I really can't control myself

Chapter 2164 Residence

Not long after, Linton and the others arrived at Xianqiao Town. This is a fairly ordinary-looking Japanese-style residential area, with one building per household. It seems to be an area where the middle class lives. Although the surrounding buildings are not high-end, the distance between each house at that time was quite large, the area of ​​​​the house was not small, and each house had a garden, and most of them had walls. across.

Soon everyone arrived at their destination, which was the current two-story Japanese-style house. It looks like a very ordinary house, and it must be quite old.

After looking at the house number at the door, it turned out that it was really Kaneki, rather than the surname of Norio Kyufu registered on the property, which meant that this should be the place they were looking for. The house number written by the other party is Jinmu, which further indicates that this is probably where the other party lives, rather than a house secretly registered under a false name.

When I walked to the door of the house, I could already feel that no one had lived inside for a long time. This kind of house with a courtyard needs to be taken care of. If no one takes care of it, weeds will quickly grow everywhere. At this time, what they saw was this situation. Looking at the back of the house, they saw a green patch of green covered with various layers of weeds, which had spread to the side of the house.

What is even more telling is the pile of letters-like things piled in front of the door. In fact, there is a mailbox in this house, right next to the front door, but the mailbox is already full at this time, and there is probably no place to put it, so even the door is full of letters.

After a casual look, Linton also saw reminder notes from various banks, as well as a lot of advertisements and the like. This number can also be used to estimate how long no one has been here.

And Linton really didn't feel the breath of living people inside. The house was empty.

"It looks like no one has lived there for a long time." Miyano Akemi also said, "If this is Kaneki Ken's residence, he must have been missing for a long time."

"If he lives alone, he should leave a spare key outside the house." Haihara Ai here said, "Generally speaking, it will be under the flower pot, inside the mailbox, etc..."

"Excuse me..." Before he could finish his words, Linton opened the door directly, and there was a sound of metal breaking. It was obviously that the lock was broken by Linton. Of course, here The door is also opened.

"I now believe that we will definitely encounter a crime." Conan here said, "Are you committing a crime now? This is breaking into a private house!"

"Uh... What I did doesn't count... What are you talking about? Can what I do be called a crime? I've already said it. I, Linton, a moral model and a benchmark in life, how can I do anything criminal? You want to If you don’t believe me, I’m dragging the Prime Minister of Japan to explain to you whether this is a crime,” Linton said.

"I said……"

"In short, the things I did don't count. Don't worry, our bet excludes our group. It must be something done by others." Linton said, "Just wait, I have a hunch that it will be triggered soon."

Conan's mood was a bit complicated. Linton's intention was that he was very open about the bet, and he really didn't use any tricks. But by saying so clearly, didn't he mean that he was going to do something illegal?

"For example, if we go in now, there is a high chance that we will be greeted by a corpse." Linton pointed to the interior of the house and said, "This kind of plot is very common. Look, it appears in many detective dramas. The protagonist accidentally enters a house that has been unoccupied for a long time, and accidentally opens the cabinet and a body pops out. It’s very impactful, and this is the plot design.”

"It can't be... true." Miyano Akemi here seems to really believe it.

"How could such a thing happen?" Conan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm sure there is no body in the room here. You can tell just by the smell. The moment the door was opened, the change in air pressure in the house showed that the house was not Ventilate, if there is a corpse, the smell will come out even if it has been dead for a long time.”

"Anyway, let's start searching." Linton waved his hand and said, "I came here to use it now. Find all the useful things quickly."

"..." So Linton really came to capture their young men? Huiyuan Ai and the others were also quite surprised as to why Linton took them with him, and now they finally understand.

Linton Dao really told the truth. Searches like this should be left to professional detectives. Linton did not have the time or energy to search all over the house.

Miyano Akemi and the others were cooperative, and they quickly started searching the house. Linton also followed and inspected the house a little.

The other party's house looks quite old from the outside, but the inside of the house has indeed been modernized and renovated. To put it simply, it is quite comfortable to live in. But at present, it seems that this house is a bit too big for one person. Linton estimated that the total area was more than 350 square meters. It was too big, making it obviously inconvenient for one person to live in, and it was also particularly troublesome to clean. Linton was thinking that it would be best if Kaneki Ken lived with someone else, such as a woman. .

However, as several people searched the house, most of the news Linton received was not very good.

First of all, the idea of ​​living together with someone was quickly denied by Conan and others. The other person lived alone. In addition to not finding the second person's daily necessities and clothing in the room, Conan and the others also carefully searched places like the bathroom drain and confirmed that they did not find anything like long hair, only some short hair. .

Unless Kaneki Ken intentionally eliminates traces of the second person's existence, he is living alone. Of course, he shouldn't be able to eliminate those, otherwise why not eliminate his own traces as well.

Of course, as Conan had deduced, no corpses were found in the room. If anything, there were a lot of corpses of insects, dead corpses of mosquitoes, cockroaches and the like. When talking about this, Conan here is quite proud, feeling as if the bet has been won.

Apart from this, there are not many other discoveries, because there are not many traces of Kaneki Ken's life left. The room is quite clean, and I did find a lot of the other party's personal belongings, clothes, etc., but overall, the room is a bit too clean, and it feels like the other party doesn't treat this place as a real home. , but feels like a hotel.

Of course Linton knew what was going on. After all, Jin Muyan was an explorer and not an aboriginal. After the investigation, he still had to leave. Such an attitude was normal.

The relatively big discovery was some notes, materials and information left on the computer left by Kaneki Ken. Yes, Kaneki Ken left a lot of information. Linton was quite happy to hear about this, but what he didn't expect was that Linton frowned when he saw the notes and information collected by Conan and the others.

The information Linton wanted was information about exploration, information about the system, information about similar plans that he had known before, and in general, information from outside this world. But what were the notes that Conan and the others brought?

"Screenplay: 'The Man from Earth.'"

"Novel: Malice."

"Manga: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba."

"Game planning: "Genshin Impact"."

Yes, most of the things placed in front of Linton were such things. Linton discovered that the investigator named Kaneki Ken didn't know if he had picked up the wrong script. You just picked up the script of an entertainment novel. Why was he so focused on it? Started to engage in literary creation and became a literary copywriter?

Coupled with the previous Pokémon game, Linton felt that the other party was either crazy or really had some purpose. It's normal to go crazy. Maybe the other person thinks it's more fun to play with entertainment content. Linton himself is also looking for fun. As for Linton's purpose, it probably means that the other party knows how to get the valuables in this world?

Yes, Linton hasn't found out what the precious goods in this world are yet. Although Lu Ping was asked to help him get the MEGA stone, to be honest, Linton didn't know what would happen to the actual valuables that were fused. There must have been different valuables in the two worlds before, but which one counts after the fusion? Or both?

Maybe Kaneki Ken did this because he wanted to get something valuable from the world of Conan, but he didn't know what it was yet.

Thinking of this, Linton wondered if he should try following this senior's routine, such as publishing the works in front of him. But the problem is that most of the things in front of me are semi-finished products. Some of them just have a name written on them, but the content has not been filled in yet. Of course Linton knew what these things were, and had read the original works of some of the works, but he had neither the time nor the inclination to engage in these.

"Didn't you find anything like a diary?" Linton was more concerned about things outside the world, so he asked.

"I've searched them all, and the only thing left is this computer, but you also saw that there is a password." Conan said, "I need to find someone to crack it. Can I ask Dr. A Li to try it?"

It seemed that Conan was also interested in finding Kaneki Ken, so he took the initiative.

"Give it to me directly." Linton said and took the computer, then opened a portal next to him, sent the computer over, and said to the portal, "Crack this thing and sort out the information inside. Also try to restore previously deleted parts."

"Got it." The voice coming from the other side was naturally Asuna's. She was obviously at work at this time, but she immediately took over the computer and started working.

"Who?" Haihara Ai here looked at Asuna on the other side of the portal and couldn't help but say.

Linton did not answer, but said to himself: "Are there no other clues?"

"I have an idea." Conan here started to come up with ideas at this time. "At present, Mr. Kaneki should have lived here for a long time. We might as well ask the neighbors around and see. Can they provide any useful information?"

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