I really can't control myself

Chapter 2251 Treasure

"Um...who are you?" Linton looked at the woman who appeared in front of him in surprise. It was obvious that she was not the same person as he had imagined. Linton was so confident in his judgment that he didn't even use his breath to check the location of the Miyano sisters, but the person who appeared in front of him was not the Miyano sisters.

Linton was still somewhat impressed by the girl in front of him. After all, the other party's appearance characteristics are really obvious. The long gray hair and the strange heterochromatic eyes are hard to forget after seeing it once. But the problem is that Linton no longer remembers the other party's name. Linton remembers the appearance, but the name...

"Mr. Linton, I am Qianye Aili, from the Biology Department, do you remember?" Qianba Aili here took the initiative to introduce herself again.

I mentioned before that the department responsible for Pokémon at Nippon has now been simply referred to as the Biology Department. Linton also remembered the other party's name, but he still didn't understand why the other party came to find him.

"What do you want to do with me?" Linton guessed that the biology department over there had something to do with him. Anyway, let's listen to it first. It might be something useful.

"That's right, Mr. Linton, I am here this time mainly to cooperate with the Biology Department in China on behalf of the Biology Department." Chiba Allie said here.

The department in China is not actually called the Biology Department, but Linton also understood the general meaning. It was obviously related to Pokémon. After thinking about it, Linton also said: "Oh? What kind of cooperation is it?"

Linton also took the opportunity to look at Lu Ping next to him. Yes, Lu Ping was always present. He probably already knew what Qianye Aili said, so he asked Xiao Mao to come to him. It seems that Lu Ping also wants to promote this cooperation? This made Linton a little curious about what kind of cooperation would make Lu Ping nod.

You must know that the relationship between China and Japan is not very good. Now they are busy doing their own things. Who has time to cooperate with other countries? Now it is obvious that China is in the lead. It is said to be cooperation. Aren't they all coming here to steal from others? What benefits has Japan's side promised that people can't refuse?

"It's like this, actually we found a slate here..." Qianba Ellie here said, "This slate is quite special. It has some password-like things recorded on it. Finally, there is a series of numbers. . The password here has not been cracked, but as for the numbers, I already know the situation. It probably points to an area. It just so happens that this area is within China..."

"So you think this slate may be a treasure map for the treasure? Can you find the treasure by following this slate?" Linton naturally guessed what the other party was thinking when he heard this, so he said.

"Yes, that's what we think." Qianba Ellie here said, "I guess it should be something good, so I thought about whether the two parties could cooperate and find this treasure together. It just so happens that we also have a treasure map, But the treasure is also on your side. If both parties give something, they can both get something..."

"Well... are you sure that the location of the string of numbers you mentioned is in China? If this thing is a treasure, it should not be a treasure of this world, but a treasure of that world. Then the numbers recorded on it should be It must be a place in another world." Linton thought for a while and said.

"Although we have thought about it that way, but..." Qianye Allie said and looked at Lu Ping next to her.

"We have also seen that there is indeed something there." Lu Ping said here, "A new island has appeared on the sea that we have never seen before, but the place is a bit dangerous and it is not possible to approach or land at the moment."

"Are they all Pokémon?" Linton asked.

"Yes, and it is speculated that the levels should be very high." Lu Ping nodded.

Linton understood why he was looking for him. After all, the trainers on the Chinese side were still suffering from the loss of time, and the levels of their Pokémon were not that high. Of course, you can also find trainers from the Pokemon world at this time. For example, trainers from the Four Heavenly Kings and champion levels can definitely be entrusted, and it is estimated that President Damalanchi will not refuse. But they are all owed favors, and Linton is obviously more familiar with them.

But why can the cracked number accurately indicate the current position coordinates of the world? Linton, this is quite strange. After thinking about it, it might be a revision of the world rules.

Yes, Linton has learned a lot of strange things in the past few days. As for the integration of the two worlds, some aspects are indeed strange. The most obvious thing is obviously language.

Logically speaking, people in the Pokemon world should have their own language, and if that doesn't work, they should speak Japanese. But the actual situation is that in the world after integration, all the people who want the world in pockets seem to have naturally learned the local language, as if they already knew it.

Linton has a systematic translator here, so there has always been no obstacle to communication, but for Dr. Omu and others, there was no obstacle to communicating with Lu Ping and the others when they first came here. Linton asked, what is Lu Ping doing? Bian is also very strange, because everyone speaks Chinese, which is very standard.

Everyone who comes to the Pokemon world here is like there are eight language versions of the Pokemon game. They are quite proficient in various mainstream languages, and they themselves do not find it strange. It seemed that Linton was quite strange for asking this question.

Of course, there are many other aspects. For example, if we dig deeper, people in these two worlds have different physical constitutions and different antibodies in their bodies. Shouldn’t they be killed by germs? There may not be genes for resistance to diseases such as smallpox in their genes, but no one feels that anything is wrong.

Overall, Linton thinks it should be a rule revision after world integration. Just as the power of firearms in this world has become weaker, the world over there has also obviously changed a little. It feels like each other has taken a step back and adapted to each other, and the rules of the world have been directly integrated.

From this point of view, it doesn't seem so surprising that the numbers over there deciphered the location here. It should be the result of changes in the rules of the world.

So, what exactly is the treasure?

Linton thought about it carefully and couldn't remember any other treasures in the original novel. To be honest, there should be a lot of Pokémon-related treasure plots. In total, there must be chapters in the thousands of episodes over several generations that talk about treasures. But Linton couldn’t possibly remember it. He hasn’t watched much of the anime in the first place. .

But Linton is indeed a little curious. After all, it is a treasure. Can this make people not curious?

A box of gold coins should be impossible. After all, the original novel is unlikely to praise such a thing. It is probably something precious, such as... the vermilion beads that Linton mentioned before, something passed down from ancient times. , most of them have something to do with mythical beasts and the like.

Then...could it be a valuable item? If it were something like a vermilion bead, it really might be. Since MEGA stones are also valuable, the same goes for vermilion beads that have similar effects.

It seems that we really need to make a trip. Among other things, Linton needs to push forward the exploration speed. Although the world fusion task was completed, the previous exploration task was even more troublesome, because after the fusion of the two worlds, I don't know what happened to the detection speed. I estimate that if I were to do an exploration mission, the difficulty might increase.

It just so happened that he was free now, and he hadn't found a good way to push the probe yet. Linton thought about it for a while, so he took it first.

But after that, Linton looked at Qianye Aili and asked... why should he take her with him? Do you still need to give away the things you like? According to Linton's intention, wouldn't it be over if the other party just handed over the treasure map?

Apparently the meaning in Linton's eyes was too obvious, so that Chiba Ellie here seemed to understand Linton's thoughts instantly, so she immediately said: "That... I'm really sorry to say it, where is the slate that I found, now It was accidentally damaged by someone at the scene and it has been broken into pieces. It is estimated that it cannot be restored."

"Oh? Broken?" Linton looked at Chiba Ellie here in surprise, which meant that the original treasure map could not be found.

"It just so happened that we didn't take any photos to back up..." Chiba Ellie continued.

"That means it's just gone? What do you mean?" Linton frowned.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter. I'm here, right?" said Chiba Ellie here, "Do you still remember what I said before? I am very confident in my memory. I generally don't know what I have seen once. I forgot, so the treasure map is in my mind now."

"..." Linton finally understood. Chiba Ellie had really said before that she had a very good memory, and Linton had said before that she had a photographic memory. The other party specially sent her here for this purpose, because they were afraid that the people here would throw them away and go it alone.

As for whether the original version of the treasure map was destroyed, Linton guessed that he didn't do anything about it. Obviously no one was stupid enough to actually destroy this thing, but he just didn't admit that it was still there.

But after thinking about it, Linton was too lazy to expose it. Again, no matter how the world changes, it will not affect him. The world must be what he wants the world to be.

So no matter what your intentions are, if Linton says you want it, you must have it. No matter what the treasure is, once Linton sets his sights on it, no one will be able to use it.

Of course, I still don’t know what it is, and I don’t know if I want it. Anyway, let’s find it first and then talk about it.

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