I really can't control myself

Chapter 2153 Case Facts

Not long after, Dejima Design Office was surrounded by a large number of police officers. Naturally, no one else could enter the crime scene except relevant personnel. And the relevant personnel are naturally blocked inside and cannot be allowed to go back casually.

"The deceased Sohei Dejima, male, 54 years old, is the president of Dejima Design Office..." The person who was reporting the situation of the deceased was Takagi Wataru from the Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, a subordinate of Officer Megure. Yes, the police officer leading the team is still looking very tired. Looking at the tired look on his face, you can tell that he is really busy today. He may have just finished recording the confession of the previous bus robbery.

"The cause of death was poisoning. Preliminary judgment is that it was a cyanide poison. It seems that he suddenly collapsed while having dinner with everyone." Officer Takagi continued to report the report. As he spoke, he also looked at the three people next to him. , yes, they are the three subordinates of Dejima Sohei.

"So, who bought dinner?" Officer Megure asked immediately.

"Ah, it was me who ordered it." The designer named Isamu Natsuhori said immediately, "But it wasn't me. I just helped order the takeout. You see, everyone is ordering teriyaki chicken burgers. There is no difference at all. , but the only person who was poisoned was the president, and it’s impossible for me to know which burger the president would eat, so how could this be poisoned?”

Xia Horiyong was very anxious to clear up the relationship, and added some of his own reasoning when explaining.

"Officer Megure, I think this poison may have nothing to do with food." Officer Takagi suddenly said at this time. As he spoke, he pointed to the remaining food on the table next to him, "Look, officer, the food here is Most of it has been eaten. However, the cyanide in the deceased is indeed very poisonous. It usually takes effect immediately after being eaten, so I think the deceased should have come into contact with something highly toxic when he was halfway through eating. , and then continue to eat and swallow the poison into the body of death."

"Oh oh oh, not bad, brother Takagi, this reasoning is very reasonable." Officer Megure here patted Takagi Wataru on the shoulder and said.

"Ha...haha..." Takagi Sheba said, rubbing his head in embarrassment.

"Um... police officer, I'm sorry to interrupt." Ukihiko Saizu raised his hand and said, "The president did collapse immediately after taking a bite of the burger, not halfway through eating."

"Huh?" Takagi Wataru and Officer Megure were stunned at the same time, "Then why are there so few dinners left? Don't tell me that you guys will eat first before the president starts."

"Of course this is not..." Saizu Ukihiko immediately said, how is this possible? Japan is a very hierarchical society. The president has not even eaten. It is of course impossible for several subordinates to eat first. Caizu Ukihiko quickly explained, "These were eaten by someone after the president passed away..."

"What?" Takagi Wataru and Officer Megure were stunned again, "How is this possible? Who would do such a thing?"

The first reaction of the two people was obviously that they did not believe Ukihiko Caizu's statement. They did not say anything about common sense in protecting the scene, nor did they say whether anyone would eat at the scene where the body was found. What's more important is that the deceased was poisoned. Who knows what is poisonous at the scene? Who dares to eat in this place? Isn't this nonsense?

"It's true..." Saizu Ukihiko here also said anxiously. After saying that, he also saw something and pointed directly behind the two of them and said, "Ah, that's him, that's what he ate."

Officers Takagi Wataru and Megure turned their heads in the direction pointed by Caizu Ukihiko, and soon saw a somewhat familiar face.

"Huh?" The first reaction of the two of them when they saw Linton was... he looked familiar. Although they couldn't pronounce his name at first, they looked familiar. After thinking for a while, the two of them shouted at the same time: "Is it you?"

Yes, the two of them remembered. Isn't this the guy who looked like an immortal climbing out of the burning car at the scene of the bus hijacking case at noon?

"Ah, what you said was indeed what I ate." Linton nodded cooperatively, "Although a murder occurred, it's already dinner time. You can't go hungry, right?"

"So you said from the beginning that no one would eat at this time, okay?" A child complained from the side.

The voices sounded familiar to Officer Takagi Wataru and Megure. They lowered their heads and saw a familiar person again: "Conan? Why are you here?"

"Uh... Officer Megure, hello Officer Takagi, I came here with brother Linton." Conan here suddenly said obediently.

"Linton?" The two of them looked at Linton here, and only then did they know the name of "Immortal", "Sir, may I ask who you are..."

"In Lower Linton, he is a detective." Linton said suddenly.

"Detective?" The two of them said that they really couldn't keep up with Linton's rhythm. Why are you a detective? Aren't you an immortal? You have super powers and can summon dragons. I really can't tell that you are a detective. .

Next to him, Conan's mouth twitched. He probably understood something about Linton's character now. This guy likes to cause trouble very much, and now he is obviously up to something.

"Detective?" When the three employees next to him heard what Linton said, they each showed surprised and suspicious expressions. This was the basic operation of these suspects.

"Uh... I really didn't expect that Mr. Linton was actually a detective?" Although Officer Memu was a little surprised, he accepted it quickly. In short, in this world, it doesn't seem like a detective randomly jumping out of a murder scene. Something very strange.

"I understand. Mr. Linton deduced that there was no poison in the remaining food, so he ate it with confidence to prove his reasoning, right?" Takagi Wataru here said immediately, "In other words, Linton Mr. Dayton knew from the beginning that the poison was not put in the food."

"Really? Brother Linton?" Officer Mumu here habitually calls everyone he sees.

"Hmm... no." Takagi's guess was immediately rejected by Linton, "That's just because I have a strong resistance to poison and I can't die from poison."

"Huh?" The two of them were stunned again.

"It's just an ordinary murder case, how can it delay my meal." Linton said dissatisfied, "Although the McDonald's here in Japan does taste so-so..."

"Uh... well... anyway... Mr. Linton is sure that other foods are not poisonous, right?" Takagi Wataru here thought for a while and decided not to get entangled in Linton's weird logic, "So it is indeed this person who President Dejima was poisoned after he was exposed to other poisons and then ate a hamburger, so only the deceased’s food contained toxins.”

"Probably." Linton nodded.

"Why is it approximate?" Takagi Wataru couldn't help but said.

"Because I haven't eaten cyanide yet, I don't know what the reaction will be after taking it. I might have diarrhea, or I might not have any reaction at all," Linton said.

"..." How can I say this, the weird confidence coming from the immortal?

"Ah, you are... Xiao Ai? Are you here too?" At this time, Takagi Wataru saw Haihara Ai and Miyano Akemi standing behind. Naturally, he doesn't know Miyano Akemi, but Haibara Ai is quite familiar. In other words, he knows several children from the Junior Detective Team and is quite familiar with them. "This is..."

"I am Ai's sister, Mingmei, and a friend of Mr. Linton. This time I asked Mr. Linton to accompany me here to find something." Miyano Akemi explained briefly. After all, these JING detectives Even if she looked familiar, it would be impossible to recognize her as the bank robber Hirota Masami, after all, she was dead.

"Xiao Ai's sister?" Gao Mushe said and blushed, probably thinking "What a beauty" or something like that.

"Well, Officer Takagi, I think we should check the toilet." Conan suddenly said at this time, "Because I remember that this uncle went to the toilet before he collapsed."

"Really?" Officer Megure here said immediately. "Then if the murderer first applied the poison somewhere in the toilet, and then the deceased came back to eat a burger after being contaminated, he would be poisoned immediately. That's a good inference. Hurry up and do a poison reaction test."

"Then if you want to poison, you have to enter the toilet in front of the deceased and poison it, right... Has anyone been there before President Dejima went to the toilet?" Wataru Takagi asked immediately.

"Ah, I've been there." The man named Xia Horiyong raised his hand first and said, "Just before I went to get the takeaway."

"I went in after that." The bald man named Tetsuo Imai said next to him. "When I came out, I met Caizu..."

"Yes, I've been there too..." Saizu Ukihiko here also said. It turned out that the three suspects had all gone to the toilet before President Dejima, but Saitsu Ukihiko immediately said, "But I'm not the president. The last one to go in before getting poisoned."

"Then who was the last person to go to the toilet..." Officer Megure asked.

"It's me." Miyano Akemi raised her hand and said.

"Huh?" Takagi Wataru here was stunned for a moment, "Then...Has Miss Haihara had dinner?"

Takagi Wataru thought Miyano Akemi's name was Haihara Akemi, because she said she was Haibara Ai's sister, and she only reported her first name, not her surname, which meant that the other party knew her surname by default. In fact, Miyano Akemi really wanted the other party to think so, so Takagi Wataru here called her Miss Haihara.

"I didn't eat." Miyano Akemi shook her head. She didn't feel hungry or tired at all now. In fact, she probably knew that this was some problem with her body.

"Then... Miss Haihara, according to the regulations, we want to search you. Of course, we will let our female colleagues do it. Are you willing to cooperate?" Officer Megure here said.

"No need to bother..." Linton suddenly said at this time, "Have you forgotten that I, the detective, is here?"

"What? Brother Linton, do you mean...do you already know who the prisoner is?" Officer Megure turned his head in surprise and said.

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