I really can't control myself

Chapter 2168 Incident

Just when Hattori Heiji was understanding the situation with Conan, Officer Megure was relieved.

Although the situation at the scene was indeed a bit "tragic", Linton's behavior should still be considered acceptable, and it was not like the situation that was completely out of control as previously feared.

The two prisoners were armed and threatening with hostages. Linton's behavior could even be said to be courageous, but the method was a bit radical, and they were blown to pieces, so much that they couldn't be put back together.

In short, for this kind of lawless maniac who has no way to deal with him for the time being, Officer Megure just hopes that the current situation can be maintained.

"Your name is Sato Miwako?" Linton looked at the female police officer in front of him. She was a familiar figure. As a direct subordinate of Officer Megure, it was not surprising to appear here. It's just that Linton didn't pay attention to her at first. It was obvious that the other party was a bit... inconspicuous.

Actually, if you think about it, this guy is not the kind of character who can amaze everyone when he appears. Before, Belmore and Linton didn't pay much attention to it, and Miwako Sato obviously wouldn't make Linton react much.

"It's best to call me Officer Sato now. This is working time." Miwako Sato here obviously doesn't like Linton very much. You can tell it from her tone. She probably doesn't like this kind of outlaw maniac by nature. .

"Anyway, what method did you use to fight back against the two suspects?" Miwako Sato was verifying Linton's confession at this time. Simply put, she asked Linton to explain the situation at that time. In fact, the police already knew most of the situation, but the method Linton used to explode the two people into fireworks instantly was beyond comprehension.

"Do you know the power of waveguide?" Linton said with a smile.

"What?" Miwako Sato frowned.

"This is a power that comes from the soul. A few Pokémon can awaken such a power. Of course, there are also some cases of awakening on the human side." Linton said, "In addition, there are also super powers and The power of Viridian is known as the three special abilities in the Pokémon world.”

"..." How to put it, if ordinary people said this to Sato Miwako, he would be directly arrested by her for obstructing official duties, but the person who said this was Linton. Although Sato Miwako couldn't understand Linton's words at all, she still recorded what he said first. Anyway, this was what the people above wanted, so let them judge for themselves.

"If you use the ability you had yesterday, can you revive these two people now?" Miwako Sato thought for a moment and asked.

"Oh?" Linton suddenly became interested, "You mean I will pull them up now and then hand them over to you for arrest. This is the normal trial process, right?"

"Yes." Sato Miwako nodded. Her point of view is simply to believe in the law. Although these two people are indeed criminals, trying them should be a matter of law. According to Linton's ability, he can definitely control them instead of killing them directly. For Sato Miwako , Linton conducted the trial privately instead of handing it over to the law.

"Yeah, yeah, well, answer me a few questions first." Linton said with a smile, "160,000 people die every day in the world, and compared with these two criminals, there are many who do not deserve to die. Orphans in war areas , the old man who has served the country and the people all his life, and the woman who unfortunately had difficulty giving birth without even seeing her children. If you want to let them live, should these people deserve to die?" Linton asked.

"Uh..." Miwako Sato obviously didn't expect Linton to suddenly make the background so large, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"So do I need to pick up these people who don't deserve to die one by one? If even such criminals have to give them another chance, wouldn't it be a bit unfair to the other people who died? Linton continued.

"Continuing to extend this statement, once death becomes controllable, who should make the decision to avoid death? To put it simply, who will decide whether a person should die? What are the criteria for judgment?" Linton said .

"Well... this... should be able to be formulated..."

"Are you sure? You don't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter. Once the standard for judging death changes from God's will to man's decision, the entire existing system of human society will completely collapse. What's even more terrifying is that this incident started You have lowered your standards infinitely lower, because the first case of stopping death was to resurrect two criminals. Then anyone who wants to be resurrected in the future, as long as they are not as dead as these two social trash, you have What's the reason for them to die on the ground?" Linton said.


"You talk to me about law, and I'll talk to you about social order and ethics. What does the law maintain? Is it social order? Now you want to destroy social order and destroy human relations for the sake of law. Have you heard of an idiom from China? I’m talking about a brainless guy like you..."

Miwako Sato's eyes turned red when she was scolded by Linton on the spot, and she ran out of the door after being scolded. Seeing this situation, Takagi Wataru next to him quickly chased after him: "Officer Sato!"

"Yeah, yeah, as expected of me." Linton nodded with satisfaction and scolded Miwako Sato, who was obviously a master of martial arts on the spot. Linton really felt that the opponent fell down without even using any force.

Officer Megure next to him has an even bigger headache. Now he is in a situation where he cannot be beaten or scolded. How do you deal with such a guy? The people above just kept an eye on him lightly, without even a formal order. If something went wrong, he would have to take the blame. I always felt that I couldn't do this job anymore.

"Speaking of which, is there anything else going on here?" Just as he was thinking about it, Linton walked up to Officer Memu and asked, "I have something else going on here."

According to the normal handling situation, naturally the matter is not over yet. Regardless of whether it was an act of righteousness or not, two people died. In this case, Linton should be taken back to record a confession or something like that. But this is Linton after all. Listening to his words, it is obvious that he does not want to waste time here anymore. What else can Officer Megure do?

In short, the rest of the matter was left to the police. Linton also went out directly. Of course, he continued to ask other nearby neighbors to see if they had any information about Kaneki Ken.

After waiting for a while, Conan and Hattori Heiji also followed. Hattori Heiji here first sent the fainted Toyama Kazuha to Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai, asking them to help take care of him.

Of course, Yuan Shan and Ye also had people from the police check them out, and they were fine and not injured. This group of prisoners did intimidate Hattori Heiji and beat him, but they did not attack Toyama and Ye. She just fainted temporarily due to being too frightened and should wake up soon.

Although Hattori Heiji suffered some skin injuries, he should theoretically go to the hospital. But he doesn't want to go to the hospital now, and he doesn't even want to take care of Yuan Shan and Ye next to her. As a detective, he is now also keeping an eye on Linton. After all, he also found out about Linton from Conan.

Obviously, Hattori Heiji couldn't ignore this dangerous guy. Don't worry about getting him anyway, it's impossible to let him pretend he doesn't know. So after simply placing Yuan Shan and Ye, he and Conan immediately caught up with Linton again.

Of course Linton didn't mind having more people help analyze the situation, but Hattori Heiji here was very cautious at first, probably because he was on high alert for Linton, but he accompanied Linton and asked several companies After that, I gradually started to relax again.

He was probably a little familiar with Linton's situation, and his personality seemed a bit careless. It didn't take long for him to start chatting with Conan about unrelated topics.

"The lawyer's tax evasion matter should have been solved. When Mr. Kusukawa wakes up and hands over the evidence to the police, they should be able to convict them." Hattori Heiji here said, "But he just entrusted me with another one. If this matter is not dealt with, I won’t be able to go back with peace of mind.”

"Just now?" Conan asked, "When you sent Mr. Kusukawa to the ambulance? Was he awake?"

"Yes, he has entrusted me to help him deal with the matters at hand. After all, in his case, it is estimated that he will have to be hospitalized for several months before he can continue to work." Hattori Heiji said.

"Cancel the commissions from those clients?" Conan asked.

"Mr. Kusukawa also means the same thing. Let me help contact his clients, cancel their entrustment, and explain the situation to them." Hattori Heiji also took out a small book as he said, something like a JING inspection manual. This is the book that the JING inspector keeps with him at all times. Kusukawa was originally a JING inspector. Although he has changed careers now, he still maintains this habit. This book is what he uses to record, including those who came to see Ito Misari today. It's also on the record.

The code that recorded the incriminating evidence mentioned earlier was recorded on it and was found by the other party, and then asked to be cracked by Hattori Heiji. Theoretically, this thing should be an exhibit and should be detained by the police, but today's situation was unusual, so they didn't take it away by force.

"Originally, I was going to contact these clients one by one to cancel their commissions, but suddenly I found an interesting case." Hattori Heiji said.

"Interesting?" Conan asked.

"Do you know 'Red Horse'?" Hattori Heiji said suddenly.

"Are you talking about the arson incident that has been committed many times in Mika Town recently?" Naturally, Conan immediately realized what Hattori Heiji meant. The two of them had such a tacit understanding, "But this case is obviously not one that Mr. Kusukawa can be responsible for, right?" .”

"Of course not, but...I found a clue." Hattori Heiji said with a smile, and then suddenly turned to Linton: "Are you interested? Mr. Linton."

"What I care about now is... Conan, when will you change into women's clothes?" Linton said coldly.

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