I really can't control myself

Chapter 2178 Hui Yuan Ai’s reasoning

Although this was Linton's first time at the Maori Detective Agency, the place felt strangely familiar, which made Linton feel that his way of recalling the plot became smoother.

"Drink tea!"

With a soft "bang" sound, Mao Lilan here slapped the tray with the teacup on the table, then pouted and walked into the adjacent bathroom, probably to fix her hair.

"What... why are you angry again?" Mouri Kogoro could see that his daughter seemed a little angry, but he didn't know why. Having a rebellious daughter is really a headache. Sometimes I really don't know what my daughter is. What is the idea?

Haiyuan Ai here stared at Linton next to him. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning in his eyes seemed to be saying: "Look, she really made her angry."

"Then what can I do? I can't rush into the bathroom to coax her now." Linton spread his hands and said.

"There was a guy who had five ribs broken just now..." Haiyuan Ai said.

"Then I'm not too scared. I'll break off a few ribs and give them to you to keep for fun." Linton said.

"Why do I need those?" Haihara Ai said, "You really have a unique skill in making people angry, and you are at the level of a master craftsman."

"Yeah..." Linton puffed out his chest with a "please praise me" expression on his face.

"I'm not bragging!" Haiyuan roared.

"Anyway, let's leave her alone." Mouri Kogoro here did not continue to care about Mao Lilan's anger, but returned to work and continued, "Anyway, let's talk about the situation first, in the morning. Three clients came to the door at the same time, and they were looking for the same person, Taku Itakura, who you are also looking for."

"These three people are from several software companies. Their companies have asked Itakura Taku to help them produce game software. Of course, they didn't know each other before that this Itakura Taku actually took over commissions from so many companies at once. , and now the other party suddenly disappeared, and I was even worried that he would run away without being able to hand over the things."

"Producing three games at the same time? It does sound like you want to take the money and run away." Linton also said.

"And when receiving the order, Taku Itakura and the rest of them said they had no work at hand, so they just took it." Mouri Kogoro also said, "Although I don't know if this guy really ran away, but He is indeed a very irregular person. By the way, did your friend Kaneki Ken also commission him to make a game?"

"Indeed, but it must have been a long time ago." Linton said, "Didn't my friend disappear after that? Probably because the funds were not continuously supplied, Taku Itakura made several calls to collect payment."

"Speaking of which, your friend disappeared. Did you call the police?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"I don't know if the police were called, but the JING police should be looking for him now." Linton said, because of the production of the Pokemon game, the people on Nippon are definitely looking for Kaneki Ken, but I don't know where they are. It's just progress.

"Isn't there any news from the JING police?" Mouri Kogoro said. Of course, there is no need to answer this question. If the JING police can give Linton news, he will not entrust him to investigate. "Anyway, first find this Itakura Taku and ask Bar."

"So the clue Mr. Mori said..." Linton asked.

"Oh, this is it." Mouri Kogoro pointed to the TV next to him, then took out a CD and put it into the TV. A picture of a man quickly appeared on it.

What appeared on the screen was a thin man who looked to be in his forties or fifties. He had a high hairline and was wearing a crew-neck sweater. He looked like a programmer.

"Is this person Itakura Zhuo?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Mouri Kogoro nodded, "This is a video sent by people from three companies after this guy disappeared. I copied a copy here. According to the people from those three companies, they and Taku Itakura This is not the first time they have cooperated. They are familiar with this person's working style from the previous cooperation. A few days before the deadline, the other party will indeed disappear for a period of time, saying that he needs to meditate or something, but in the past few times, All were submitted before the deadline.”

Itakura Taku in the picture is indeed telling a few people that he wants to find a clean place to finally rush out a wave of program code and will submit it to them before the deadline. The background of this picture looks like it was taken in a hotel, but the picture is relatively dark and only a desk lamp is on, making it difficult to see clearly.

"But this time, the deadline has come, and the three companies have not received the agreed software. Only when people from the three companies came to meet them did they know that Taku Itakura has been cooperating with many companies, and now there is no one. "Mori Kogoro said, "This video is from a week ago, so he has been missing for at least a week..."

"Then the clue you mentioned before is..." Linton asked.

"This looks like a hotel, so he should be hiding in a hotel. I'm going to go to the hotel to ask." Mouri Kogoro said.

There is a solution, but it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Asking hotels one after another, this is really a bit stupid.

"Let's see if there are any clues." Linton pointed at the screen and said to Hui Yuan Ai next to him.

"Why should I help?" Hui Yuan Ai said here.

"Don't you want to know whether your bet won?" Linton said with a smile.

"..." Hui Yuan Ai looked at Linton, and then suddenly said, "Speaking of which, if you lose this bet, it seems that you haven't said anything about it yet."

"If I lose, I will directly resurrect your sister completely. You also know that your sister is not fully resurrected now." Linton said directly.

"Is it a deal?" Hui Yuan Ai immediately became motivated.

"Of course." Linton nodded, "This is not a troublesome matter. There is no need to lie to you."

"..." Resurrecting an individual is not a troublesome thing, but Haihara Ai really believes in it.

After looking at the picture on the screen here, Haihara Ai suddenly pointed to the things on the table in the picture. In addition to a laptop, there were all kinds of strange things on it: "What's going on with these chessboards?"

Yes, there are three chessboards on the table behind Itakura Taku in the picture, and there are three types of chessboards, namely Go, shogi and chess. It's not that strange for this person to play chess, but it's a bit strange for one person to play three kinds of chess...

"Oh, speaking of which, the three companies that commissioned him to produce are Go games, Shogi games and chess games." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Board games?" Linton nodded. Although he knew he was making games, he didn't expect that the three jobs he took were all for developing board games.

"Then... did he bring these chessboards himself, or did he ask for them from the hotel?" Haihara Ai continued to ask.

"Ah! That's right." Mouri Kogoro here reacted, "I probably didn't bring it myself, but asked the hotel waiter for it. The waiter must be very impressed by the person who directly asked for three kinds of chess, so I directly Call the hotel and ask, maybe they will remember someone like this.”

"Oh oh oh, I'm so awesome..." Linton couldn't help but praise.

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