After finishing these things, Linton no longer needs to keep staring at this side. The reason is also very simple. The murderer has already set his sights on the target. After killing the person, someone will find him. After all...he is the number one suspect now. Who knew that Linton wanted to kill Damu Yansong? If something happened to him, of course he would be notified.

It’s all about having fun, but business still needs to be done. So soon, Linton took the Miyano sisters to the sea of ​​trees east of Mount Fuji to get the meteorite fragments first.

On the outskirts of the sea of ​​trees, Linton also found troops from the Biological Research Department temporarily stationed here. It was said to be the Biological Research Department, but it looked like an army. Even the people under his command were wearing military uniforms, and they were probably the ones who were temporarily pulled over by some ZI guard.

It can also be clearly seen here that Riben has some ideas. The world's structure is undergoing huge changes due to the emergence of Pokémon. Obviously, some of Riben's senior leaders can see what's going on.

Toru Amuro had told him before that a new ministry had been established under the Japanese cabinet and was affiliated with the Ministry of Science. It was the Ministry of Biological Research. Of course, this was an abbreviation. The full name is the Research and Analysis Information Center for Special Creatures and Related Things, which is obviously a department focused on Pokémon and Pokémon-related things.

It seems that the members of the department are all members of the army now. They want to set up an army under the title of a research institute. Of course, if I have to say it, Pokémon are indeed quite dangerous to people now, so it’s normal for you to find someone to protect you. And the troops under the name of this research institute do not have numbers. They are just the security personnel of the research institute. This is obviously a plan to sell sheep over others.

Who is this being done for? Naturally, it is for the country of Magnesium. Obviously, the Magnesium Country has no time to take care of this matter now. Of course, their experience is all on the Chinese side. Although they are probably aware of the little tricks on the Japanese side, things on the Chinese side are more important now.

The person contacting Linton here is named Kenji Nitta, and he is obviously also a soldier. Naturally, he has also received orders to know that Linton is coming to deal with the current situation. His current task is to temporarily block this place.

"The meteorite should have landed near this location." Kenji Nitta here was reporting to Linton what they knew so far.

"What do you mean it should be? It sounds like speculation." Linton asked a little strangely, "You still don't know where such a large meteorite landed?"

"Indeed... not sure." Nitta Kenji here also clicked a few times on his laptop, and then said, "This is a satellite photo of the nearby area."

Linton looked at the satellite map on the screen. Mount Fuji next to it was easy to see, but the problem was that the rest of the place was basically a circle of green, and they couldn't see what they were looking for.

Yes, when Linton said it was easy to find, he was naturally referring to the crater. According to Toru Amuro, the fragment of the meteorite that fell near Mount Fuji should be the largest one. Shouldn't it have created a huge crater? Although there are certainly no craters with a diameter of thirty kilometers, there should be craters several kilometers wide.

But obviously there was no such big hole in the satellite pictures, which made Linton feel that he had been tricked.

"As you can see, you can't see the location of the crater at all now." Kenji Nitta here also said, "But we are very sure that the meteorite fell in the sea of ​​trees in front, which is near this area. But no Knowing what happened, the crater that should have existed over there was instantly covered by a large number of plants. If you look carefully, you can find that the plants in this area are obviously different from those next to them. Look at the colors of these plants …”

Linton looked carefully and honestly couldn't tell. However, what Kenji Nitta said made Linton feel a little interesting.

In Linton's opinion, the other party would not play tricks on him, and there was no need at all. Firstly, they definitely don't dare to bear their own anger. Secondly, as they said before, they also want to solve the problem here. Anyway, they probably wouldn't be able to get this meteorite themselves, so they might as well give it to themselves as a favor and make the Magnesium Country turn their attention to them.

So although Nitta Kenji's words may sound a bit weird, they should be true. In other words, in the three days since the meteorite landed, this forest was cleared after the meteorite landed, and then quickly was completely covered by vegetation. This is obviously not a force native to this world.

The reason for this situation should be the power in the Pokemon world. But what kind of power it is, Linton really can't answer.

But this matter, you still need to go and see it directly. Linton had originally planned to do this, but now he only knew the approximate location of the meteorite's landing, and had to search for it a little longer. However, there doesn't seem to be any ownership issues with the valuables in this world. You should be able to receive system prompts when you get to the approximate location.

After roughly explaining the situation, Linton was ready to go in. Nitta Kenji actually asked Linton if he wanted to bring a group of people, but Linton naturally refused directly. However, Nitta Kenji once again proposed to find someone to lead the way. This time Linton thought about it a little.

Before Linton could finish thinking about it, Nitta Kenji had already brought the person leading the way. Seeing this person, Linton felt a little strange. This does not mean that Linton knew the other party, but even though he could not recognize him, Linton was sure at a glance that the other party was something special.

What Kenji Nitta brought was a woman who looked about thirty years old. Linton felt that this person was not simple, and that was because of his appearance. At first glance, this woman does not look like a pure oriental. She clearly has some foreign ancestry, and her skin is slightly darker. What is even more obvious is her long silver-gray hair, and her weird pupils.

Yes, the pupils of this woman's two eyes are obviously different colors, one dark and one light blue, which is commonly known as heterochromatic pupils. Characters with this kind of attribute are generally not based on passerby settings in various animations. So although Linton doesn't know the other person, he is probably a character related to the plot based on his appearance.

But Linton really didn't know him. Is there anyone in Detective Conan who looks so flamboyant? What Linton always wanted to complain about was Gin. He had long silver hair and was dressed weirdly. Didn't everyone look at you when he walked? You are still a member of a secret organization, don’t you think it’s inappropriate?

Of course, such an appearance does leave a deep impression on readers, so for such a distinctive character, Linton didn't remember it when he appeared in a scene? This is really strange.

At this time, Nitta Kenji also gave a brief introduction. The woman's name was Chiba Ellie. She was indeed a mixed race. Of course, like everyone here, she had just been transferred to this department from other departments. As for why she was designated, Nitta Kenji didn't say, but there must be some reason, probably the one designated above.

Linton thought for a while, but it didn't matter. He had never refused before and was indeed considering the need for someone to lead the way. After all, he really didn’t know the way that well. Now the guy leading the way is a little strange, and Linton is indeed a little curious.

"Hello, you can call me Ellie." Chiba Ellie here said directly. Her personality seems to be more towards foreigners, and she looks more generous and outgoing.

In short, although they brought one more person with them, they set off quickly. As soon as they entered the forest, Chiba Ellie quickly walked in front and started leading the way. Of course, the road ahead is relatively easy to walk, because the team also tried to enter the forest today, so they had driven through the road before, but they couldn't go deep and went back.

Linton also took a closer look at this Chiba Ellie. Judging from the other party's performance, it was obvious that he had been trained. And the other party has been on constant alert since entering the forest, looking very cautious. This made Linton a little uncomfortable. After all, they were here for a trip. Under the influence of Chiba Ellie's mood, the Miyano sisters next to him became a little cautious.

"By the way, why did the higher ups send you here?" Linton asked as he walked.

"Huh?" Chiba Ellie here was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Linton should be asking himself this question. After thinking about it, she said bluntly, "I guess it's because my memory is better."

"Has a better memory?" Linton asked.

"Well, I have done special memory training. No matter what it is, as long as I want to remember it, I can quickly write it down." Chiba Allie said.

"Similar to photographic memory?" Linton asked.

"It's not that exaggerated, but I'm really good at it." Chiba Allie said.

"So the people above sent you here to record what I did?" Linton asked.

"I think...probably so." Chiba Ellie nodded, "If there is anything you can't say, you can tell me in advance and I won't report it."

"Oh? So conscious?" Linton asked.

"After all, I... don't want to die." Qianye Allie said, "Given the current situation, if I went with someone but didn't come back, I guess no one will ask about it."

"That's true..." Linton nodded, "If you're afraid, just hide behind. You are indeed the weakest here."

When Chiba Allie heard this, she looked at the Miyano sisters who were following her.

"Don't look at them. Even though they look cute, they are actually monsters in human skin. You will know in a moment." After Linton finished speaking, he also said to Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi, "I said Do you want to be a trainer?"

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