When I came to the client's house again, as expected, something big had happened. The fire could be seen in the distance, and thick black smoke also covered the sky. Several fire trucks around were desperately trying to put out the fire, but because the fire was really huge, even the open flames had not been suppressed yet.

"Is it really the one you went to before?" Conan asked, looking at the burning house in the distance.

"Yeah." Hattori Heiji here nodded. He really didn't expect that he would be away for such a short period of time, and when he came back, it would already be in such an exaggerated situation.

"Ryoko! Ryoko!" At this time, a square-faced man with eyes in front of the house was yelling towards the house. It looked like he wanted to rush into the house directly, but it was obvious that the fire was so big now, don't Even if you go in, you can't even get close. Naturally, his attempt to die was stopped by the firefighters and police officers who were fighting the fire around him.

Yes, the police have already arrived at this time. Originally, they were not responsible for putting out the fire. Only when the firefighters discovered that the fire might be man-made would they be notified to take action. But the situation is different now. The police have been following up on the Akama case, and this is Fourth Chome, so when such a situation occurs, they will also arrive at the scene as soon as possible. Of course, now they are mainly maintaining order at the scene. Of course, they will wait until the fire is out to investigate.

"That's the client's husband." Hattori Heiji looked at the yelling man and said, "So, the client is still inside..."

"This time...are there any casualties?" Conan also frowned. Yes, although this prisoner named Chima has committed three crimes and burned down three houses. But the three houses before this were all burned when no one was around, which means that although it was arson, there were no casualties. At most, a few firefighters who put out the fire were injured. But this time the situation seems to be different. .

Sure enough, after a group of people passed by, there was movement inside. A team of firefighters entered the house through the window, and then lifted out... a body. Yes, they chose a very dangerous risk to save people when they heard there were people in the house, but it was obviously too late. When they were brought out, the people had been covered with white cloth, so it was obviously too late.

"Ryoko!" When the husband here saw the corpse being carried out, he screamed and threw himself on the corpse. He looked like he was heartbroken. At this moment, another man walked up next to him and began to comfort his husband. He seemed to be his good friend.

"Something's wrong..." Hattori Heiji here said, "Those two people... why did they come back so soon?"

"The deceased's husband and his friend? Have you seen them before?" Conan asked.

"Yes, when I met with the client before, I happened to meet his husband coming home. The other person was at the client's house from the beginning. After the two met, they decided to go out for a drink. It seemed like he left about fifteen minutes earlier than I did, so he probably wouldn't be back so soon," Hattori Heiji said.

"Unless you have a plan in advance." Conan here said following Hattori Heiji's words.

"Yeah, yeah, that is to say, in a general murder case, the spouse is the highest suspect. He went out just to get an alibi. The husband's friend is used as a time witness, right?" Linton said. The other side concluded, "It's really a very traditional reasoning."

"No... that husband's friend is also very suspicious." Hattori Heiji here suddenly said, "Actually, that guy had an improper relationship with the client..."

"Huh?" Several people looked at Hattori Heiji strangely. How did Hattori Heiji know about this? If it was a reasoning, Conan didn't even notice it.

"Ahem, actually I didn't communicate with the client for very long. I stayed at her place for a while. I originally wanted to investigate privately, but I saw a lot of things..." Hattori Heiji explained. one time. It turned out that not long after he came here to meet the client, he was rejected by the client, and naturally there was nothing to talk about after that.

But Hattori Heiji still wanted to investigate the situation, so he thought about asking around. But before he could ask, he saw several people visiting the client one after another. After his husband's friend entered, Hattori Heiji happened to sneak into the other party's yard to check if there were any traces left by the stranger's actions. There were traces and so on, and as a result, I saw the client having an affair with this friend outside the window.

However, the relationship between the two seemed not that simple, because the friend also detached the client and wanted to steal something from the house, but was discovered by the hostess who returned. While the two were quarreling, the husband came back and they went out drinking together.

Now that everything has been said here, Hattori Heiji also talked about his visit to the client. First of all, when he came here, the client, the hostess of the house, Ryoko Morokaku, was dealing with an uncle who looked like a salesman. When Hattori Heiji went in to look for her, he heard the salesman saying that he was not a salesperson, but a patient of the client's husband, who came to inquire about his condition. However, in the end he could not hold back and sold a useless pendant, and was driven away by Ryoko Morokaku. .

The next person to receive him was Hattori Heiji, who was also driven away by Ryoko Morokaku. When Hattori Heiji went out, he met a strange woman in a robe. She was wearing heavy makeup and it looked very strange. She came to see Ryoko Morokaku.

It’s not clear what the two said, but Hattori Heiji didn’t leave after that. He was investigating nearby and saw that the woman left quickly and stayed for a few minutes. Then the husband's friend, the man named Soga Soga, came to the door. After entering, the plot of stealing Haru began. Then the husband, Morokaku Akira, went home, and Soga Soga went out to drink. Hattori Heiji also searched for a while. Leave, and then the current situation.

"This isn't right..." After Hattori Heiji told what he knew, Conan here didn't say what he thought. Instead, it was Linton who spoke first: "There is obviously something wrong here."

"What do you think is wrong?" Conan here asked.

"Look at the salesmen, the women wearing heavy makeup, the husband's friends and the husband... isn't there something obviously wrong?" Linton said.

"Uh...so who exactly is wrong?" Hattori Heiji also asked.

"Haven't you seen it yet? What's wrong is of course the number of people. Look, there are four suspects. How is this possible? It has been said that there are absolutely no way there will be so many suspects in such a case. Readers don't have that many The brain has the capacity to remember so many people, and three suspects are the most appropriate amount, which is obviously wrong," Linton said.

"So I've said it before, this is not a mystery novel, it's reality!" Haiyuan Ai next to her couldn't help but say.

"There is no such reality at all. There must be something wrong here." Linton said, "Oh, I probably thought of it."

"Have you thought of it?" Although Conan didn't know what Linton thought of, he always felt that something was wrong with his thinking from the beginning. "Then tell me what happened?"

"Do you know Kindaichi? As for the situation where you were given a dozen suspects, the audience can't remember it at all, so what should I do? In fact, there is no need to remember it at all. The number of people who died will be less. After deducting the detectives and detectives who could not have committed the crime, For the role of his assistant, the remaining people can choose one of the three." Linton said, "The situation is the same this time. This is obviously not that there are more suspects, but that there is still one person who is not dead."

"Huh?" I have to say that at first I thought Linton must be talking nonsense, but when they heard this, Conan and Hattori Heiji were suddenly shocked. Regardless of whether Linton's logic is weird or not, this is a serial arson incident, and it seems that it is not impossible for another victim to appear.

"This matter... although it sounds a bit strange, we have to be careful. Let the police check later to see if any of these people live in the 5th-chome..." Hattori Heiji thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Conan also nodded. These people are related to the case, and there is no doubt that the next deceased will really appear. Although they felt that Linton's reasoning was wrong, it reminded them to take precautions.

"Um...what is Kindaichi?" Toyama and Ye here took the initiative to ask.

"It's probably a mystery novel he's read," said Haihara Ai next to him.

"Is there such a mystery novel?" Conan has read almost all mystery novels. Although his favorite is the Sherlock Holmes series, he has also studied other mystery novels, but he has never heard of an author or protagonist named Kindaichi. .

"It's... it's Chima!" A man's voice suddenly came from inside the burning wall. Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other when they heard the shout, and then rushed in the direction of the shout. While others were attracted by the shout, they rushed directly into the walled yard. Arriving at the location of the shout.

The person who shouted was a firefighter who was putting out the fire, and the position he was pointing at was a window. Looking through the still burning window, Hattori Heiji and Conan saw a blood-red sculptured horse placed by the window. At this time, the horse's head was facing them, as if it was looking at them.

"Is it really...a red horse?" The two people looking at the sculpture murmured at the same time.

"Hey, hey, you two, don't move!" However, at this moment, several people in suits followed behind the two of them, who obviously looked like police officers. At this time, the two of them realized that there was indeed something wrong with them rushing in like this. But just as they were about to explain, several police officers suddenly rushed forward, throwing Hattori Heiji to the ground and pressing him to the ground.

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