I really can't control myself

Chapter 2233 Analysis

Soon everyone arrived at a mid-to-high-end apartment. The deceased this time was Yuan Jiaming who lived in Room 407, the software engineer who had entertained several people before.

When Linton and the others arrived, the nearby patrol police had cordoned off the scene. Soon Linton and the others also saw Conan and the others. Yes, many of the members of the Young Detective Team were here, and they were being watched right now. Still sitting. Although Conan here really wants to search the scene, it is obvious that the patrol police here will not let them run around here.

Conan was obviously stunned when he saw Linton and others appearing with Officer Megure. He hadn't seen Linton for a few days. He had always wanted to find Linton to ask specific questions about growing up, but he couldn't find anyone. Secondly, this was not a rice flower market, so the child had no choice. Just run around.

Linton looked at the body lying on the ground. The other person's chest was red. Looking at the injury, Linton probably understood the situation.

Yes, this man was shot to death, and the person who killed him was none other than Gin. As mentioned before, Linton remembered this case. The deceased who fell on the ground was actually one of the fringe figures of the black organization. However, he had already left the organization when he appeared on the scene, and of course he defected. Perhaps it was because of this that the radar of the nearby winery, Haihara Ai, was ineffective.

Of course the reason why Gin killed the other party was because the other party betrayed the organization, but Linton was really not sure before that the murderer would still be Gin. After all, Ginjiu was caught by him before. Although he ran away now, he was not sure whether the other party would still interfere with the matter at this time. But now that he saw that the other party was shot, Linton knew that Ginjiu was indeed I am still involved in this matter, then... I guess I will be involved to the end. This will connect with the original plot, which is of course a good thing.

The fewer changes there are, the more accurate Linton's pretentious reasoning will be.

As for why Linton was not sure whether Gin would take action before and why he didn't react when he heard the news of this man's death, it was because this unlucky guy named Yuan Jiaming was not only being targeted by Gin. The real murderer, the person who killed Representative Oki before, also wanted to kill him. In the original work, he just came a step too late and failed to catch up, so it is not surprising that he was killed. The only question is who killed him.

To be able to offend so many people, it can only be said that Yuan Jiaming is very good at attracting hatred. The murderers had to line up to come, and they couldn't make it if they were late.

When Linton was on the scene, the forensic doctor on the JING side was already conducting an autopsy. When he saw Officer Memu, he simply began to describe the condition of the body: "The cause of death was obviously massive internal bleeding caused by the gunshot. It is tentatively estimated that the time of death was yesterday. The period from afternoon to evening, but the specific time can only be determined after an autopsy.”

It was obvious that the person had been dead for a day, but the body had just been discovered. Looking at the furnishings in the room, I also knew that the other party probably lived alone. If Conan and the others hadn't visited today, I don't know when the body would have been discovered.

"That's...the same small wine glass." Officer Megure's attention was on the small wine glass that was broken from the middle next to the body. It was obviously the same as the small wine glass found next to the body of Oki Iwasatsu. It's the same style, and it was also intentionally smashed in two from the middle.

"Is it really a serial murder case?" Shiratori Rensaburo looked at Linton next to him. The situation that appeared was exactly as Linton expected.

"Ah, hey, hey..." At this moment, a child's voice suddenly came from the side. Everyone turned their heads and saw Conan pointing at the corpse on the ground and saying, "The right hand of the corpse seems to be holding something."

Everyone looked at the corpse's right hand, and sure enough, the other person's right hand held a table knife. As for how the knife came about, there happened to be a freshly opened cake on the table at this time. It seemed that he wanted to cut the cake, but before he started cutting, he was shot dead.

"So it turns out that the murderer saw the prisoner taking out a gun, and then wanted to use something to resist, so he picked up the knife in his hand, but was shot directly to death by the other party, right?" said Officer Megure. .

"Your reasoning is really excellent." Linton said.

"Really?" Officer Memu here said while touching his head in embarrassment.

"Huh? Really?" Conan here said somewhat unconvinced by this reasoning. But I couldn't think of any other explanation for the moment.

"Speaking of which, when did Conan come over here? Children are not allowed to come near this place." Takagi Wataru here quickly pulled Conan up and said.

"Speaking of which, Conan, why are you here today?" Officer Megure asked strangely.

"Of course we are here to investigate this case." Before Conan could answer, a voice came from the side. The one who spoke was Yuantai who also ran over. It was obvious that it was really difficult for a patrol officer to keep an eye on four running children. "After all, we are a young detective team."

"This is really..." Officer Megure said that he had a headache. Of course, Officer Megure also questioned Mori Kogoro and the others about the Ogi Iwamatsu case. After all, they were considered people related to the case. Mori was also a famous detective, so of course he also asked questions. his opinion. So of course it's not surprising that Conan knew about this, but he didn't expect that these little guys would take the initiative to investigate.

Representative Oki Isomatsu was killed, and the suspects were naturally those people related to him, including those from the Tokiwa Group, and of course Mori, including Linton and the others. To be honest, Conan came with the Young Detective Team. On the one hand, he was really interested in the case, and on the other hand, he also wanted to find Linton. However, Linton hadn't been found yet. When he found one of the suspects, Yuan Jiaming, he discovered it directly. The other party's body.

"Anyway, brother Linton, have you discovered anything?" Of course, Officer Memu here did not expect the young detective team to really give any reasoning, but looked at Linton here and asked.

"If found, there are several places." Linton said.

"How many places? What are they?" Officer Megure asked excitedly. Unexpectedly, Linton really found out that there were still several places. Detective Linton seemed to be particularly powerful today. For some reason, Officer Megure also felt that the other party seemed like Like a halo surrounding a famous detective.

"First of all, this broken cup." Linton pointed to the small wine glass that was broken into two halves on the ground and said, "This thing... there is something missing on it."

"Something is missing?" Officer Megure asked strangely, "What is it?"

"Fingerprints?" Takagi Wataru next to him asked inferences. Didn't Linton say before that there were no fingerprints on the wine glass, indicating that it was made by the murderer, not the victim. The same principle should be true this time.

"Where's your brain?" Linton looked at Takagi Wataru speechlessly.

However, Conan next to him suddenly had an idea, and he understood quickly: "It's blood!"

"Blood stains?" Several police officers were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at the fragments of the small wine glass on the ground. It was true that there was no blood stains on them, "But this shows that..."

"The wine glass was broken here. Under normal circumstances, how could the blood on the ground not be stained on it?" Linton said.

"So...you mean that when the wine glass broke, the blood on the ground had...dried?" Shiratori Rensaburo here understood clearly.

"That's right." Linton nodded.

"How... is this possible?" Shiratori Rensaburo was shocked. "It would take at least an hour for such a large pool of blood to dry up. You mean, the murderer stayed at the scene for a full hour. Did you then put down this murderous message and leave?"

"Is this possible?" Officer Megure also frowned and said, "Then what is he doing here for an hour?"

"Officer, we found some problems." At this time, a patrol officer came over and said, "We found that the computer in this room has been tampered with, and the hard drive is missing..."

"The hard drive is missing? The deceased seems to be a software engineer. Is it related to his business? Someone stole some software being developed by Tokiwa Company?" Takagi Wataru here said immediately.

"That is to say... during this hour, the murderer stayed at the scene just to search for these software? On the one hand, he took away the hard drive, and on the other hand, he also carefully searched for any other backups. Then he found them all Later, I remembered that I forgot to leave a message, so I broke the small wine glass?" Shiratori Rensaburo said.

The explanation was actually quite fluent, and I have to say that Shiratori Rensaburo was quite good at it.

"The other findings Brother Linton mentioned are..." Officer Megure continued to ask.

"It's hard to imagine that when facing an enemy with a gun, this person would pick up a table knife as a defense..." Linton said suddenly.

"Huh? But brother Linton, didn't you just say that my reasoning was good?" Officer Memu said.

"In mystery dramas, it is basic common sense to give up all police reasoning. When I say your reasoning is excellent, I mean that your line skills are very good, and you have very successfully played the role of the confused police officer in the drama." Linton said.

"Uh...really?" Officer Megure expressed a headache, "Then this knife is..."

"This knife should be the real death message of the deceased." Linton said suddenly.

"What? Is this knife a death message?" Everyone was a little surprised, even Conan next to him was stunned.

"Then what does this death message mean? Does it hint at the murderer? Are there any names related to the knife among the suspects?" Officer Megure asked quickly.

"I think not many people will understand this death message." Linton said with a smile, "First of all, this is a silver knife. In Roman pronunciation, it is pronounced GIN..."

"Gin?" Miyano Shiho next to him suddenly turned his head in surprise.

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