I really can't control myself

Chapter 2213 Chance Encounter

Obviously meeting Linton here, Mouri Kogoro and the others were quite surprised. However, Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan just felt a little surprised. Suzuki Sonoko here looked at the Miyano sisters next to her with interest. Although she didn't speak, Linton could tell from her eyes that the other party might be... Gossip about who is his girlfriend or something.

It wasn't the first time I met Suzuki Sonoko, but the last time was at Fei Yingli's law firm. At that time, Mouri Kogoro was arrested, and Maori Lan was crying anxiously. As a good friend, Suzuki Sonoko probably didn't have time to gossip about that, and she and Linton didn't talk to each other. But she shouldn't be here to handle the case now. It's obvious that she will start acting like a monster as soon as she relaxes.

"Mr. Linton, Miss Miyano, my father's matter really troubled you last time. I always wanted to thank you, but I don't have any contact information." Maori Lan here is very polite. Last time, Maori Kogoro's Although the matter was not solved by Linton's reasoning, people were indeed helping, and they definitely needed to be thanked. "Really, daddy should hurry up and say thank you."

"Uh... Anyway... I haven't done anything in the first place, so you won't accuse me wrongly." Mouri Kogoro here probably thinks that thanking someone younger than him is a bit embarrassing, so it's just casual anyway. Haha.

"Speaking of which, who is this..." Mao Lilan asked again at this time. Of course the person who asked was Miyano Shiho. After all, the last time they met, the other person was Haibara Ai. Of course, Mao Lilan didn't know Miyano Shiho, so this was the first time they met.

"This is my sister, Miyano Shiho." Miyano Akemi took the initiative to introduce her sister. This was the first time she introduced her sister in front of others. Before... she didn't dare to introduce her casually, even if she introduced her, she didn't dare to introduce her sister casually. Use your real name.

"Ah, no wonder it seems like it." Mao Lilan here noticed that the two looked similar from the beginning, and they were probably related, "Hello, Miss Miyano."

"Just call me Shiho, otherwise I won't be able to tell you apart from my sister." Miyano Shiho here found it a bit interesting. She and Xiaolan were also familiar with each other. Of course, she was Haibara Ai when they met before.

"Miss Shiho..." Mao Lilan here was probably not used to calling people by their first names when they just met. It was really impolite, so she habitually added the title.

Then Mao Lilan also looked around and asked, "Speaking of, where is Xiao Ai?"

"Oh, Ai-chan was temporarily brought back to her hometown by her mother." Miyano Akemi replied while suppressing a smile. Miyano Akemi had also said before that Haibara Ai was her sister, but she didn't say whether she was a cousin or a cousin, so it would be no problem to deal with her casually. As for Miyano Shiho, both of them have the same surname, and Mao Lilan certainly knows that the two are biological sisters.

"By the way, Conan didn't come?" The first person to ask about Conan was Linton next to him. Of course, it's not that I have a good relationship with Conan. I'm just waiting for him to come and start work. Although Mouri Kogoro is also a troublemaker in the case, he is a fake detective after all. How can a movie start if the real detective is not present?

"Oh, Conan, I've been staying at the doctor's house for the past two days." Mao Lilan here said, "We were invited by the president of this company to visit. If Conan, please contact the doctor and ask him Go and stay there for two days first.”

"Uh... when it comes to company, you mean the Tokiwa Consortium?" Linton asked. After all, I just heard from the front desk that currently only the Tokiwa Foundation, the owner of the building, has settled here. Obviously, it can only be this company. Linton glanced at Sonoko Suzuki behind Mao Lilan, probably because of her connections. After all, the Suzuki Consortium in the original work was one of the largest consortiums.

However, what I didn't expect was that Mouri Kogoro here came forward very proudly, rubbed his head and said: "Hmm, um, um, actually, the daughter of the president of the Tokiwa Foundation is my school girl in college. This time I was specially invited before the opening..."

"Oh?" Although Linton remembered the case, Linton definitely didn't remember the fragmentary background settings. Mouri Kogoro actually has such connections, the daughter of the president of the Tokiwa Foundation? But if I remember correctly, it seems that the daughter of President Tokiwa will receive a lunch box in this case. This Mouri Kogoro really has no luck with money.

"Yes, and this matter was actually hidden from me, and I only confessed under pressure..." Mao Lilan here said softly.

Linton finally understood what Mao Lilan meant. It turned out that he thought his father was here to have a private tryst with an old lover or ex-girlfriend, so he came with him. Although Fei Yingli and Maori Kogoro have been separated for many years now, Mao Lilan, as a daughter, has always wanted to reconcile the two, so naturally she cannot watch other women step in and become her stepmother.

"Confession or something..." Mouri Kogoro here looked embarrassed.

"After all, this Miss Tokiwa Mio is the daughter of the president of the Tokiwa Group. It is said that she is still single..." Suzuki Sonoko behind her did not limit the matter to big things and specifically stated that the other party was single, and after saying this , she also looked directly at Linton and asked, "Mr. Linton, did you bring your sister to play, or did you bring your sister to play?"

Although this question sounds a bit strange, aren't you bringing two sisters to play now? But obviously everyone present understood the meaning of Suzuki Sonoko's question. Apparently she was asking Linton whether he was with an older sister or a younger sister. Naturally, the other one was brought along. All I can say is that Suzuki Sonoko really likes gossip, and it is rare for people to ask her directly without meeting her a few times.

"Yuanzi!" Mao Lilan here quickly stopped her.

"Oh oh oh, I brought my sister to check out the room!" Linton said directly without taking it too seriously.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko shouted in surprise at the same time. They were indeed a little surprised, or they didn't expect Linton's answer to be so straightforward and bold.

"No!" Miyano Shiho shouted directly behind him, "That's not the case at all!"

"Isn't Mr. Linton and Miss Mingmei..." Mao Lilan here asked a little strangely. Suzuki Sonoko may not know it, but when Toyama and Ye brought Linton and Miyano Akemi here, they introduced them as a couple.

"Oh, the relationship broke down and we broke up. Now we are attacking my sister." Linton said with a wave of his hand.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan here was a little confused again. Was it so sudden? Not only did the relationship suddenly break up, the next target was the ex-girlfriend's biological sister, and the three of them came to travel together. This relationship always felt a bit confusing.

Behind her, Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up. These three people were in such a mess that the spirit of gossip could no longer be suppressed.

After looking at the three people here, Suzuki Sonoko didn't quite understand Linton's situation. But although Miyano Shiho next to him looked angry, he just denied it a few times, which sounded more like coquettishness. On the other side, Miyano Akemi's expression was even more interesting, with a sense of helplessness and doting. There was definitely something wrong with these three people.

But just when she wanted to continue asking about the situation, a voice came from behind them: "Sister Xiaolan?"

"Huh? Conan?" Mao Lilan also turned her head in surprise. She recognized that the person calling her was Conan, but she didn't expect to meet Conan here. Turning around, she actually saw Conan running towards her, "Why are you here, Conan?"

"Oh, Dr. Agasa took us to camp in Mount Fuji..." Conan here said while looking at the other people present. Conan was stunned for a moment when he saw Linton, but he didn't say anything. But the next second, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were fixed on Miyano Shiho.

Yes, of course Conan has met Miyano Shiho. Before that, Haibara Ai drank Laobaigan when she was chased by people from the organization and recovered her body in a short time, so Conan can naturally recognize her. Come. At this time, seeing Haihara Ai grow bigger again, Conan's first reaction was to ask him how he did it.

"Conan! Conan!" But he was immediately woken up by Mao Lilan in front of him. After all, Conan suddenly froze as he spoke, and Mao Lilan quickly called out to him.

"Ah, Sister Xiaolan, I'm fine..." Conan, who came back to his senses, said quickly, "That sister is..."

"It's Ms. Miyano Akemi's sister, Miyano Shiho." Mao Lilan was not surprised. Of course, she felt that Conan didn't know him, so she introduced him a little.

Is it really Huihara Ai? Conan also checked to see if it was someone who looked similar. As a result, the other party stopped even acting and even used his real name. So he no longer worried about being hunted by the black organization?

Looking at Linton next to him again, Conan estimated that this matter might have something to do with Linton. Conan knew about the progress of Haihara Ai's research on the antidote. Although a short-term antidote was made using some ingredients found in Laobaigan, it was very immature. However, looking at the current situation, Haihara Ai may have completely solved this problem. This matter is most likely related to the sudden appearance of Lin It has something to do with it.

After all, Conan has witnessed Linton's magic with his own eyes. There is no way to apply any science to what this guy does. So why didn't I think that the other party might be able to solve the problem of his body becoming smaller?

Of course, now that he knows it, Conan's first reaction is to quickly ask Linton for help. Of course, he must be looking for it privately. Now he is not sure whether Huiyuan's recovery method can be used on himself. Naturally, he should hide it from Mao Lilan first and explain to her after he really recovers.

Just as he was thinking this, he happened to see Linton walking towards the corner of the hall.

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