I really can't control myself

Chapter 2230 Foraging

"You said you could handle that thing?" Linton pointed at the erupting volcano background panel behind him and asked Groudon in surprise.

"Gah..." Groudon here nodded again to confirm. At this time, it still maintains its original returned form, and it still has such a powerful and domineering appearance, but it is still quite well-behaved in front of Linton.

Now Linton confirmed that this guy probably couldn't speak human language, and probably didn't have skills similar to telepathy. But it doesn't matter. Linton has a mythical beast translator here.

Zekrom, who had grass growing on his head, was pulled out again, because after just defeating the overlord-level Orchid Mantis, Groudon seemed to have been trying to say something to himself. He was screaming, but Linton couldn't listen. I understand, I can only find it again and ask.

The thing Groudon said he wanted to take care of was the erupting volcano over there, Mount Fuji. It proposed this on its own initiative, but Linton didn't even think about letting it handle it.

Although the surroundings are quite chaotic now, rocks and sand are starting to rain from the sky. These are volcanic rocks and volcanic dust that were rushed into the sky by the power of the eruption. To be honest, it made Linton quite uncomfortable. It hindered him from finding meteorite fragments, but do you want to help solve the problem of Mount Fuji?

Linton obviously didn't want to help the Japanese and Ben people solve any natural disaster problem, but the sinking of this ruined place has nothing to do with Linton? However, Linton also wanted to ask Groudon about this issue, why did it take the initiative to solve this problem?

Groudon is known as the God of Earth in the Pokemon world. Although he is a god, he is not the same as Zekrom, a mythical beast known as the protector of the region. Groudon obviously doesn't care too much about the life and death of humans or any other creature. When it was fighting Kyogre all day long, it obviously didn't think about whether other creatures would be affected. If it had considered that, it shouldn't have fought in the first place.

So why does Groudon take the initiative to solve the problem of the nearby volcano eruption? Linton looked at Groudon and felt that the other person... was probably doing it for him.

Linton also knew something about Groudon. He liked to stay in the magma, so he should be able to absorb some energy in the magma. So Linton understood. Groudon here took the initiative to propose this. The general situation should be... it was hungry or something like that.

Linton's guess was obviously correct. What Groudon wanted was naturally the natural energy over there. Like these grass-type Pokémon approaching the meteorite fragments, Groudon naturally found it attractive to the natural energy generated by the erupting volcano over there.

It still took some effort to deal with this overlord Pokémon. Now it just wants to find some energy to replenish it. The best "eating" place is next to it. Simply put, it is hungry.

"Then... you go ahead." Linton thought for a while and nodded. When it comes to pets, Linton generally keeps them free. Have you seen the dragons at home that Linton has fed them? I didn't care about it at all. I only went to them to do hard work when I needed to work. Normally, I would just eat and drink.

Of course Linton didn't feed her, but Yalan sent someone to take care of her every day. It has to be said that Yalan considers this kind of chores much more carefully than Linton. Yalan is helping him fill in the matters that Linton didn't pay attention to at all.

For example, Linton didn't think much about pet food anyway. You know how to catch the monsters yourself, so why don't you just catch them yourself? But he has raised so many dragons, so many level nine monsters in the Imperial City. If you let these dragons fly in and out of the Imperial City every day, from a civilian's point of view, they will not be tortured to death.

Of course, Yalan handled the matter very well and never mentioned it to Linton, so Linton himself didn't know the specific situation.

Anyway, Groudon was going to look for food. Linton thought about it and nodded in agreement. Groudon here didn't say anything, and headed directly towards the erupting Mount Fuji. It seemed that he planned to jump directly into the crater.

Linton still followed his own plan and continued to search for fragments of the meteorite. This time, he didn’t spend too much effort. It didn’t take long for Linton to find what he was looking for.

After the overlord-level Orchid Mantis was knocked down by Groudon's large-scale Pyroblast, there were no other Pokémon blocking the way. Mainly because the volcano next to it is still erupting, and Pokémon don't dare to stay in this dangerous area. There were indeed a lot of Pokémon gathered here before, but now they have all run away.

It is very convenient for Linton to find things when no one is blocking him. The most important thing is that when he gets close, there will be a system prompt for valuables. As long as the prompt rings, the thing is stable.

Linton found the location where the meteorite landed based on the prompts. In fact, from the beginning, Linton also felt that the entire terrain here was a concave terrain, which was obviously a large crater created by the meteorite. It's just that this big hole is quite big, and the slope along the way down is not very big.

What's more important is that the pit is now basically filled with green plants, and the terrain cannot be seen at first glance. Linton was originally walking towards the lower ground, so there shouldn't be any big problem, and he did get the prompt from the system quickly.

Now, many of the surrounding woods are on fire. After all, there is an erupting volcano nearby. It seems that the current situation is heading towards a forest fire, but it does not hinder Linton's search.

Without spending much effort, Linton dug out what he wanted. What appeared in front of Linton was an irregular stone about 40 meters high...well, it should be said to be a crystal. Yes, this is a huge green crystal. When it was dug out, it looked like a very clean pure crystal. It seemed that the layer of rock that had been wrapped around it had been burned or smashed. The core of the crystal was extremely hard. Only then stayed.

It looked like an enlarged version of the green crystal fragment Linton had seen before, completely crystallized. Obviously Linton still hasn't figured out what this thing is. Although I guess it's Z Pure Crystal, but judging from the previous situation, it doesn't seem to have changed the moves of the Pokémon on the opposite side...

In short, I found this largest one, and a slightly smaller one next to it, probably more than ten meters in diameter. The two pieces combined provide Linton with 4.31 million points.

As for what this thing was about, Linton decided to find a few people to study it, and of course he was talking about Lu Ping and his gang. Although I don’t know what this thing is, it should be similar to a MEGA stone anyway. Why did I keep it for Niben? Of course, I sent it back directly.

Let Lu Ping and the others do some experiments. If they really can't figure it out, then ask people in the Pokemon world to find out.

"By the way, I don't have anything growing on my head." After uploading, Linton suddenly realized and asked Miyano Shiho next to him.

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