I really can't control myself

Chapter 2166 Prisoner

There is nothing wrong with what Conan said. In Japan, you usually have to change into slippers at the entrance when entering other people's homes, so there should be footprints when you go in, and there should be footprints when you come out. There is no such thing as trampling all the mud.

"And this shoe print looks like a sneaker print. If I were your colleague, I would wear sneakers..." Conan didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious. The workplace in Japan is very serious. You can't dress casually at work, especially in the lawyer profession, where suits and leather shoes are the norm. How could you come wearing sneakers?

Could it be that this colleague of Misari Ito was planning to go back to change clothes before going to work after meeting her here? This is obviously too strange. The more he asked, the more Conan discovered that there was something wrong with Misaki Ito, and the problem was probably quite big. Otherwise, why would she refuse to admit it? Conan has made it clear that there is a problem. If it is just a trivial matter, why can't she just explain it casually?

However, Misari Ito continued to hide it, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Oh, those are aunt's shoes. In fact, aunt went out for a morning jog in the morning, so the prints of the sneakers were left. Now I think Get up. Of course, I have already washed my shoes because they were stained with too much mud."

"Oh, so that's it." Although Conan here seemed to believe her explanation, he was actually more skeptical. However, Misari Ito's statement was indeed quite reasonable, and Conan agreed, dispelling her vigilance.

He will naturally continue to follow up, but he doesn't know what it is at the moment, so he decides to investigate on his own first, before it's time for a showdown with the opponent.

"Sorry Aunt Ito, I'm just curious about everything." Conan apologized, "It's okay now, I'll just..."

Just when I was about to say goodbye, what I didn't expect was a sudden "thud" sound from upstairs, like the sound of something hitting the ground. This sudden situation made Misari Ito's expression change, and of course Conan's expression also changed.

"Huh? What's the sound?" Conan asked again, "Didn't Auntie say there's no one at home? This is upstairs..."

"Well... that..." Obviously Misari Ito probably knew what the sound was, but there was no way to explain it. Just when I was thinking about what to do, a cat meowed suddenly from the stairs on the second floor.

"Meow..." The cat that Misari Ito was holding just now appeared at the stairs of the second floor. When seeing it, Ito Misari's face lit up: "Oh, I'm surprised too, it turns out it's you little guy!"

After saying that, she turned to Conan and said: "Look, this little guy is the one who caused the trouble. He probably knocked something over upstairs again. I'm going to clean it up here. Do you have anything else to do?"

"Oh...that's right." Conan nodded, as if he accepted Misari Ito's statement. But in fact, he didn't waver at all. The sound was obviously like the sound of hitting the ground, not the sound of something falling. There was indeed someone upstairs, but... what on earth was going on? What is Misari Ito hiding? He really couldn't push it up.

After thinking about it, he decided not to alert the enemy casually, and left to check the situation of Misari Ito first, and to monitor what she was planning to do. Thinking about Conan preparing to leave the bug on his glasses at home, and then preparing to exit and monitor the door.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Conan would do this. After all, now he just thinks Misari Ito is suspicious, and he doesn't know what he is hiding, and he is not sure that the other party must have committed a crime. What if this is just a misunderstanding?

But the problem is that Linton is still here. Linton doesn't care what Misari Ito did. He doesn't have time to accompany Conan to investigate slowly. He is still looking into Kaneki Ken's matter. So now we just need to confirm that Conan lost the bet.

So Linton didn't say anything, didn't even take off his shoes, and walked directly towards the stairs. Misari Ito's home still has a relatively common Japanese-style building layout. The stairwell on the second floor is facing the door. You can go directly to the second floor after entering. As soon as Linton walked towards the second floor, Misari Ito became anxious. .

"Wait a minute!" Misari Ito stopped directly in front of Linton, "Who let you in? You are breaking into a private house! I want to call the police and arrest you..."

"Report it." Linton said with a smile, "Shall I report it for you?"

"You..." Misari Ito was stunned. What did the other party find? Have you noticed something is wrong? Otherwise, how could he agree to call the police? At first, she only suspected that Linton and Conan had discovered something, but she was not that suspicious. It would be best to explain a little to trick the other party away. But I didn't expect that Linton was so sure to rush in now. This was wrong. It seemed that we had to... prepare for the best or the worst.

Linton ignored Misari Ito and continued walking up the stairs. Misari Ito obviously didn't expect Linton to move so quickly, and immediately followed him to the second floor.

Walking up to the second floor, the space here is not very big, just a corridor surrounded by rooms. At first glance, it was quiet, and it didn't look like there was anyone there. The doors to several rooms were also open. After a brief inspection, it didn't seem like there was anyone there.

"I told you that there is no one in the house, what's going on with you?" Misari Ito, who was chasing after me, said very unhappily, "For the sake of your neighbor, go out immediately, I won't argue with you, otherwise I immediately called the police."

Conan also quickly took a look at the situation on the second floor. He also found that there was really no one on the second floor, which was really strange. However, he is still not sure what Misari Ito is hiding. What he wants more is to think about it in the long term and withdraw first.

After thinking about it, Conan also laughed and said: "That's it. Brother Linton must have felt that there was something going on on the second floor and was worried that a thief or something was lurking in. Isn't it more dangerous for Auntie to be at home alone, so that's why she came up Judging from the situation, I am worried that something will happen to my aunt. Right, brother Linton."

As he spoke, Conan glanced at Linton, clearly meaning that he wanted to go out first. But Linton never cared about Conan's thoughts. Besides, he had a wall hanging, and he clearly knew the current location of the five people in the room. It's not the second floor, but the attic above the second floor. Usually the attic is like a warehouse, but now there are five people on it. Why are these five people crowded in the attic?

"Is that so?" Misari Ito continued following Conan's wishes. Of course she also knew that the other party might be suspicious and not trying to catch a thief, but the problem was that she couldn't really call the police, otherwise it would be a problem for JING to find out who to arrest. . So she could only follow Conan's statement and agree that the other party came to catch the thief for her. "Then you saw that there is no one inside and there is no thief. You can leave."

"What about the top?" Linton pointed to the top of his head, "How to get up to the attic?"

"..." Misari Ito's face darkened. He was indeed in the attic. Did the other party guess it? Are you sure there's someone inside? What to do now?

After thinking about it, she felt that there was nothing she could do. Even if I drive them out now, the other party will probably be suspicious and may even attract police. Now that this is the case, we can only deal with these two people.

So Ito Misari directly amplified her voice a little and said to Linton: "You want to go up to the attic? The stairs are over there. Do you see the handle over there? Pull it and you will come down. But there is nothing in the attic. empty."

It sounded like she was giving Linton directions, but in fact she was telling her accomplices upstairs to get ready, telling them that the person coming up was not her.

Linton didn't bother to talk to the other party, so he just pulled the handle next to him, and sure enough, there was a staircase coming down from the side, which was a very ordinary folding staircase. When not in use, stack them up to save space. After all, the attic is just a storage room, and ordinary families don't go up that much.

Linton quickly walked up the stairs. The attic was a little dark. Linton was walking from a bright place to a dark place, and he hadn't seen anything clearly yet. As soon as he looked around, Linton felt something pressing against his temple.

"You are really nosy, you guy." A voice came from the side. Linton took a look and found that there were two men blocking the stairs, one on the left and one on the right. They both had "I am a bad guy" expressions on their faces. With an expression on his face, he was probably an accomplice of Misari Ito, who blocked him here when he heard the noise below, and held him with a gun as soon as he came up.

After scanning the situation inside, there was a man lying on the ground here. He seemed to be injured and fell to the ground without any movement. But I can feel the breath. The other person is alive and not dead yet.

In addition, Linton also saw two people at the very end, a boy and a girl. They were both young and looked like high school students. The hands of these two people are behind their backs, and they look like they are tied together, so the current situation looks like a kidnapping at first glance. The two high school students are the ones to blame. I don’t know what’s going on with the guy lying on the ground. .

"Come on, come up." The prisoner, who was holding a gun against Linton's head, said to Linton. After all, Linton had only poked his head up and had not completely gone up to the attic.

"Why are you so stupid?" The male high school student in front of him who was suspected of being kidnapped said to Linton, "How could anyone come up directly in this situation?"

"No, are you still so arrogant after being kidnapped?" Linton said with a smile.

"Did you let me talk? Shut up and come up!" The prisoner next to him saw Linton chatting with the people inside. He was very unhappy. He directly picked up his pistol and hit Linton with the butt of the gun. It was obvious that He wanted to smash Linton's head.

However, in the next second, there was a "bang" sound, and the criminal who was wielding the gun suddenly exploded like a balloon. Warm flesh and blood flew everywhere in an instant, and the entire attic was suddenly stained with blood.

The male high school student who was about to say something else was stunned when blood was spattered all over him. The female high school student behind her was stunned for a while, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

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