I really can't control myself

Chapter 2275 Confirmation

There are indeed some differences in the thinking of people in the two worlds. Linton's first reaction was a foreign conspiracy, while Dr. Uchigi's first reaction was the designated villains of the Pokemon world, Team Rocket.

In that world, basically anything that happens can be blamed on the Rockets. They really are not the ones taking the blame. The actual situation is most likely like that. For example, for the sudden disappearance of Dr. Oak, before the world merged, it was most likely done by someone from Team Rocket. After all, no other villain had done this.

Speaking of what happened to the Rockets, Linton really didn't care. I had said hello to their boss Sakaki before and planned to make it easier for them. After all, if everything is focused on cooperation with the Pokémon Alliance, China will still be quite passive. It can be regarded as multiple choices. But I haven’t heard Lu Ping talk about this recently.

In other words, the Rockets did not follow their instructions?

It doesn't seem to be the case. Linton thought about it and felt that the Rockets should also be in chaos at this time. After all, after the world merged, because the Pokemon world there was relatively small, after merging with a larger world, it seemed to be directly broken up.

Team Rocket could originally be organized together, but once the personnel are dispersed, it is really not easy to organize again. It is estimated that it will not be easy for Sakaki to find his original subordinates.

The Pokémon Alliance had help from their own side. They directly opened the portal and forcibly pulled people together. Only then could they organize themselves again. Some other organizations, not just the Rockets, are probably in chaos like foreign countries now.

"Team Rocket..." Linton judged that Team Rocket was unlikely, but he did not directly deny it in front of Dr. Uchigi. After thinking about it, there was someone I could ask about this matter. Of course, this person was talking about Lu Ping.

Yes, Dr. Omu has an important mission. He will disappear if he says he can't see him. Shouldn't this person be the one Lu Ping is responsible for protecting? Now that the person was gone, Linton naturally went to the person in charge, Lu Ping, to ask what was going on. If it was a foreign spy, naturally Lu Ping should know more.

After talking to Dr. Nemu here, Linton opened a portal directly in front of Lu Ping. Although he knew that Linton had the ability to teleport, Lu Ping was still startled by Linton's sudden appearance. After all, he usually took the initiative to find Linton, and the number of times Linton took the initiative to find him was really rare.

But what surprised Linton was that as soon as he walked out of the portal, he heard Xiao Mao's voice. After taking a look, Xiaomao was indeed next to Lu Ping, and the two seemed to be talking about something.

"Why are you here?" Linton asked a little strangely.

"I'm here to apply." Xiao Mao said simply.

"What application?" Linton asked a little strangely. Of course, Lu Ping next to him answered the question proactively.

It turns out that what Xiaomao applied for was actually the survey and excavation of the ruins. Didn't Regichicas directly lift the entire underwater city to the surface of the sea before? Now the whole city is a huge ruin. For antiquities researchers, it is a real treasure.

Xiao Mao happened to be the professional counterpart here, and he was originally doing research in this area. When he saw that city on the seabed before, Xiao Mao thought that he must come here to explore this ancient ruins. Now it was even more convenient. Regigicas even carried the city to the land, and Xiao Mao couldn't hold it in any longer.

However, Xiao Mao naturally didn't know who he was applying to, so he knew that he had found Lu Ping. At present, Lu Ping is basically responsible for this aspect, which refers to all things related to the Pokemon world. Obviously, this was too much, and it made him a little overloaded.

Fortunately, Linton had given him a boost when he first met him, doubling his physical strength. Thinking about it, this was a very wise thing to do, otherwise Linton might have to see him in the hospital bed.

"What time is it now, do you still have time to study the ruins?" After hearing the reason, Linton immediately changed his face and said to Xiao Mao righteously. Linton would definitely take this rare opportunity to teach his nephew a lesson.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao was stunned for a moment. Of course, he obviously didn't know when Linton meant "when". He thought Linton meant that the gym wasn't entrusted to him before. Regarding the mission of the gym leader, he said, "But now I am only interested in the study of ancient ruins. Gym leader is really not suitable for me. My mind is now on that ruins..."

"Shut up!" Linton suddenly shouted, "What a relic, nephew, you really should reflect on your life. Haven't you ever thought about what kind of things are in your life?" Is it more important?"

"Uh..." Such a sudden sentence made Xiao Mao here not sure how to answer it. He looked at Linton with a puzzled face. This guy suddenly went crazy.

"It's family! Do you understand?" Linton yelled directly.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao was even more confused, "Um... I admit that what you said makes sense, but the question is, what kind of trouble are you making when you suddenly say this?"

"So you only think about realizing your ideals. Have you ever cared about your family?" Linton said righteously again, "You are used to being wild outside. You didn't even give your family a check when you came back yesterday. Did you say hello?"

"Didn't I come back with you?" Xiao Mao said, holding his forehead, still not sure what Linton meant.

"It's good that you know that I am your uncle." Linton understood what Xiaomao meant. Xiaomao probably thought that Linton was blaming him for not telling him about this matter, which was the matter of surveying the ruins. But this is not what Linton wants to use this time. "But apart from me, shouldn't I also care about other family members?"

"Uh...grandpa? So I haven't called grandpa for a long time. Did he ask you to come and talk to me about this?" Xiao Mao asked. Because of course he also knew that Dr. Omu was living with Linton, and he thought it was because he hadn't contacted his grandfather for a long time. As a result, the old man complained to Linton, and then Linton came to cause trouble for him.

"Did you know that your grandfather is missing?" Linton said suddenly.

"Huh?" This sudden sentence obviously confused Xiao Mao again.

"I have been missing for two whole days. If you had said hello to your grandfather when we came back yesterday, you wouldn't have discovered this now." Linton said.

"What? Missing?" Xiao Mao was indeed stunned for a while, but he relaxed quickly. "Oh, it's okay. My grandpa hasn't been home for two days, right? It should be fine. He often doesn't come home for several days. , after all, once he starts doing research, he will completely lose track of time."

Dr. Oak does "disappear" often because he is a Pokémon researcher. Once he discovers something interesting, he will immediately enter research mode. In this case, it is possible to "disappear" for several days, and he will not come back until he completes his own research.

Xiaomao is so calm because he has encountered the same thing before. He thought his grandfather had disappeared and hadn't seen anyone for a few days. But it turned out that his grandfather came back on his own not long after, saying that he had discovered new Pokémon's living habits and so on. He had been observing for a few days.

Yes, once Dr. Ohki started researching, he really didn’t care about anything. Xiaomao also tried to contact him via video call, but no one answered at all, so he thought he was missing. But in fact, Dr. Oki just turned off the phone. When he was doing research and observation, he didn't want to be disturbed by other people at all.

"Dr. Omu is missing?" Lu Ping next to him was also stunned for a moment. Logically, he should know what happened, but he didn't receive any news. Now he felt a little strange. Even if the other party was really doing research as Xiaomao said, his own people would probably report the situation.

"Wait a minute, let me ask about the situation." Lu Ping probably knew why Linton came to him, obviously asking about Dr. Omu. Although he is the person in charge, of course he cannot do everything personally and cannot take care of so many things.

Picking up the phone, he immediately contacted the person in charge. These important people from the Pokemon world were indeed watching and protecting them.

However, after asking for a while, Lu Ping's expression changed a bit. To be precise, it should have become ugly. Even before the contact was finished, Xiao Mao had already realized from Lu Ping's face that something might really have happened.

Linton naturally knew that this was not a misunderstanding, because his aura detection had already told him that something was wrong. If nothing goes wrong, why can't Dr. Oak's aura be detected? There is no ability to conceal the aura in this world...or maybe there is one. Some Pokémon may actually have such a skill, such as Ma Chateau and the like. But Dr. Ohki certainly doesn't need to do this deliberately.

"Things are a bit troublesome." Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Lu Ping came back with a sullen expression. He had obviously cursed on the phone just now. Although he could walk away for a while, his voice was still quite loud. .

"What happened? My grandfather is really missing?" Xiao Mao became a little anxious when he heard this.

"Not only Dr. Omu, but the two people on my side who are responsible for protecting Dr. Omu have also lost contact. These two people are not ordinary people, and those who can make them lose contact are probably not ordinary people. This matter... is not simple. " Lu Ping said.

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