Akai Shuichi briefly talked about the specific situation. Simply put, Miyano Akemi's body was secretly disposed of.

He also has concerns about being targeted by the organization. After all, judging from his side, the organization may be dealing with Miyano Akemi just to force him to show up.

But even if there was danger, Akai Shuichi decided to collect Miyano Akemi's body. Of course, this was carefully arranged.

First of all, it was clear that Miyano Akemi's body was still handled by the Japanese police and sent to the crematorium, but later it was secretly handed over to Akai Shuichi. Akai Shuichi also personally buried Miyano Akemi's ashes and made a tombstone. For the time being, only Shuichi Akai knows the location, not even his FBI colleagues.

If the only person Akai Shuichi wants to tell, it can only be Miyano Shiho, that is, Haibara Ai. He planned to explain to Miyano Shiho about her sister's tombstone after he solved the organization, but now he had to explain it in advance.

Akai Shuichi naturally heard the conversation between several people just now. Although he woke up halfway, he still somewhat believed what Linton said, and the most important thing about him being able to believe this was... In fact, he had met Kaneki Ken before.

Regarding this, he has no intention of speaking now. The reason is also very simple. Linton's purpose is just to find clues about Kaneki Ken. With this in his hand, he will naturally have a trump card to negotiate with Linton. If he tells Linton, the trump card will be given out.

Besides, Linton now thinks that Miyano Akemi knows something to make her want to resurrect her. Will he continue to do that if he tells him? At least Akai Shuichi feels that resurrecting a person is definitely not as simple as Linton said. There must be some conditions. If the goal has been achieved, why should Linton waste energy on doing such a thing.

In short, if we just follow Linton's advice, what if the other party can really resurrect Mingmei? Of course Akai Shuichi also wanted to take a gamble and see if the "simple job" Linton said was really simple.

"It has been burned to ashes." Linton touched his chin. To be honest, he didn't know if it could be lifted up by reincarnation through dirty soil, but it didn't matter. After all, when Nagato attacked Konoha Village, the entire village was blown up, and there were some ninjas who were blown to ashes. However, a reincarnation can still be resurrected, so there should be no problem. It just needs to spend some points to repair the body.

"Okay, let's go and pull the person up first," Linton said.

Miyano Akemi's cemetery is also a small cemetery that is quite secretive. Due to the need to hide it, the tombstone only has a Buddhist title and no real name. Only Shuichi Akai knows the location. Originally, Akai Shuichi was leading the way here, but before he could get up, a sudden change occurred. With a "bang" sound, a bullet suddenly penetrated the window and hit Akai Shuichi's body on the ground.

Akai Shuichi here was stunned for a moment, and then immediately followed the impact of the bullet and rolled to the ground to hide in the counter next to him. Yes, he was wearing a bulletproof vest. He was naturally prepared for such a dangerous action.

Before anyone could react, there was another gunshot, but this shot did not hit, because the person targeted was Belmode next to her, and she was already on guard when Shuichi Akai was shot. He had already made evasive moves in advance. If she hadn't reacted, she would have been shot by now.

Fortunately, the first two shots were fired by Akai Shuichi and Belmode, because the others only reacted at this time, whether it was Judy or Conan. After the second shot, they started to take action, lying down and hiding in the nearest bunker. In the middle, Conan took advantage of the situation and grabbed Haihara Ai.

Soon, Linton was the only person in the store who had not moved and was still standing. The others quickly hid their positions.

Linton naturally didn't need to hide. He just looked at the direction of the bullet and roughly judged that there were two people who fired the bullet. But before he could take a closer look at who it was, there were two "bang bangs", one after the other, and two more gunshots, and the other party fired again.

Linton directly raised his hand, shook it in the air, and caught a bullet. The other bullet came from another direction, and Linton didn't care at all. Linton ignored the shot and the bullet hit Linton's head directly. There was no reaction at all from Linton's side, but the bullet deformed and refracted after impact, ricocheting directly onto the wall next to it and becoming embedded in the wall.

Linton looked at the bullet in his hand. This bullet was a bit different from what he remembered. The bullets Linton knew were naturally conical pointed bullets, but the bullet in his hand was shaped a bit like an hourglass, with a recess in the middle and a needle-like protrusion at one end. This air gun bullet was quite strange. .

"One of them is on the building in your two o'clock direction." Belmode's voice sounded, of course reporting the time to Linton. The gunman she was talking about was naturally the one who shot her just now. As for the location of the gunman who shot Akai Shuichi, she had no way of judging.

Linton looked in the direction Belmode was talking about, and he did see a building, probably a hotel or something like that, with about twenty floors, not too high.

The gunman should be in a room on a certain floor, not on the top of the building, but Linton couldn't see clearly which room it was. But this is obviously not an important issue.

Because the next second, Linton pointed directly in the direction of the building, and a subtle golden light flashed from Linton's fingertips, penetrating the building in front of him, and then the next moment...

With a loud "boom", the building in front suddenly exploded. The huge explosion blew all the four floors and above of the building into pieces. The impact of the explosion shattered all the surrounding building glass. The building was instantly reduced to ashes.

The sudden situation caused everyone to freeze on the spot, whether it was the enemy or the few people in the store who were hiding from the gunfire. Another sniper on another building nearby wanted to continue attacking, but when he saw the building that suddenly exploded not far away, his hand froze on the trigger, and he looked at the smoking building next to him in shock.

Several people in the store were also stunned by this scene. Although Linton's words just now were a bit overbearing, at least he was communicating with them properly. People with high vigilance, including Shuichi Akai, had a feeling that Linton was not as dangerous as they imagined. But at this moment, looking at the building that was suddenly blown flat, these few people felt the real danger of the man in front of them.

What's even more frightening is that this person didn't have any warning at all. No one expected that he would blow up the entire building with one blow. The most they imagined was to teleport over and deal with the opponent just like they had just done with Shuichi Akai. , but I didn’t expect Linton’s actions to be so sudden and terrifying.

"What...what's going on?" At this time, a black Porsche 356A was parked at the entrance of an alley across the street from the coffee shop. The person who shouted in surprise was the driver of the Porsche, a strong man wearing a black suit and sunglasses, and the person he asked was a stern man with long silver hair sitting in the passenger seat.

These two people are Vodka and Gin, members of the black organization. The purpose of the two people coming here is naturally to deal with the traitor of the organization, Belmode.

As I said before, Gin has been keeping an eye on Belmode. He didn't believe this fox-like woman from the beginning. Someone had just reported to him that Belmode had arrived in Japan, and he felt something was wrong, because as far as he knew, Belmode should not be in Japan at this time.

He also called Belmore to ask what the other person was doing here, but Belmore hung up the phone. The more Gin thought about it, the more wrong he became, so he directly contacted the organization's BOSS, and the answer he got was the same as what he knew, Belmore should not be here.

Then what is the other person doing here? Gin immediately said that Belmore might have betrayed the organization or something.

The BOSS over there thought about it and asked Gin to investigate the matter. After all, even the BOSS thought it was strange that Belmore suddenly appeared in Niben. He didn't let her go there at all. What does this unauthorized action mean? Sure enough, she was given too much freedom, was she drifting?

So Gin got the right to investigate and even handle it. BOSS said that if the other party really betrays the organization, she will be dealt with directly.

So Gin began to investigate. After an investigation, he also found Belmode, and to his surprise, she actually betrayed the organization because she was actually in contact with the FBI at this time.

Yes, when Gin found Belmode, Linton and the others were chatting in the coffee shop. When Gin looked outside, he immediately recognized one of them, that was Shuichi Akai, the FBI.

He could recognize Akai Shuichi even after he turned into ashes. He still clearly remembers the scars left by the other party. And when Belmode actually met with Shuichi Akai and kept it secret from the organization, do you think she betrayed the organization? This obviously means that the FBI is on the line.

There is no need to say anything, Ginjiu immediately organized an encirclement and suppression. Of course, he also knew how powerful Akai Shuichi was, so he immediately found someone, two subordinates from the organization, as gunners.

Of course, he didn't pay attention to Linton and others at all. When he saw Akai Shuichi, his attention was entirely on this man. So in the first round of attacks, he also targeted Shuichi Akai and Belmode.

I just didn't expect to see this scene.

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