It seems that bringing the Roaring Whale King is really useful. I don’t know how it locks the direction. The current action is really to lead Linton and the others forward.

Of course, there was nothing to say. Everyone quickly followed behind the Roaring Whale King. The Roaring Whale King here passed through the ruins of many cities and slowly came to a place that looked like a canyon under the sea.

Further downstream along the canyon, you can still see the ruins of many buildings, quite a lot. It's just that the buildings here seem to be more seriously damaged. It may have something to do with the ocean currents here. The currents here are obviously faster than the ones just now. Maybe because of this, the damage and erosion of the buildings are more serious.

Not long after, the leader of the team, the Roaring Whale King, led them to a location that looked like an undersea cave. Just under this pile of ruins of unknown buildings, at first glance it looks like a crack in a submarine valley, but if you look more closely, you can always feel that there are traces of man-made things. Because of the size of the entrance, It seems to be about the same size as the Roaring Whale King.

Seeing that the Roaring Whale King looked like he was about to go in, everyone paused for a moment and then checked the condition of the respirator. Roughly speaking, it only takes about ten minutes, and I should still be able to hold on for about ten minutes. Although I don't know how deep the hole is, I should still be able to hold on.

So Linton waved his hand in the water, and everyone entered the cave directly. Of course, when entering, everyone had a tacit understanding of one thing, which was to let Qiao Yungang lead the Roaring Whale King at the front, and the Roaring Whale King would clear the way. Then Chiba Ellie, who was leading the Ancient Coelacanthus, walked at the end, and the entire team now automatically felt like a team.

As I said before, this passage is very narrow to begin with, just the size of the Roaring Whale King. This roaring whale king led the way and blocked all the gaps. Maybe the sinking into the sea was not considered during the design. There are now many coral and other holes on the mountain wall inside, and some places are quite difficult to get through. However, the power of the Roaring Whale King is still quite strong, so he just opened the way and squeezed through.

The good news is that the passage here doesn't seem to have any forks. The overall feeling is that it is going downwards at first, but after drilling a few times, everyone basically can't figure out the up, down, left, and right. . This cave originally felt quite depressing, and it was so dark that even a flashlight spell couldn't illuminate it.

Just when a few people were feeling claustrophobic in the abyss, the roaring whale king who took the lead suddenly stopped, and of course blocked everyone behind.

"..." Qiao Yungang here patted the roaring whale king anxiously, probably asking about its situation. Because the people behind could not see the movement in front of them at all, they were worried about whether there would be any danger here at first. Under such circumstances, they felt that they could accept the sudden appearance of a sea monster here.

With a "ding", the Gotha Duck next to him used the flash technique again, as he had done all the way before. After all, the lighting range of the flash technique is still limited. Now the surrounding area is a little brighter, and you can see the tail of the roaring whale king blocked in front, but the specific situation in front is still unclear.

Linton could feel that there was nothing in front of him, at least there was no scent of any creature. At this moment, Xiao Mao, who was next to him, suddenly patted Linton and pointed to the wall next to him.

Looking in the direction Xiao Mao pointed, Linton unexpectedly saw something familiar on the wall. Yes, the wall obviously feels like it has been deliberately smoothed, and the wall now feels like it is being used as a blackboard, and there is indeed something written on it, which is what Xiaomao said before, the ancient elven braille.

Before, I just asked Ellie Chiba to redraw it, but now it’s the first time I’ve seen the real thing. It is indeed a group of six bumpy dots, and the rows of them feel quite interesting.

Linton naturally couldn't understand it, and the only one who could interpret it was Xiao Mao. Linton also looked at Xiao Mao, and Xiao Mao had obviously begun to interpret it. After reading for a while, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and started swimming directly to the top of the passage, and then began to look for something.

After a while, Xiao Mao seemed to have found his target. He put his head into a small hole in the wall of the passage above, and then quickly seemed to crawl in. Linton, who followed, was also slightly stunned. The hole in the wall was not big, and Xiao Mao could fit in without thinking.

Yes, this passage should be semi-artificial. There should have been a similar cave like this originally, but it was modified and widened in some places. As for these small holes in the wall, they had seen a lot of them when they came here before. Some looked like cracks, and some looked like another way, but they didn't try to walk there. After all, this was not a roaring whale. The king is leading the way.

This time, Xiao Mao took the initiative to get into one of the small holes. Linton quickly guessed that it should be the content recorded in the words just now. This might be the right path. No wonder the Roaring Whale King stopped here, he must have received some message.

At this time, Linton probably guessed how the Howler Whale King received information. It was probably sound information, and it was the kind of sound that humans could not hear, such as low-pitched waves or ultrasonic waves. I heard that whales seem to be able to communicate through low-pitched waves or ultrasonic waves. It was probably something created by the ancient people who created this seal, specifically for the roaring whale king to hear.

Since Xiao Mao had climbed in, of course Linton quickly followed suit. This small passage is even narrower, probably just enough for a person to pass through. This time Linton could only go there by himself. Yes, he had been taken by Palkia before, and he didn't even bother to move. But Palkia's body cannot enter this place.

Also unable to enter was the Howling Whale King. Qiao Yungang also put away the Howling Whale King and swam in after him.

However, not long after swimming, there was suddenly no water ahead. Yes, after everyone moved forward in the passage for a while, they suddenly found that the sea water had not followed. Not long after emerging from the water, the passage reached the end. Climbing out of the hole, he suddenly came to a huge space.

"Flash technique!" In the darkness, his nephew Xiaomao's voice came, and then a white light lit up, and the surrounding area suddenly became brighter.

At this time, Linton also discovered that they had arrived in a cave without knowing it, and it was a cave without sea water. The cave is surrounded by rock walls, but in the middle of the cave, several rows of erected stone walls are found, which obviously do not look like natural stone walls. Also on the stone walls, Linton also saw ancient Elf Braille.

"Are you here? Is this the treasure room?" Qiao Yungang and Qianye Aili from behind also climbed out of the passage at this time, and of course they were also surprised by the situation here. After taking off the respirators, everyone was finally able to communicate.

"It's still that kind of writing." Chiba Allie here pointed to the uneven spots on the stone wall in front of her and said, "By the way, what is the writing you just saw below?"

"It's written from here up." Xiao Mao replied casually. At this time, he was already reading the meaning of the words written on the stone wall.

"The previous information should be the same as the information on the previous stone tablet." Chiba Aili also came over at this time and said. Although she doesn't know the ancient Elven Braille, she has a good memory. The previous ones were the same as the patterns on the stone slabs that she remembered, and they probably had the same meaning.

"Well, it's also written about the legendary Pokémon sealed here." Xiao Mao here also nodded, "But the record here is more detailed."

As he spoke, he walked to the stone slab at the back, looked at it briefly, and said, "According to the records here, the Pokémon sealed by the ancients was called Regichkas by them..."

As he spoke, Xiao Mao also glanced at Linton next to him. This was not the first time he heard this name. Linton had said before that the sealed Pokémon was called the King of Pillars, also known as Regichkas. Names like this were really chosen by him.

"Reji Chikas?" Chiba Ellie also looked at Linton. She had a good memory and of course she remembered Linton saying this name. However, Qiao Yungang next to her didn't realize what was going on. Why did the two of them suddenly Just look towards Linton.

Fortunately, Xiaomao is a little used to Linton's clueless information source. According to his estimation, it is probably a super power prophecy or something, because some people he knows also have this ability. , yes, I am talking about Nazi.

"According to the above records, this is a Pokémon with powerful abilities. It is said that it can even drag the entire continent. It was once worshiped as a god by ancient people." Xiaomao continued.

"Drag the continent?" Qiao Yungang and Qianye Aili were stunned when they heard this. Isn't this... too exaggerated? The entire continent?

"Afterwards, Regichkas used icebergs, rocks, lava and other materials to create Pokémon similar to him according to his own form, and gave them life." Xiaomao continued to interpret the content recorded on the stone wall.

"What? Give life?" The two of them were surprised again. Is this legendary Pokémon too powerful? Moving a continent is exaggerated enough. Can it also give life to inorganic objects such as ice? Isn’t creating life something that only God can do? No wonder people in ancient times worshiped it as a god.

"That's what it says on it." Xiaomao here said, "It seems that this Pokémon is indeed extraordinary. Is it really a legendary Pokémon?"

"Then... why was it sealed?" Qianye Allie asked.

"There's no record of it," Xiaomao said, " said that the Pokémon he created are still guarding them."

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