With the cooperation of the Metropolitan Police Department, Linton quickly found out the information about Ju Jingzi.

First of all, the other party no longer continues to open a law firm. After all, a year ago, a criminal appeared in their law firm. Obviously, this situation made their firm completely stinky in the industry. Not only was it squeezed out by its peers, but it also failed to receive any commissions, and the firm soon closed down.

However, Ju Jingzi did not change careers and continued to work as a lawyer, but now she became a mobile lawyer. To put it simply, it is the kind of lawyer who does not have a fixed office location, contacts by phone, and then comes to work directly.

Obviously, such lawyers are relatively low-level in the legal industry and cannot receive any decent commissions. It can also be seen from the cases that Police Officer Takagi has found out about the cases that this lawyer Tachibana Sagako has taken over in the past year. This guy has taken on cases that other law firms simply don’t want to take on. It is clear that he will lose at a glance. of that kind of case.

If given a choice, who would want to add all kinds of failures to their lawyer resume, but obviously Tachibana Jingzi has no choice, so almost 100% of the cases she handles are lost, and she is also known as 99% Failed lawyer.

Although I don’t have the other party’s place of work and I don’t know the location of the other party’s current temporary residence, after all, the other party is a mobile lawyer, so it is still very easy to find the other party’s phone number. So Linton soon asked Officer Takagi to contact Tachibana Jingzi in the name of the police and expressed that he wanted to meet the other party.

"...It's not convenient to talk about the case over the phone. Can we meet in person first and then talk about it?" Officer Takagi naturally asked her because he wanted to ask about Tachibana Jingzi's situation due to a case, but the police did not disclose it on the phone. What kind of case it is, it’s not that strange.

"If the police need my cooperation, I will naturally have no problem, but now I have work here and may not have time for the time being. Can I do it tomorrow?" Tachibana Jingzi said on the phone.

"Go directly to her." Linton said from the side, "Ask for the location."

"Well, our case here is quite urgent. Can we go over to see you now? It won't take you a long time. All we need is a meeting." Officer Takagi also said.

"Then...okay." Tachibana Jingzi thought for a while and agreed, so she told Takagi Wataru her current location. Hearing this location, I don't know why Takagi Wataru always felt that it seemed a bit familiar. He seemed to have heard of this address somewhere.

But before he could think about it, Linton and he set off directly. Of course, only Wataru Takagi is following Linton. Officer Megure and the others here still have to take charge of the bombing case. Only an honest person like Officer Takagi will be asked around to do chores.

The place is not far away, right in Mihua City. After driving for a while, Linton and Takagi Sheba arrived at a high-rise office building. Looking at the office building, Takagi Wataru felt more and more that he must have been here before, but he couldn't remember exactly what case it was. He must have been here before when handling a case. Until he came to the address provided by the other party and saw the nameplate of the entire office building marked on the first floor of the building.

"Eiri Law Firm?" Takagi Wataru remembered it when he saw this sign. Yes, he had indeed been to this place, because this is the building where Moori Kogoro's wife, Eiri's law firm is located.

He had indeed been here before, of course because of a case. People who are entangled with the protagonist group will more or less encounter various cases, and Fei Yingli is certainly the same. Officer Takagi also came here with Officer Megure at that time, so he still has some impressions. But the question now is...why is Tachibana here?

"Fei Yingli?" Linton, who was following behind, was also stunned for a moment. Of course he knew Fei Yingli. The strange thing about him is the same as that of Officer Takagi. Why is this matter related to Fei Yingli?

"That, Ms. Fei Yingli, is Mr. Maori's wife. Although they are currently separated, the two are not divorced." Officer Takagi here felt that Linton might not know Fei Yingli, so he gave him a brief introduction.

"So why is this Ju Jingzi in Fei Yingli's law firm?" Linton asked.

"Maybe... the two of them know each other? After all, they are both lawyers." Takagi Wataru here was casually guessing as he and Linton took the elevator upstairs and quickly knocked on the door of Fei Yingli Law Firm. .

As soon as I opened the door, there were quite a few people inside, all of whom were familiar. For example, Mao Lilan, Conan and others, as well as Toyama and Ye, and Suzuki Sonoko, whom Linton could recognize even though it was their first meeting. Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai are also here, but except for Hattori Heiji, almost all the protagonists are here.

Seeing so many people, Linton was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood why there were so many people. This Mouri Kogoro has been arrested and has not been released yet. This Fei Yingli is now also the nominal wife of Moori Kogoro. Of course, it is impossible to hide it from her.

"Mr. Linton?" Compared to Linton, these people were more curious about why Linton appeared here. Of course they also knew that Linton went to investigate Kaneki Ken's case, and they had nothing to say about Linton's lack of involvement in Mouri Kogoro's case. They were not that familiar with him anyway. So why is Linton here again?

Linton ignored everyone for the time being, but glanced around and quickly turned his attention to a person whom he could not recognize at first sight. This is a woman with large-rimmed round glasses and a clean formal suit. Linton also confirmed that the badge on the other person's chest was the lawyer's badge. Linton had seen it once before. It was obvious that this was the Ju Jingzi he was looking for.

"Hello, is this Ju Jingzi?" Linton also walked directly to the other party and said.

"Are you...JING Chao?" Ju Jingzi probably guessed that the person who came in was the JING Chao who had just contacted her, but Takagi Wataru, who came in behind, really looked like JING Chao, but on Linton's side, no matter how he looked at it, It doesn't feel like a police officer. Not to mention not wearing formal attire, the other party's demeanor didn't look like that of a police officer.

"Hello, Miss Tachibana." Takagi Wataru came up and said something. Tachibana Jingzi quickly recognized the other party's voice. It was the JING policeman who was in contact with her. And Takagi Wataru indeed took out his police ID, "I am Takagi Wataru, from the Investigation Class 1, and this is...Mr. Linton."

"Uh... hello." Tachibana Jingzi looked at Linton here a little strangely. When Takagi Wataru introduced Linton, he didn't say that he was his colleague. That means the other party is not a JING police officer, but probably someone related to the case Takagi Wataru mentioned? What's even more strange is that Mao Lilan and the others seemed to know Linton just now.

"Do you know Hanba Ersanyi?" Before Officer Takagi here could continue to speak, Linton asked directly.

Hearing Haba Ersanyi's name, Tachibana Kyoko's face changed, and she became visibly depressed. Officer Takagi next to him had a headache. Originally, he wanted to continue to lay the groundwork and explain why he wanted to find Tachibana Jingzi. However, Linton couldn't wait at all and asked directly. This was obviously a bit sudden and rude.

"Why are you asking about him?" Tachibana Jingzi said after a moment of silence, "The case must have been over at that time."

"I want to ask him something." Linton said.

"Ask something? Don't you know that he is no longer in this world?" Ju Jingzi said. Listening to her tone, I always felt a little strange. It didn't sound like the anger after being victimized and unable to open a law firm. His attitude seemed to be complaining about JING Chao's feeling. Linton made a little judgment and felt that the relationship between Tachibana Jingzi and Haba Ersanyi should not be simple.

"Of course I know, but who told you that people can't speak after they die." Linton said, "On this point, this young lady has the most say."

Linton also pointed at Miyano Akemi behind him and said.

"What do you mean? Are you here to trouble me?" Ju Jingzi here was a little angry, "Do you mean you can resurrect the dead?"

"Yes, that's what it means." However, what he didn't expect was that although Ju Jingzi was sarcastic, Linton actually nodded in recognition.

"Huh?" Ju Jingzi was also stunned. He couldn't answer Linton's words for a moment. Everyone could tell that it was a taunt. Did Linton really answer it?

"Just tell me where his body is buried." Linton said directly, not wanting to explain nonsense to her.

"Where is it buried? Why are you asking me?" Although Ju Jingzi was a little strange, he still asked.

"No matter who you ask, wasn't it you who claimed his body at that time?" Linton said.

"What? I claimed the body? How is this possible?" Tachibana Kyoko here said with a confused face, "Isn't Haba's body claimed by his parents?"

"Huh?" Linton was also stunned for a moment. Why did he suddenly feel wrong? Looking at Tachibana Jingzi's expression here, he didn't seem to be lying, and he was also very surprised.

"Officer Takagi." Linton waved to the back. Takagi here was indeed the ace handyman. He immediately understood what Linton meant and handed over the documents directly.

"Ms. Tachibana, this is the document provided by the detention center. It is indeed the corpse you collected here." Officer Takagi took out the case file and said, "We actually also want to ask about your relationship with Mr. Haba Jisanyi. Why can you Collect the body.”

"This... this is impossible!" Ju Jingzi looked at the result document with a surprised look on his face, but after looking at it, he saw that it really had his seal and signature, "This... I have never signed such a document, it is a forgery !”

"Fake?" Several people present were stunned.

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