Because I brought the Miyano sisters with me, the mode of travel was changed to driving.

It’s about a 2-hour drive from Rice Blossom City to Mount Fuji, which is very close. At the beginning, Miyano Shiho here took the initiative to suggest that she wanted to take the Shinkansen. The reason was very simple, that is... she had never taken it before.

Probably because he grew up in the organization since he was a child, Miyano Shiho can be regarded as a person who did not have a childhood. Linton was not surprised that he had never taken the Shinkansen before.

However, what Linton is more concerned about is the current state of Miyano Shiho. Obviously, Miyano Shiho has undergone some obvious changes. First of all, it was a bit strange that she took the initiative to go with Linton, because according to Linton's knowledge, Miyano Shiho's character in the original version was cautious and timid. Yes, I won’t go out if I can, otherwise what if I encounter someone from the black organization and get targeted.

So this proactive request is already a big change, and the proactive request to do the Shinkansen is even more obvious. Apparently my sister Miyano Akemi has also noticed this, that is... my sister seems to have "recovered" and become more like a normal girl.

Of course, Linton could also guess the reason for the other party's change, which was obviously caused by the confidence he gained after becoming stronger.

Yes, Miyano Shiho is naturally very strong now. As far as the current world is concerned, except for Linton, she is probably the strongest creature.

On the night when the meteorite landed a few days ago, after the three of them were blown away by the shock wave caused by the meteorite explosion, when Linton found Miyano Shiho, the other party had just reorganized his body.

Like his sister Miyano Akemi, Miyano Shiho here was also thrown to pieces at the beginning, but the power of the dark devil is invincible in the darkness, and no matter how damaged his body is, it can be repaired perfectly. Of course, Linton also told Miyano Shiho, who was a little confused at the time, about this situation and let the other party understand his current abilities.

Apparently after understanding that he had probably become an "invincible monster", Miyano Shiho began to let go of himself, or let go of his nature. Miyano Shiho has probably done experiments on himself now, and now he probably has a clear understanding of why Linton said before that the people at the winery can't be ranked at all. With his current ability, he is not a winery at all. People are looking for her, it’s fine if she doesn’t look for people from the winery.

As for the current changes in Miyano Shiho, Miyano Akemi, who is obviously much more attentive than Linton, can also feel it. However, in her opinion, her sister's changes must be in a good direction. The cautious appearance before made her feel distressed. But now, she feels that if she is no longer around, her sister will be able to live well. .

Therefore, it is obviously impossible for Miyano Akemi to object to Miyano Shiho's request. My sister wanted to go on a "outing", but Miyano Akemi here started buying supplies for the outing very seriously, and even cooked by herself to prepare lunch boxes for the outing.

However, although the two sisters were very interested in this outing, Linton rejected the other's proposal from the beginning, which was to take the Shinkansen. Of course, the reasons given by Linton are also very sufficient.

"For a person like me who has the aura of a famous detective, something will definitely happen if he takes the Shinkansen. Either someone is killed on the train, or the Shinkansen derails and explodes. It's terrible. Besides, you should drive faster." Lin Dun said.

For a short trip like this, driving is obviously faster than taking the train. When taking a train, you not only need to count the time on the train, but of course the time spent on buying tickets and waiting for the train also counts. To be honest, Linton originally wanted to open a portal directly, but the two sisters here insisted on a normal "outing", the kind that started with preparations. Although Linton reluctantly agreed, but He has no interest in waiting for trains and the like. He is not a railway geek and has no interest in things like trains.

"So how do you get the confidence to call yourself a famous detective? The cases you have solved so far are all suspects who were frightened by your strange abilities and surrendered." Miyano Shiho's ability to undermine people here has not changed much, so he directly dismissed Lin Dun’s old bottom was blown.

"No Way Out, it's obvious that I used my flawless and superb reasoning to push the prisoner into a desperate situation. When I was desperate, I had no choice but to confess," Linton said.

"Hey..." Miyano Shiho nodded, looking like he was too lazy to argue with you.

"Hey, I'm TN..." Linton expressed his dissatisfaction. He was simply too lazy to reason, okay? Is this too modest? "No, I have to prove my reasoning ability. Come and take the Shinkansen. Don't interrupt when there is a case. Let me do a perfect reasoning. I have to prove myself." "

"But all the prepared things have been moved to the car." Miyano Akemi said here.

"Yeah, I didn't question your reasoning. I already nodded." Miyano Shiho said next to him.

"No, that look in your eyes can be called unquestioning?" Linton pointed at Miyano Shiho and said.

"This is my look of approval." Miyano Shiho said.

"You are obviously caring for the mentally retarded... Damn it, I'm so cruel that I even scolded myself. Anyway, I don't care, hurry up and take the Shinkansen. Someone will definitely die. Let me perform a reasoning show." Linton said. .

"Wouldn't that be more troublesome? If we really wanted to kill someone, we would have to wait for the police to investigate, and then have to take a confession. Wouldn't it be better to deal with the Pokémon issue first?" Miyano Akemi said.

"But the things I'm being questioned about must be given higher priority. I've said it before. I'm a perfect moral person. I will always stand at the highest peak of morality and cannot tolerate any doubts..."

"So no one questions you at all. Stop fighting with the air." Miyano Shiho said.

"When did I become Gu Aotian? You..." Before Linton could finish his words, someone walked over beside him. Linton turned around and looked around, and found that the person coming was none other than Toru Amuro.

"Mr. Linton, are you going to Mount Fuji? I happen to be going there too, why don't you go." Toru Amuro said with a smile.

"The surveillance was too blatant." Linton raised his forehead, "Are you familiar with me? Where are the meteorite fragments I want?"

"We've collected it for you here, and I'll sort it out and hand it over to you right away." Toru Amuro said, "Of course, the work over there has been handed over to others. My task here is to follow you, and there's nothing wrong with me. There’s a way.”

"Get lost." Linton said directly.

After saying that, Linton also got into the car directly. Everything was ready and he could set off directly. The Miyano sisters next to him quickly followed and got on the bus. Although it was a bit sudden, at least Amuro Toru's appearance made Linton temporarily give up his plan to take the Shinkansen.

Although Miyano Shiho initially proposed taking the Shinkansen, she doesn't want to take it now. Indeed, she thought what Linton said might happen, because the number of Linton getting involved in cases was quite high. When Miyano Shiho followed Linton, he might have encountered three cases in one day. One has to worry.

After all, they were going for an "outing", and Miyano Shiho didn't want to be upset by a case and spoil his mood for fun. Of course, Miyano Akemi here must also think so, so it is safer to take a car now.

There was nothing to say, so the three of them set off directly and drove to Mount Fuji. Surprisingly, it was quite interesting along the way. Miyano Shiho unexpectedly talked a lot along the way. Maybe he was holding it in for a long time or something? In short, Miyano Shiho became a lot more cheerful after letting himself go.

Of course, the main reason was that the two sisters were chattering there, and they didn't talk about any serious topics. The main reason was that Miyano Shiho had never been out for an outing before, and he was very happy along the way. Although Linton didn't interrupt much, it was quite interesting to hear the two sisters chatting without a word. After all... he hadn't taken a vacation for a long time.

Because I was very relaxed, time passed very quickly. After more than an hour's drive, everyone has arrived near Mount Fuji, and Mount Fuji can now be seen in the field of vision.

This is Linton's first time here. Although he has experienced many worlds and there are many worlds where Mount Fuji exists, Linton has never been here before. This time I came directly for an outing, which was really a special experience.

While watching, the car has already entered the town at the foot of Mount Fuji. Linton was of course unfamiliar with this place, but Miyano Akemi took the initiative to introduce him. Of course, it was mainly to introduce him to his younger sister who had never seen the world. As an external errand boy of the organization, she knew a lot of things, at least much more than her sister who stayed at home.

"This is Nishitama City, just under Mount Fuji. A little further to the west is the scenic spot. If we want to enter Mount Fuji to search, it's best to prepare here." Miyano Akemi said.

"Nishitama City." Miyano Shiho had heard of the city, but of course he had never been there. Looking out the window, he suddenly pointed to two tall buildings in the city in the distance and said, "Those two tall buildings are..."

"Oh, that's the Twin Towers Skyscraper, a newly built landmark building." Miyano Akemi answered here.

"This is an unlucky name. I always feel like I'm going to get slapped on the head when I hear it..." Linton originally complained about the previous sentence, but when he said this, a light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he suddenly sat upright from the seat he was leaning against. He stood up and said, "Wait, Twin Towers Skyscraper?"

"Uh...what's wrong?" Miyano Akemi asked, looking at Linton who suddenly seemed to be energetic.

"Oh oh oh, I know!" Linton suddenly became excited at this moment, "Come on, come on, drive over there, we will stay there tonight, hurry up and get a room!"

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