I really can't control myself

Chapter 2224 Mutation

"I seem to suddenly understand what you mean by the lottery machine." After walking for a while, Miyano Shiho suddenly said here.

"Your nerve reflex arc is a little too long, so you suddenly said something like this?" Linton said in a daze.

"Is this how you usually use your Pokémon? That Pokémon of yours looks very powerful, right? And you said it was some kind of mythical beast, so you just use it as a translator and do groceries the next? "Miyano Shiho here said.

"How about letting it help destroy the world?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Is that the only extreme use in your eyes?" Miyano Shiho shouted.

"Ah, I seem to be back." Miyano Akemi next to her pointed at the air and said.

Linton looked up and saw that it was indeed Zekrom who was back, spraying lightning all the way and making a "crackling" sound when he came and went, which was quite arrogant. Of course, as a mythical beast, it is estimated that ordinary Pokémon would not dare to do anything to it.

Originally, Zekrom came back, but what Linton didn't expect was that Zekrom seemed to have changed a little when he came back. When the opponent landed, Linton was slightly stunned.

"Uh... I haven't seen you for a while. Why is there grass growing on your head?" Linton looked at Zekrom here and couldn't help but said.

Yes, the long grass that Linton mentioned is really the long grass in the literal sense. At this time, Zekrom was indeed a bit weird, with a faint green light emitting from his body. This green light formed a translucent green crystal-like thing that attached to Zekrom's body.

At the same time, it was even more obvious that some flowers and plants were growing on top of Zekrom's head. How can I say this shape? It's quite grassy.

"Is there grass growing on its head?" Although Zekrom had something in its mouth, it spoke through telepathy and did not really speak, so it had no effect. After hearing Linton's words, it was stunned for a moment, and then touched the top of its head, and really touched something.

"Ah? What is it?" Zekrom was startled. He touched it again and tried to pull it out.

"No, the grass on your head has grown like this, don't you even know it?" Linton was also a little surprised, "What's going on? Why did the grass grow suddenly?"

"I don't know either, my lord..." Zekrom was also confused as to why he suddenly had this thing on his head, but at this moment it seemed to suddenly remember something, "Ah, I know, it's That weird crystal.”

"Strange crystal?" Linton asked.

"When I just found this little guy, he was sleeping against a green crystal. I also thought this crystal was a bit strange at the time. I originally wanted to bring it back to show my Lord, but I just wanted to pick it up. When I picked up that thing, the crystal suddenly disappeared." Zekrom said.

As he spoke, Zekrom spit out something green from his mouth.

Linton didn't have time to pay attention to what it was now. He handed it to Miyano Shiho next to him, and then continued to ask Zekrom: "Crystal? What does it look like?"

"It's this size, and then it's green..." Zekrom here briefly described the crystal he saw. After hearing this, Linton felt that this thing was very familiar. Thinking about it carefully, isn't this the fragment of the meteorite that Toru Amuro showed to him before.

The crystal looks like a polished crystal, but the crystal that Zekrom said is green, and the others are all right. That's obviously what Linton is looking for now.

Originally, they were also close to the location where the meteorite landed. It was naturally possible that the meteorite exploded after impact and caused the fragments to fly everywhere. The hardness of the crystal is quite high. So what Zekrom found was part of the meteorite fragment that should have fallen to the ground, but why did this thing disappear in front of Zekrom's eyes, and why did grass suddenly grow on Zekrom's head?

By inference, the crystal should have been absorbed by Zekrom unintentionally, and its effect is... to make grass grow on Zekrom's head? The effect was a bit too crude, and Linton didn't even know what to say.

Linton just uploaded the meteorite fragments before, but he forgot to find a Pokémon to try. If I had known, I would have found a Pokémon to see if grass would grow on its head. I should have thought that this thing was originally a prop used by Pokémon. I should have tried the effect first.

"In addition to the grass growing on your head, have you noticed any changes in your body, such as what kind of Z moves you can perform?" Linton asked.

"Uh...nothing special." Zekrom felt it and said.

"This..." Linton touched his head. To trigger this thing, does it have to do a weird dance? Yes, according to Linton's understanding, in order to trigger this Z move, you not only need to wear something like a bracelet, but also perform a strange dance in order to release the Z move.

What's even more speechless is that these dances are not only weird, but also come in many kinds, and each Z-move is associated with a different dance. But one thing is clear, and that is that these dances are really awkward. This is the fundamental reason why Linton dislikes Z moves very much. It is really... the fashion value is too low.

"But will Z-move make grass grow on Pokémon's head?" Linton once again looked at the grass on Zekrom's head strangely. Although he really didn't remember much about Z-move, he still played it anyway. After playing the game, I didn’t remember that there was grass growing on the head while wearing Z-pure crystal.

"Could it be that after carrying props, in order to remind players that this Pokémon is carrying props, it gives an animation effect or something like that?" Linton guessed casually.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Zekrom was also a little anxious. After all, it was his head that was growing grass, and he didn't want to bear the grass.

"You... pull it out and eat it to see if it's real grass." Linton thought for a long time and said.

"..." Zekrom looked at Linton speechlessly, and the meaning in his eyes probably said, "Master, are you serious?"

"How about you find a fresh tropical dragon and let it taste the grass growing on your head." Linton continued.

"No, my lord..." Zekrom really didn't know what to say.

"Then I don't know what to do. You suddenly have grass. What can I do? And is this thing contagious? You stay away from me first." Linton said.

"How about asking how it is?" Miyano Akemi next to her pointed at the thing Miyano Shiho was holding and said.

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