"Why are you talking about why the design of this helicopter's operating system is so troublesome? It's not humane at all. You can't put a keyboard or the like here, just six buttons up, down, left, right, forward and back." Lin Dun said while holding the operating lever, there are more than six buttons on this operating lever, not to mention, there is more than one operating lever.

Yes, helicopter operation in reality is really troublesome, as all four limbs have to be used. There are two pedals at the bottom and two operating levers at the top. The left hand controls the up and down, the right hand controls the front, rear, left and right, the right foot controls the accelerator, and the left foot controls the spin angle (stabilizing the fuselage). Not to mention there are a bunch of buttons next to them that I don’t understand what they are used for. .

The overly complicated operations and completely incomprehensible buttons quickly consumed Linton's patience. Although Chiba Ellie next to her was indeed teaching her well, Linton had no intention of listening well.

"Just push forward and drive forward, right? Okay, I already understand. At my level, I can fully understand the operation method in ten minutes." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Although the ten minutes you said is already amazing, you should really spend at least ten minutes." Xiao Mao here couldn't help but said. It was indeed an exaggeration for a person to say that he could fly a helicopter in just ten minutes, but Linton couldn't even wait ten minutes and interrupted Chiba Ellie's teaching within a few minutes.

"Okay, let's go!" Linton said and pushed the control stick fiercely. The next moment, the head of the helicopter was pressed directly down. It is really moving forward, but looking at this situation, it seems like it is rushing directly into the sea.

"Pull up, pull up quickly!" Xiao Mao shouted to Linton while pulling the armrest next to him.

Fortunately, the next second, the helicopter here immediately raised its head, which almost threw all the people surrounding the cab back. The whole helicopter felt like it was tumbling up and down in the air, and it didn't look like it could fly well.

"Suddenly it's fun." Linton said suddenly.

"What fun!" Xiao Mao shouted directly next to him, "Can we really get there now?"

"It must be possible. You see, I have almost learned it." Linton said.

"Didn't you say before that you studied in that place called Hawaii? Just tell me what you are saying now, do you believe it or not?" Xiao Mao shouted.

"Uh... if you say so..." Linton hesitated.

"Don't you even believe in yourself? No, what are you going to do?" Xiao Mao said speechlessly, "Can you let someone who really knows how to fly a helicopter come?"

"That won't work. Now that I'm in this position, I have to get you to the island safely." Linton waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, this is just an adaptation process. I can just do it a few times and there should be no problem. This thing was originally meant for people to use, so how could it be so difficult?"

"There's something flying towards us over there." Qiao Yungang here suddenly pointed forward and said.

Linton looked forward and saw that the thing that had been flying on the island was now heading towards them. Obviously, the helicopter surging up and down here also attracted the attention of the gang on the island. It is estimated that these gangs are not too friendly and should be here to deal with them.

"Is this... the Archaeopteryx?" Xiao Mao looked at the other person for a while after he got closer, and then recognized the other person. Not only did he know this Pokémon, he had even dug up its fossil. Yes, this is a very ancient Pokémon. Nowadays, it can be resurrected using fossil technology. There are a lot of fossils, but... I have never heard of a wild population.

Although the world is different now, world fusion cannot directly resurrect fossils. So this Archaeopteryx may be a wild population currently living on the island? If this was still in the original world, it would be a big discovery, but now, it seems that there is really no time to care about it.

Obviously, these Archaeopteryx birds have already set their sights on them, and they don't look like they are here to greet them. This thing itself looks quite ferocious. It is clearly called a bird, but it actually has fangs in its mouth. It would be more appropriate to say that they are looking for dinner.

Several of them were flying very fast, and Archeopteryx, which was also the largest, had already arrived in front of the helicopter. At this time, the helicopter was still tumbling up and down. The people inside could not even stand firmly, let alone face the enemy. .

"Fossil pterosaur..." Xiao Mao here was just about to take out his elf ball, but before he had time to do so, he heard Linton shouting directly next to him.

"Hold on tight!" Linton's voice sounded, and the other three people subconsciously grasped the handrail next to them. Yes, they were holding on to the armrest from the beginning, otherwise given the current situation, everyone would have been thrown away. Now that I heard Linton's voice, I just held on tighter.

The Archaeopteryx outside did come to attack the helicopter. However, when they were about to grab the fuselage with their claws, a huge black arm grabbed the helicopter's tail faster than them.

The Archeopteryx was suddenly startled, and looked behind him. Unexpectedly, there was a black giant appearing behind the helicopter. It was flying in the air at this time, just grabbing the helicopter.

Before they could react, the black giant here grabbed the tail of the helicopter and started to turn violently. As it turned forward, the helicopter hit the Archaeopteryx who were stunned there.

Obviously these Archeopteryx were completely defenseless. After several loud "dong dong dong" noises, several of the Archeopteryx that were hit fell directly into the water. Of course, the other Archeopteryx that reacted also hurriedly ducked aside. , to avoid being affected.

The helicopter here was slightly deformed by this overly violent attack, and the people inside had already flown out. Chiba Aili and Qiao Yungang here were both stuck to the cabin wall next to them due to centrifugal force, but Xiao Mao was held by Linton's hand.

"Look, I'm taking good care of you." Linton said as he directly pulled Xiao Mao into the passenger seat next to him.

Xiao Mao here resisted the urge to vomit and finally sat down in his seat. Just as he was about to say something, Linton suddenly and thoughtfully pulled on his seat belt.

"Are you ready? It's about to take off." Linton said with a smile.

I don't know why Xiao Mao suddenly had a particularly bad feeling when he looked at Linton's smile. But it's useless to react now, because the next moment, Susanoo, who was pulling the helicopter around, suddenly let go, and the entire helicopter flew out while spinning, towards the isolated island on the sea.

On the isolated island on the other side, there are many Archeopteryx nests on the rock walls. There are also a lot of elf eggs and unevolved ancestor birds inside.

Because the Archeopteryx is relatively primitive, although it can fly, its flying ability is not very strong, and it is impossible to fly long distances, so it is not easy for them to get out of the island. As for the ancestor birds, even though they are of the flying type and even have wings, they can't fly at all, and their jumping ability is very strong.

In short, the work of foraging is done by Archaeopteryx, and the young birds usually stay on the island. At this time, a large number of Archeopteryx birds staying on the island suddenly heard sounds in the air. They originally thought it was a big bird looking for food, but when they looked up, they saw a metal thing flying directly in the direction of their nest. Come over.

"Quack!" The Archeopteryx bird that was looking after the house also yelled. Although it didn't know what it was, it still sounded an alarm sound to notify the young birds to evacuate. It's just that although the reaction was quick, it was completely too late.

The next moment, the helicopter here hit the rock wall, and a loud bang was immediately followed by a huge explosion. The next moment, the entire helicopter exploded into a huge fireball, engulfing most of the bird's nests on the rock wall.

The few surviving Archeopteryx birds and many Archeopteryx chicks stared blankly at the burning nest in front of them, their minds unable to even comprehend what was going on.

But then, an even more inexplicable situation occurred.

The helicopter wreckage that exploded into a fireball and was falling suddenly stopped in the air, and then suddenly started to rise again. During the ascent, the flames from the surrounding explosions suddenly began to retract. Then the shattered metal pieces flew back again, and the shattered rock wall was automatically repaired. The helicopter quickly returned to its original appearance and began to fly back upside down.

Yes, this is actually time going backwards. Of course, these archaeopteryx obviously can't understand this strange situation. However, they were surprised to find that the baby birds that were originally engulfed in flames were actually resurrected at this time.

But just when the helicopter fell back to a certain extent, it suddenly stopped in the air again. At this time, the helicopter seemed to be suspended, and even the propeller was fixed there.

At this time, the door of the helicopter was suddenly opened, and two figures were suddenly thrown out of the door of the helicopter. Finally, it was Linton, holding Xiao Mao in one hand and looking at the sea below.

"What...what happened? Did I die just now?" Xiao Mao was still confused, looking at Linton and couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, we're here." Linton said, "Just tell me there's nothing wrong with it. My driving skills are okay. Isn't this the time we've arrived?"

"No, is this okay?" Xiao Mao complained habitually.

"This helicopter is about to hit the mountain, prepare to jump." Linton said and took a step forward, then turned to face the direction of the helicopter and said, "You go too."

The next moment, Linton also jumped directly. At the same time, the helicopter seemed to recover and flew towards the rock wall for the second time.

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