I really can't control myself

Chapter 2146 Resurrection

"Hmm... it's not delicious. Remember to remind me to blow up that convenience store when I go back later." Linton finished eating the lunch in his hand and put down the lunch box.

"That convenience store has more than 13,000 chain stores nationwide." Bellmode said.

“I’m really convinced that a store as disgusting as MD can open more than 13,000 stores.” Linton said, “I think we must find a time to talk to their chairman and ask them to change the name of the store from FamilyMart to Disgusting. "

"We're here." While they were chatting, Shuichi Akai stopped the car again. Linton looked outside: "It's definitely not a convenience store this time."

"Inside." Akai Hide got out of the car and pointed to a path going up ahead.

This is an ordinary-looking residential area, built on the side of a hillside. Some nearby houses were built directly against the back of the mountain, but Akai Shuichi was talking about an upward road in the middle of the houses.

The entrance to this road is very small, sandwiched between two residential buildings. It was obvious that the car couldn't be entered, so several people got out of the car one after another and looked towards the mountain.

Not to mention that you can already see a bunch of tombstones on the mountainside here, it seems that it is indeed a cemetery. It's just that this cemetery is indeed too small. Is it probably only used by people nearby?

Taking out the vodka from the trunk, the group quickly climbed up the stone steps and arrived at the cemetery area inside. Because it is not the season for sweeping tombs, there is no one in the tomb area now. In fact, when I came up, I met no passers-by on the whole mountain. It seems that no one usually comes to this mountain. Indeed, even the stone steps going up the mountain are quite damaged. serious.

It can only be said that the place Akai Shuichi chose was indeed remote enough that no one would notice it. After all, the original purpose was to hide it from others and not attract attention.

Under the guidance of Akai Shuichi, everyone quickly came to a tombstone. Compared with the tombstones next to it, the tombstone in front of me does not look special. It is really ordinary, and it is obvious that no one has come to worship. It is full of dust, and it is not as beautiful as the tombstone next to it. There were dried flowers and things like that left behind.

"This is her tombstone." Akai Shuichi said.

"Is this...sister's tombstone?" Seeing the tombstone in front of him, Hui Yuan Ai's mood immediately dropped. Her mood is indeed very complicated. She had never experienced anything about Miyano Akemi. In the end, she only received a notification from the organization that her sister had died. Although she had accepted the matter before, she still held on to the idea that her sister might escape. .

But now that she saw the tombstone appearing in front of her, she still couldn't help her emotions. Looking at the completely unkempt cemetery, I suddenly felt sad and couldn't control my tears.

The one who also felt the same way was Conan standing next to him. After all, Miyano Akemi died in his arms. Now facing her tombstone, he even felt a strong sense of guilt that he had failed to save this woman.

"Okay, let's dig." Linton said directly.

"Excavation?" The sudden words made several people stunned for a moment.

The person who reacted the fastest was Akai Shuichi. He also quickly stepped forward and removed the top part of the tombstone. Yes, Japanese tombstones are not buried in the soil. When the tombstone is removed, there is a tomb chamber, and the ashes urn is placed inside. Also, some burial items are usually placed inside.

Akai Shuichi quickly took out a jar-like object from inside. Obviously, this was the urn of Miyano Akemi. The jar used is a very ancient style, with no patterns, and it looks like a wine jar.

"What should I do? Is it really okay?" Akai Shuichi asked nervously at this time.

"Put it somewhere, and then you guys leave." Linton motioned to Akai Hide to place the urn in the open space next to it. Although there were tombstones next to it, there was still an open space. In short, Linton still wants to try the dirt reincarnation first.

Dragging the unconscious vodka, Linton came directly to the urn. Linton has used the art of reincarnation from dirty soil many times, and he is still very skilled at it.

"Wait...you don't want to put your sister's soul into this man's body." Just when Linton was about to start taking action, Haihara Ai suddenly said.

"Huh?" The people next to him were also stunned for a moment, and then they all came to their senses. Yes, they were just wondering why Linton wanted to take vodka up the mountain. Although they don't know what kind of ritual Linton is going to perform, it seems that the situation is similar to spiritualism like living sacrifice. Could it be that he really wants to do it? Recruit Miyano Akemi's soul into Vodka's body?

"Oh?" Linton smiled when he heard this, and suddenly understood what Haiyuan Ai had misunderstood, and followed her meaning and said, "What? Do you have any objections?"

"This..." Of course Haiyuan Ai also wants to resurrect the barrier, but according to Linton's approach, wouldn't Vodka become his sister? This is too...

"Just...can't you change someone?" Hui Yuan Ai said.

"Oh, what are you talking about? I'll trade it for you. First of all, it's one life for one life." Linton said with a smile.

"Her." Haiyuan Ai pointed directly at Belmore next to her.

"Huh?" Belmore was stunned for a moment, "I said Shirley..."

"Uh... are you really here to worship the gods?" Linton smiled, "Come on, come on."

"I don't want it." Belmore said quickly, "Wouldn't it be nice to use that guy? I'm not the murderer of your sister. The murderer was gin and vodka, so he should die."

"Indeed, you see this guy is strong, I think it's good." Linton nodded, "What do you think, Akai Shuichi? Your girlfriend suddenly turned into a strong man, you shouldn't object."

"I..." Akai Hide here didn't know how to answer for a long time. How do you answer this question? You say you don’t mind. This is simply impossible. You say you mind. Do you like someone else’s appearance or their heart? Death questions.

"Well, well, since you don't object, then it's a happy decision." Linton clapped his hands as he spoke.

"Wait!" Hui Yuan Ai shouted again, saying that I didn't mind. However, Linton did not wait for her. After clasping his hands, he pressed his hands directly to the ground.

A large number of black runes appeared, directly surrounding the vodka and the urn, and then a coffin suddenly rose from the ground, swallowing the people and the urn. Not long after, the coffin here was opened again. Seeing the figure coming out, Hui Yuan Ai here covered her face with complicated emotions, waiting for the burly version of her sister to be resurrected.

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