I really can't control myself

Chapter 2280 Arrangement

"Did you see it? Did you see it?" Hearing this, Linton here started to sneer again, "Look, I said you have little social experience. I know there is an inside story at a glance. I said that these people from Team Rocket don’t have time to do these things, so it’s really the people from the winery who did it.”

"So people from Team Rocket are not involved yet." Xiao Mao here said not admitting defeat.

"So I've said you have little social experience, but you still don't admit it." Linton said with a smile, "This matter seems to be led by people from the winery. These people who are eager to betray Sakaki are probably the ones who were People are being used as weapons and being used by others to do their jobs. If only he had a little more brains, he wouldn't do things like this. I'm right, Mr. Sakaki."

"Old man?" Sakaki's mouth twitched. He had to say that Linton's names were getting more and more casual, but he still pretended not to hear him and said, "I thought so too, that idiot Apollo, It's probably that someone is taking advantage of it, and I don't even know it yet. The person leading this matter should be the organization called the winery you mentioned."

"Look, look, so why do you always get beaten up by this old man? It's because you lack social experience. This old man is the most sane person in the world, okay?" Linton pointed at Sakaki next to him.

"..." Let's not talk about Xiao Mao's reaction. Anyway, the expression of the old man Sakaki next to him didn't look like he was being praised.

"How do you know that this matter was led by people from that winery?" Xiao Mao asked with some doubts. He was obviously wary of Sakaki and would not blindly believe his words. Just in case you are lying, it is possible that someone from Team Rocket did this.

"How do you think I found where Apollo and the others are here now?" Sakaki suddenly smiled and said.

"Well..." Xiaomao really hasn't thought about this problem.

"All his information was proactively provided to me by the organization called the winery." Sakaki did not show off, and directly revealed the answer, "Obviously, the person they want to cooperate with more is me, and It's not like Apollo and the others are useless. The news about them is probably just a meeting gift. The man named Rum contacted me and offered pretty good conditions..."

"Indeed, although they are indeed not good at combat effectiveness now, they should be really rich if they have money." Linton nodded, and he roughly guessed what conditions the black organization would provide. The leader of the family, Karasuma Renaya, is a super rich man. It is said that he has endless money. But Team Rocket, who suddenly came to this world, really needs a lot of money and resources if they want to gain a foothold. The two sides can really cooperate.

"It's not just about money, their influence seems to be very deep. They have influence in many places." Sakaki here has obviously received a lot of information from Rum, "What I value more , but their intelligence network, I have to say, they can indeed provide me with a lot of help in this regard."

"So you want to cooperate with them?" Linton asked.

"Of course I...rejected directly." Sakaki trailed off slightly, as if he wanted to observe Linton's reaction, but he quickly gave the answer, "To be honest, I don't like this kind of connection. I’m not interested at all in the cooperation proposed by a guy who dares not show his face.”

"A chain of contempt for underground organizations?" Linton raised his forehead.

"And the other party is really unethical. Cooperating with them will probably be a headache." Sakaki continued, "Just like Apollo now, although they are using them from the beginning, they are also talking about a cooperative relationship. Then I How do we know that the other party is not taking advantage of us now?"

"To put it simply, it is impossible to build trust." Linton nodded, "I can't take this seriously. The key is that people don't dare to let you know their situation. As for why, is it because they are so weak now? Really? If they let you know how vain they are, don't worry about something happening."

"So this organization has a problem with you?" Although Sakaki doesn't know the relationship between Linton and this winery, Linton must know them. Linton just mentioned the name of the winery first, and he didn't even know the name of the winery. This nickname. Judging from the situation, this relationship is not a harmonious one, and it seems from Linton's tone that he doesn't like it very much.

"It's not about celebrating the holidays. After all, if you really have a holiday with me, the first partner you should look for is the coffin shop, not you." Linton said, "It's just that I'm starting to get annoyed with them now."

"Do you need my help?" Sakaki here said, "I think the trouble you feel here is not that they are difficult to deal with, but that they are difficult to find, right. I have a way to bring them to you. .”

"Um...can you help invite them out?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Sakaki nodded, "Although I expressed my refusal, the person opposite didn't seem to give up. The person named Rum didn't seem to refuse so persistently when it came to meeting again. That is to say , if we really want to make an appointment first, they should come."

"No, after all, you are selling your teammates to get high," Linton said.

"I never said that I like to cooperate with my other self." Sakaki spread his hands indifferently, "Because they are just being used, they can be discarded at any time. I can understand why they treat Apollo and the others like this, so I just I don’t want to cooperate with them, and I didn’t say I hate them. It’s just that they are the ones being taken advantage of this time... What about it, do you want to do it?”

"I found that your Rocket team is really reliable in doing things. No wonder you are so prosperous, including the previous production line and the elf eggs." Linton couldn't help but said, " Okay, let’s ask this person out quickly and give it a try.”

"That's it." Sakaki thought for a while and then said, "I will make an agreement with this Rum now to meet at Apollo's temporary camp. I told him that I want to humiliate this traitor in person and make him rely on him. The partner betrayed him in person and explained the situation to him, which can be regarded as the other party's sincerity. I guess that Rum will agree to such conditions."

"Oh oh oh, this script seems to be arranged well. That is, you catch the traitor first, and then Rum appears, giving the opponent hope and at the same time, instantly jumps back. Finally, when Rum and the others are proud, I will appear again, perfect. Come on, come on, hurry up and start walking." Linton said.

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