On Orochimaru's side, after escaping a little way, he met Sai as expected. It was also discovered that Linton and the others did not catch up. Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing Saai, he did not take action directly. After all, the other party suddenly took action to divert Linton's attention for him. He also wanted to know. what is going on.

"Lord Orochimaru, I am not an enemy. Lord Danzo sent me here." Said Sai, "I want to talk to you."

"Danzo? That old immortal is still alive?" Orochimaru looked at Saoi, "Do you have any evidence?"

"This." Sai took out something like a document from his shoulder bag, and then carefully threw it to Orochimaru. Orochimaru looked at it for a while, and it didn't look like there was a trap, so he opened the file and just looked at it. He probably already knew that Sai was indeed the person sent by Danzo.

"I see..." Orochimaru nodded, "So, does Danzo mean for you to follow me?"

"Yes." Said Sai, "I'm here to help."

"In that case, just follow up." Orochimaru thought for a while and nodded. Danzo can still be used now, or in other words, under the current circumstances, Danzo is one of the few allies they can form an alliance with. And Orochimaru has now lost Kabuto, his right-hand man, and now Sai suddenly appears. Orochimaru thinks that this little guy can be taught by DIAO.

Feeling threatened, Orochimaru didn't stay long and quickly left with Sai. Orochimaru was also looking for anyone to follow him along the way. Yamato's clone was soon discovered, but Orochimaru used a little trick to get rid of the tracking.

Of course, this was what Yamato showed to Orochimaru. It was too fake that no one was following them. They mainly relied on the tracking ability of Sai's wood escape seeds, so there was no need to follow them directly. This clone's tracking was what Orochimaru got rid of, so that he would not doubt it.

Orochimaru didn't seem to be very familiar with Wood Release, so he didn't doubt this, and took Sai directly to the base in the north. Of course, this was one of Orochimaru's many bases.

In the hall of the base, Sasuke was sitting on the central stage waiting for Orochimaru. He knew that Orochimaru and Kabuto had gone out, but he didn't know what they were doing. Now Sasuke is still practicing all the time, so Orochimaru disappeared for a day, which delayed his original training plan, which made him very unhappy.

Hearing the footsteps of the two people, Sasuke said directly: "Why are you coming back so late? Didn't you agree to practice a new technique in the afternoon? Orochimaru."

But when he was talking, he suddenly saw the two people coming in. He originally thought they were Orochimaru and Kabuto, but found that they were not. Apart from Orochimaru, he did not know the second person, and he was not with Orochimaru. Saw it.

"Who is he?" Sasuke asked directly.

"I received a nice gift today. He is from Konoha just like you. He is a good subordinate." Orochimaru said.

"Konoha? Where is Kabuto?" Sasuke asked, his intuition telling him that something seemed to have happened.

"Kabuto... there is a new task for him." Orochimaru said.

"Hello, I'm Saai, nice to meet you, you are Uchiha Sasuke..."

"Get out." Sasuke said directly before Saai could finish speaking.

"Naruto hates me too. I thought it would be a little easier to get along with you." Said Sai.

Probably because he heard Naruto's name, Sasuke became even more upset and stared directly at Sai. With just one glance, Saoi seemed to have seen a very extraordinary vision. He stumbled and fell to the ground, which seemed a bit like showing off his power.

Sai was indeed a little frightened, and he couldn't help but think of what happened a few days ago, and he blurted out: "You are indeed a member of the Uchiha family, and that person..."

"Who are you talking about?" Sasuke suddenly raised his voice. Of course, he was not thinking of Linton, but another person. He misunderstood that Sai had met the man he wanted to kill.

Feeling the huge killing intent again, Zuo Jing really panicked. At this time, Orochimaru next to him immediately said: "Sasuke-kun, don't be angry."

"You guys, are you looking for that person?" Sasuke asked.

"Of course not." Orochimaru said.

"Then why did he mention that person?"

Orochimaru also understood that Sasuke probably mistakenly thought that the Uchiha mentioned by Sai was Itachi. Now he doesn't want to mention Linton, because he doesn't know what the relationship between Linton and Sasuke is. What he wants is Sasuke's body. If Sasuke and Linton have a good relationship, he will find Linton himself. It's not cold anymore. So thinking of this, Orochimaru directly followed Sasuke's intention.

"You are right in your guess. In fact, Akatsuki's people have discovered this place." Orochimaru said, "I just went out to investigate the other party's situation. Yes, I met that person."

In an instant, the killing intent around him became much stronger.

"Restrain, Sasuke-kun, you should know how powerful that person is. Now you and I are no match for that person. You still need time." Orochimaru said, "Revenge is not that simple. Although they haven't discovered the base yet. Location, but now that we have found this place, we will probably find it soon, and it is time for us to leave here."

Sasuke knew that what Orochimaru said was true. He now knew how powerful that person was. After seeing the world, he was no longer as ignorant as before. Reluctantly suppressing the murderous intention in his heart, Sasuke said: "I understand, when will we leave?"

"Take some time to clean up and leave immediately." Orochimaru said. He was indeed worried that Linton would find this place, so it would be safer to change his base. After all, although he was not followed when he came back, Kabuto fell into the opponent's hands. , of course he knows the location of this stronghold. Even if Kabuto will not betray him, the other party may obtain the location of the base through some magic. It is indeed unsafe here.

However, what Orochimaru didn't expect was that while they were talking, Linton and his party had already arrived near their base. Using Yamato's tracking skills, the remaining four people groped their way over and now have determined the entrance to the base.

"It's under the rock over there." Yamato said, "Use earth escape to sneak in."

"As long as I'm here..." Linton just wanted to say that it would be over just now, but before he could finish his words, he suddenly got a system prompt. Yes, it is a reminder of valuables. After getting closer, there will be a reminder that valuables appear, and the location is exactly where the base pointed out by Yamato is.

Linton immediately understood what kind of valuable it was. In fact, such a situation had happened before. Didn't I enter Orochimaru's laboratory when I first came to Naruto World? It was the same situation when I first entered, with a lot of reminders of valuables. And now when we encounter the same situation again, we have to say that Orochimaru's laboratory is simply a treasure trove, with valuables everywhere.

"Sneak in." Linton immediately changed his words. Rather than looking for his nephew or something, decisiveness was more important than points.

Several people didn't pay much attention to Linton's sudden change of words. After all, they were here now. Naruto and the others' attention had shifted to Sasuke, and they felt that they were about to meet. As for Yamato, he has more things to consider.

Soon, using earth escape skills, he directly entered Orochimaru's base underground. Yamato looked in the direction, felt the position of his own seed, pointed forward and said, "Sai should be over there."

"I... don't have any thoughts about Sai. I'm going to find my nephew." Just as the others were preparing to go find Sai first, Linton suddenly said. In fact, it was also because the location of the valuables I felt was not in the direction Yamato said.

"In the current situation, let's catch Sai and ask him for details first," Yamato said.

"You go catch that Sasui, and I'll go find Sasuke." Linton said.

"This place is so big, do you know where Sasuke is?" Yamato asked.

"I don't know, but the search is over." Linton spread his hands and said, "Just take care of your own actions. As I said before, if I win, then you will follow my actions. You go find Sai, and I will act on my own. If you have any questions, you can try again."

In this case, Yamato couldn't say anything and could only take Naruto and others to find Sai. Linton naturally quickly moved in the direction of the valuables prompted by the system.

Not long after, Linton came to a place that looked like a laboratory. There were a lot of incomprehensible things in the room, and it looked like a biochemical laboratory. There are also a lot of unknown documents and other things on the table in the laboratory. In short, although Linton has no idea what these things are, it doesn't matter, as long as the system recognizes these things as valuables.

Of course, there were a lot of things, and it was a bit troublesome for Linton to find out which ones could be exchanged for points, so he had to try uploading them one by one. And it's not just this room, other rooms seem to have some things that can be uploaded. It seems that there are quite a few laboratories. Without further ado, Linton got to work immediately, taking things one by one and starting to experiment.

It took a little time, and although it was a bit troublesome, Linton said it was quite satisfying to hear the constant notifications that the upload was successful. Not long after, Linton saw that his points had become 1.12 million. He remembered that he had more than 60,000 points left, and he had made a lot of money by earning more than one million. He almost wanted to thank Orochimaru.

There are some hints left, but they are a bit troublesome to find. They are scattered in various places. The points of these things alone are not very many, but the total points are amazing.

He was thinking about sweeping them all, but suddenly there was a loud "boom", and it seemed like an explosion occurred not far away. Linton probably knew that something happened on Sasuke's side.

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