he sobered up a little, he also figured out that he had already betrayed Sakaki, and it was obvious that there was only one way to go. Things have reached this point, and the arrow has to be fired.

"As expected of Boss Sakaki, your strength is indeed amazing. However, this is my territory. Can you really fight against so many people?" Apollo here quickly boosted morale and stabilized those who looked panicked before, " Even a lion gets tired sometimes. When you choose to come to my base alone, you have already lost. You underestimated me. Today, you will be defeated here again! Come on!"

"Cut... lamb or something, whatever comes is just food." Sakaki said still indifferently.

However, Apollo's words did have some effect. The previous group of subordinates either started looking for opportunities to move out again, or they had already taken back the first defeated Pokémon and released their second Pokémon. . Yes, Apollo's men are considered a relatively elite Team Rocket unit, and most of the members have several Pokémon.

However, although they were very active, Apollo turned around and noticed that the group of men coming from behind did not take any action. Especially the few standing next to him looked anxious, but they just stood there and looked at them.

"You guy, why don't you act? Are you ready to betray me?" Apollo directly picked up the inactive man standing next to him and asked him.

"That... leader, I also want to help you." The subordinate here said anxiously, "But... but now I am just a little white rabbit."

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