I really can't control myself

Chapter 2269 Unblocking

The reaction this time was obviously more intense than the previous times. Just after Xiao Mao completed the actions prompted on the stone board, the stone wall in front suddenly reacted.

The collapse of the stone wall that appeared this time was particularly large. The entire wall in front collapsed directly, and a dark passage appeared behind.

Linton and the others naturally entered the passage quickly. Not long after walking forward, the passage turned into an upward staircase. Yes, this is obviously a man-made staircase. Judging from the size of each step, it is for human use. It is obvious that someone built this place before. To be honest, this is quite strange.

There are really a lot of secrets about this so-called seal, and there are all kinds of strange situations, and it is somewhat impossible to restore what happened between the ancients and Regichkas.

In short, there is only one way, and this is obviously the way to go. The four of them also climbed up the stairs. After walking for a while, the passage became flat again, but the size of the passage gradually began to expand, and finally, it passed through a large space.

This is another large cave, it should be natural, but after Gotha Duck used the flash, everyone was surprised to find that there was actually a building inside the cave, a square building like a temple. .

The shape of the overall building is somewhat similar to those seen on the seabed before, indicating that this should be a temple built by ancient people. I don’t know whether this temple was used to worship the god Regichicas, or whether it was specially used to seal it.

There is no doubt that the target they are looking for is inside the temple. Everyone also arrived at the door of the temple. Against the falling dust, Linton pushed open the heavy temple door with one hand. What appeared in front of everyone at this time was the giant statue standing on the high platform in front.

Yes, the Gotha Duck here hasn't used the flash technique yet this time, but everyone has already seen the situation clearly. It wasn't that there was any lighting equipment in the temple, but that there was a beam of light that looked like moonlight coming down from the top of the giant statue's head, illuminating the giant statue.

And this colossus is obviously Regichicas. The huge body still has no head shape. There are several colored dots on the chest. This time there are six, arranged in two rows and three verticals. It looks a bit similar to the previous Braille text. Now I am suspicious of this text. It was also created based on Regichicas. It seems that this wave of ancient people are really closely related to Regichicas.

Linton looked at the beam of light that looked a little like a spotlight from the top of the giant statue's head with some strangeness. Looking up, there is actually no light-emitting device on the top of the room that looks like a temple. There is a hole above, and the light shines down from the hole.

Could this really be the moonlight? They had been in the passage seven or eighty thousand times before. To be honest, Linton himself didn’t know their specific location now. It was impossible that they would come here again after a long circle. Close to the surface.

However, this is not the time to worry about the specific location. Since we have already arrived in front of Regichkas, we should quickly deal with this thing first.

But somewhat unexpectedly, Linton and the others were not attacked this time. Yes, in the previous rooms, Regirock, Regice, and Regis Chiru all pounced on them like mad dogs. And they are the kind that both trainers and Pokémon fight.

But Rejichikas was still standing quietly on the stage, which surprised Linton.

Seeing that the opponent did not attack, Linton and the others naturally took the initiative to step forward. To be precise, Linton went up first, but until he reached the front of Rejichikas, the other party still didn't move. Afterwards, others saw that there was no danger, so they followed.

"Is this thing... petrified?" Linton took a closer look and found that this thing looked more like a stone statue up close. Of course, because it is so exquisite, it should be the real thing, just petrified. There was nothing else in the room, so Linton was sure that this was the real owner, but now he didn't seem to move.

"Maybe this is the seal." Xiao Mao looked around and said. At the same time, he was also looking around, because there were texts left by ancient people in the previous rooms to teach them what to do. . Seeing that Regichicas couldn't move, he probably was really sealed. He wanted to find out if there was a way to unblock it in this room.

But the surrounding tables were very clean. Let alone words, there was nothing except the giant statue of Regichicas, and it was completely blank.

There was no clue at this time. Xiaomao searched hard again. Of course, Qiao Yungang and Qianye Aili were also helping to search, but there was really nothing worth noting.

"Ask those three guys." Xiao Mao suddenly thought of the three divine pillars that had just been conquered by Linton. They didn't know the situation, but they should know something.

"It's just the three of them. I guess they don't know anything about it." Linton had just tried it. These three things were really obedient, but when asked about their situation, they just stood there dumbly. Linton Dun said that he was really angry and wanted to ask about Shi Ban but there was no response for a long time.

"Then give it a try. Otherwise, what do you think we should do?" Xiao Mao said, "This thing might really be a stone statue. Maybe Rejichikas has left the seal long ago..."

"Stone statue?" Linton looked at the giant statue of Regichicas next to him. It really looked like an ordinary stone statue, and it didn't move. Linton had also used the elimination method before, and felt that there was nothing else in the room, so he was sure that this was him. However, what Xiaomao said seemed to make sense, in case Rejichikas had already unsealed and left.

It was said that it was sealed, but in fact it had been unsealed a long time ago. Linton had not seen this kind of thing in other scripts. Isn't this what the Fairy Tail world I've been to before is like this? The rumors that the great demon king Zeref was sealed and so on, but he was walking around fine, and even became the emperor, are really all kinds of outrageous.

"What you said... is possible, but there is a way to easily verify it." Linton said with a smile.

"What can I do?" Xiao Mao asked.

"See what this is?" Linton suddenly raised his right hand and made a fist.

"How do I know what it is if you don't open your fist?" Xiao Mao thought Linton was talking about the thing he held in his hand and rolled his eyes.

"I mean this is my fist, just use this thing to verify it." Linton said.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao was stunned for a moment.

"Look, if I punch this, if this is an ordinary stone statue, it will explode directly." Linton said.

"Uh... I would have a problem with it when other people say this, but what you said seems to be true..." Xiao Mao nodded.

"But if it is a Pokémon, even if it is sealed or petrified, do you think it will break into pieces?" Linton said, "The will of the world will still protect it. If it says it can't be broken into pieces, then it really can't. . Having said that, I really want to try to see if I can blow this thing up."

"Hit him directly?" Xiao Mao finally understood what Linton meant. This was... too simple and crude.

"Anyway, there will be a fight later. It will happen sooner or later. Let's just strike first. The previous divine pillars always struck first. Let's go to their boss to pay the debt." Linton spread his hands and said.

I have to say that what Linton said actually makes some sense. Anyway, there will indeed be a fight later. But what you are actually doing is like tearing off a seal with your bare hands. To be honest, this mode of thinking is a bit different from Xiaomao's inherent mode, which is really hard for him to accept.

Do you think that ever since the ancient people's seal ruins were first discovered, wouldn't Xiao Mao have been relying on deciphering the slates, decrypting them based on the Braille on the slates, and then getting here step by step? And then the last step is to just tear off the seal with your bare hands? Isn't this too much of a difference?

But just when he was still thinking about whether to accept it or not, Linton took action directly and didn't give him any time to think about it.

Linton walked directly in front of the stone statue of Regichicas, raised his hand and hit the stone statue directly. Because he took action so quickly, the other three people didn't even see clearly how he took action.

Linton still hit with a little force, which caused a loud "bang" sound to come directly from above their heads the next second.

Several people raised their heads and saw that a large hole had appeared above them, and a lot of sand and gravel leaked directly from the hole above. More light shone in from the entrance of the cave, and then the three of them realized that Linton's blow had knocked away the entire stone statue in front of them.

"See, the whole thing flew away without breaking into pieces. This thing is just a stone statue." Linton pointed to the top of his head and said.

"Why... no water leaked down?" Only then did the three people here react. Yes, weren't they at the bottom of the sea? Linton's blow directly shattered the ceiling, and the light shone down. This should be moonlight, but why didn't sea water pour in?

"Fossil pterosaur!" Xiao Mao waved his hand, and the fossil pterosaur appeared with a white light. Xiao Mao also directly grabbed the claws of the fossil pterosaur. The fossil pterosaur cooperated tacitly and took off directly, flying towards the hole above its head.

Coming out of the cave entrance, Xiao Mao was stunned again. Yes, what I didn't expect was that they were actually on land at this time, and it was still a familiar place. Isn't this the island they were on at the beginning? In other words, they went to the bottom of the sea and circled around, but the location of the temple was actually inside the island at the beginning, and this time they came back.

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