I really can't control myself

Chapter 2272 Communication

Following Linton's kick, the ground here began to shake again. Something was also lifted up, but this time it was the temple in the mountain.

Yes, Linton is still using Earth Escape's Earth Core Movement. This is a very convenient skill. Linton also used this method to turn dungeons directly into dungeons in the Dark World.

Of course, although this ability is somewhat similar to lifting, the scope of its effect is obviously not as exaggerated as Regichkas's. Even if Linton opened the six-channel mode, it would not be possible to reach such a scale.

He could also lift it piece by piece, but in the end he could only get out pieces of rectangular stone pillars, because he couldn't control the whole piece to lift it up, just like Regichkas made it so perfect.

But it can still be done to pull out a temple. So as the ground shook again, the entire middle part of the mountain was pulled upwards like an elevator. Soon, the entire temple that Linton and the others had reached rose up. Of course, Linton and the others also saw Regic again. Cass.

At this time, Regichkas was standing in the middle of the temple, a bit like the place where it was sealed before. The opponent's hands were grabbing the ground. Looking at it like this, Linton felt that it must have used this method to lift the entire ground. It seems that this is not a physical elevation, but a "magic" type of elevation.

Of course, Regichcas's "practice" has been completed at this time, and the entire temple has been pulled out. Regichcas here does not seem to resist, and he and Linton are pulling each other back and forth, you are going up and I am going down, etc. . On the contrary, Linton saw that its situation seemed a bit abnormal.

Yes, the look of Regichicas here is a little different from when he fought with him just now. No matter how you look at it, you feel... he seems a little tired. Just standing there seemed to take a lot of energy for Regichkas here. Of course, it actually didn't do anything special, it just gave Linton this feeling inexplicably.

Linton naturally believed in his feelings, otherwise what would he believe? Scientific? So it actually took a lot of effort to lift the continent in this area... maybe.

"Stop..." Suddenly a voice sounded in Linton's ears. Linton was stunned for a moment. The voice was not the voice of Xiao Mao or Qiao Yungang, but a voice he had never heard before. Moreover, this sound did not seem to be heard. In this chaotic environment, it was not disturbed by the sound of flying sand and stones around it. It seemed as if it appeared from my own ears.

Because he also had a Pokémon that could only talk, Linton guessed that it was probably telepathy or something like that, and the person who made the sound was probably Regigicas in front of him.

"Let me ask you, can you talk?" Linton looked at Regichicas here with some strangeness. The main reason was that one of the three divine pillars was competing with the other. Linton initially assumed that the other party could not speak. As he spoke, he didn't expect Rejichikas here to speak.

"Speaking..." Xiao Mao and the others next to them obviously heard the same voice, and they were also a little surprised.

"The thing you want is here." At this time, Regichkas suddenly took a step forward, but he did not move steadily and stopped after just one step. Standing where he was, Regichkas also took out a gray slate from nowhere.

Because he had touched it several times, Linton could naturally tell at a glance that the stone that Regichkas handed him was obviously one of Arceus's slates. It seemed that it should be a slate with general properties.

The other party's unexpected self-consciousness made Linton a little confused. The previous three divine pillars were handed over by Linton after he defeated and subdued them. And Rejichikas actually gave it to him so consciously. More importantly, the other party actually knew that this was what he wanted. This is not a low intelligence.

Linton was of course not polite and took the slate directly. While clicking upload, he also asked directly: "You know I want this...where did it come from?"

"I'm not very sure, it... seems to have always been here, and it seems to have never existed..." Rejichikas said.

"Your TN suddenly started talking about the Riddler, right? You're here and not here again. It's going to rain or not rain today. Do you know that you're just talking nonsense again?" Linton said with a frown.

"I... really don't know." Regichkas said again.

"..." Although Rejichikas's answer did not satisfy Linton because there was no clue about the slate, Linton felt that Regichicas did not seem to be lying. In other words, the general situation should be that Arceus temporarily placed the stone slab with it and took it back at any time when it was needed? Or maybe Arceus himself used magic power to make some replicas that could function as stone slabs, and the original stone slabs were actually placed somewhere else?

"Leave, there is nothing you want here anymore." Rejichikas here said again.

"Huh? Are you teaching me how to do something?" Linton said rudely.

"As you can see, this place has become a ruins. All the people who lived here before are no longer here." Regichkas here ignored Linton's provocative words and continued to follow his path. He said in an unhurried rhythm, "They will sleep here, please don't disturb them anymore."

"Then you raised this continent just to let them see the light of day again?" Xiao Mao asked next to him.

However, Rejichikas here did not answer Xiaomao's question, but continued to follow his own words: "I have consumed most of my power and am about to enter dormancy again, just like before."

"So... you were not sealed, but entered dormancy yourself?" Xiao Mao asked again. It seems that there is no theory that humans betrayed the patron saint and sealed it. What is the seal recorded on the stone tablet? What's going on?

"Leave, humans." Regichkas said again, "There is nothing you want here."

"What...what should we do now? There doesn't seem to be any treasures here. It's about to go dormant, so it can't be conquered." Xiao Mao looked at Linton next to him and asked. Obviously there is no point in taming a Pokémon that is about to go into hibernation. Thousands of years have passed since the last time it hibernated. What do you expect it to do in the future?

"Well..." Linton didn't mind that much. After all... the slate was already in hand, and the biggest task was solved. He handed it over on his own initiative with a good attitude. I looked at Regichicas here, let it go, and found a reason...

"Can you fly?" Linton asked suddenly.

"...No..." Although he didn't know what was going on, Regichkas here still answered Linton's question.

"Okay! Those who can't fly are companions. I, Linton, recognize you and will spare you this time." Linton waved his hand and said.

"What's going on with your twisted identity conditions!" Xiao Mao yelled directly next to him.

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