Seeing that the other party came to the door with money, of course Linton still met him. Miyano Akemi here was very skillful in pouring drinks for Toru Amuro, which is a Japanese etiquette for entertaining guests who come to the door. Miyano Shiho, on the other hand, has been looking at each other somewhat uncomfortably with Toru Amuro.

Linton could guess some of the reasons why the two looked at each other. Here Toru Amuro looked at Miyano Shiho and probably guessed that the eighteen-year-old girl in front of him might be the eight-year-old child who was in Miyano Akemi's arms before. It was possible and there was no need to guess, because there was someone there that night. The surveillance camera was watching them, but Linton didn't know that the picture captured by the camera was very unclear.

And Miyano Shiho stared at Toru Amuro, probably purely because the magical girl battle suit she wore that day was provided by Toru Amuro. Linton has been teasing Miyano Shiho with this photo every day for the past two days. Although Miyano Shiho has always wanted to steal Linton's cell phone and secretly delete the photos, Linton's cell phone is unfortunately kept in the package even when he sleeps. Yes, no chance at all.

So now that I see Toru Amuro appearing, there is a high probability that he is holding a grudge. Even if you say Linton didn't ask him to buy it, if you can reason logically with a girl, you have already lost.

"In short, according to current statistics, the number of victims has exceeded 30,000, and this does not include minor injuries." What Toru Amuro said here was naturally about the meteorite incident three days ago. Note that these 30,000 dead and seriously injured are only the ones who have been found so far, and a large part of them are missing. It is not possible to count them yet, because the entire Tokyo Bay area is still in chaos.

Of course, there are definitely not that many people here who were directly killed by meteorites. Most of the casualties were caused by subsequent disasters caused by the falling meteorites. For example, most people were burned to death by fires, and some were swept away by large waves caused by meteorites falling into the sea. Of course, there were also man-made disasters. A large number of people fled out of fear, causing many stampedes and car accidents. type of accident.

It seems that the final number of victims of this disaster may reach the level of the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. The number of casualties at that time was about 140,000. This is of course an estimated number, because most of the missing people were never found at all. . According to expectations, the number of casualties this time may also be in the hundreds of thousands.

However, although the number of casualties in this disaster is approaching the highest in history, inexplicably everyone is quite accepting of this number of casualties. The main reason is that if the situation at that time had not caused such an accident, it is estimated that few of the 30 million people in the Tokyo Bay area would have survived. By then, there may be hundreds of thousands of survivors.

This is like the window theory. If you want to open a window, you first lift the roof and propose a result that no one can accept. Then you propose opening the window. It seems like you have taken a step back, and everyone seems to have become I can accept some. The previous situation was unacceptable to everyone, but now... it can only be said that we can barely survive.

As for the accident mentioned here, that is, the sudden explosion of the meteorite when it was about to fall, the current public information has nothing to do with Miyano Shiho.

According to the official announcement, the meteorite suddenly collapsed internally due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside after passing through the atmosphere. Because Miyano Shiho was indeed using a long-range attack at that time and was not close to the meteorite at all. Many images taken by people present at the time were gradually released. They had nothing to do with Miyano Shiho, so most people believed this explanation.

Of course, both the parliament and the Metropolitan Police knew that was not the case at all. The fragmentation of the meteorite must be related to Linton, but they don't know Linton's ability. Of course, they didn't think this matter had anything to do with Miyano Shiho. At that time, they only saw three figures on the roof. At present, they are only sure that they are Linton and the Miyano sisters. Whoever made the move is everyone's default All Linton.

However, although Toru Amuro was here mainly to report on the meteorite, Linton was not interested at all. Toru Amuro here just briefly introduced the current situation, and Linton asked about the key points.

"What is this?" Linton asked, pointing to the box brought by Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro seemed to be deliberately waiting for Linton's reaction. Hearing Linton's inquiry, he did not answer directly. Instead, he opened the box next to him and directly showed Linton the contents of the box.

What appeared inside was a piece of crystal-like material. The whole thing was light green in color. It even looked a bit like the kind of crystals in the game, which were in the shape of clusters. Of course, in reality, crystals look so perfect, but this crystal looks like it has been polished, and its transparency is quite high. It seems that there are no impurities inside. It might be more appropriate to say that it is artificial.

Linton took the box and looked at the crystals inside, then clicked to upload. Yes, this thing is a direct reminder of valuables, and there is no question of ownership. Linton actually had some guesses about this, because he had just encountered a similar situation.

Just the day before yesterday, Linton went to receive the MEGA stones provided by Lu Ping. According to the previous situation, the ownership of the items cannot be uploaded before they belong to you. Linton originally thought that he should bring down Lu Ping or something like that.

But things didn't develop that way. After arriving there, Linton directly received the valuables prompt from the system. Linton didn't know at the time whether this thing was considered ownerless, or whether this was the principle of collecting valuables in this world.

However, what Toru Amuro now provides directly indicates that it can be uploaded, which makes Linton feel that the latter is more likely. And at the same time, Linton also guessed the source of this thing, which might be something similar to a MEGA stone.

It's just that the crystal in front of him is obviously not a MEGA stone. Linton has just come into contact with MEGA stone. It is a stone with striped patterns inside and constant flashes of colorful light. It is obviously very different from the crystal in front of him. The difference, then what is this thing...?

The uploaded points were 20,000, and the thing in front of him was only the size of a fist. In terms of value, Linton felt that it was about the same value as a MEGA stone. Because he uploaded the MEGA stones in the warehouse for a long time the day before yesterday, he roughly knew the value of stones of similar size.

Moreover, the MEGA stone has not shown any attenuation due to repeated uploads until now. I don’t know whether it is because the samples at the beginning were not enough, or because there are many types of MEGA stones, or because this thing can be uploaded infinitely.

So in the absence of attenuation, this thing looks like a MEGA stone from a point of view. Except that they don't look alike, everything else is considered correct.

"What is this?" Linton looked at it and asked directly.

"I also want to ask Mr. Linton for the answer." Toru Amuro came here specially with this thing, and naturally he also came to ask Linton what it was. Unexpectedly, Linton asked the same question. However, Toru Amuro felt that Linton was not completely ignorant of this thing, at least judging from his eyes, he knew what it was.

"Where did this thing come from?" Linton asked, changing the question.

"This thing is what was found in the crater." Toru Amuro said.

"Meteorite? Wait, is this what I found in the meteorite that I pulled down... that fell three days ago?" Linton said with some surprise.

"Pull it down?" Amuro Toru was stunned for a moment.

"Anyway, is it the stuff inside that meteorite?" Linton remembered. Yes, when the shell of the meteorite was destroyed before, he seemed to remember seeing something crystallized like a mineral inside. But Linton didn't take it seriously before. He had no interest in gems. At that time, because of the distance, there was no hint of valuables. Only now did he realize that the things inside were valuables.

"Yes, this is what was left behind after the meteorite hit the ground." Toru Amuro said here, "Most of the outer shell of the meteorite is made of silicate, and most of it was not left behind after it hit the ground, or it was not found. But crystal materials similar to this have been found where many meteorite fragments landed."

"However, this thing is not crystal. It has a very high hardness and can withstand very high temperatures and pressures, so it can stay after landing. According to the current analysis of the Ministry of Science and Technology, this thing may naturally look like this, not only in shape, but also in general The transparency is also very high, and it doesn't even look like something naturally occurring." Toru Amuro continued, "And the current preliminary judgment is that the materials that make up this thing should not be the materials and elements that originally existed on the earth."

Toru Amuro's words could only help Linton confirm his guess. This thing does seem to be related to the Pokémon world, but what exactly is it?

Of course Linton didn't know it, but he had heard of a lot of similar things, which were similar to MEGA stones. For example, the Z-crystal, or the giant wristband with the wishing star fragments embedded inside. Linton has never gotten these things before, and he doesn't know what they look like. Maybe this thing is the one in front of him.

Of course, you may have to ask in the Pokemon world to find out what it is. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t know, after all... Anyway, as long as the system approves it and it can be uploaded, it doesn’t matter what it is called.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have broken it. I would have troubled myself." Linton muttered. Of course, it is impossible to move the time to three days ago. If he had known this thing at that time, Linton would not have broken it.

"How many fragments have you collected?" Linton asked Amuro Toru with a smile.

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