The situation in the coffee shop can only be said to have stunned Judy. It obviously didn't feel like a dragon's den, but more like a newlywed couple, Linton and Belmore, taking their children on vacation. , at least from this angle, there doesn’t seem to be any tension at all.

Judy didn't understand why the situation was like this for a moment, which made him a little confused about what to do. After all, there was no such plan drill.

"That man...may not be from Japan." At this moment, Conan's voice suddenly came from the side, almost startling Judy. Yes, although Judy asked Conan to wait in the car first, how could Conan listen to her arrangement and have already followed Judy here.

Judy turned to stare at the other person, but Conan here continued: "The mobile phone he used was not a common brand of Japanese benzene. When he dialed the number just now, I seemed to see that the other person's name was two characters. The Chinese character for , should not be the name of the Japanese Ben people.”

Conan's guess was correct, because Linton was calling Lu Ping at this time. It was mainly because Asuna here contacted Linton and asked Linton to pay attention to something. Linton also helped communicate with Lu Ping, and Conan happened to see him.

"But the other party's suit adopts the traditional tailoring style of Yingguo. Judging from the texture of the fabric, you can tell that it is very high-end. A handmade suit is worth at least 10 million yen..." Conan continued. There is still no problem with this speculation, because this suit was ordered by Linton's nephew Tony. Linton thought it was comfortable and ordered many suits. He would wear this suit when he encounters the modern world.

"Do you think it's the man you should pay attention to?" Judy asked in a low voice, "I know that woman, Chrissy Wynyard, a famous actress in the United States..."

"No matter how you look at it, this man should be the leader." Conan said, "And judging from the 'performance' just now, this man may have mastered some 'special abilities'. Teacher Judy, do you know Pokémon?"

"What's the news from China a few days ago?" Judy said immediately.

"He also claimed to be a Pokémon trainer just now. The thing that looked like a dragon before must be a Pokémon." Conan here said, "Judging from his performance just now, his power over himself should be Quite confident. From the beginning, he was not afraid of the gangsters' firearms. After that, whether it was a car accident or a fire, he dealt with it quite calmly. This man has abilities that we don't know about..."

"I've contacted reinforcements, but it looks like it'll be a while before they arrive," Judy said.

"The FBI cannot arrange too many personnel and configurations in our country." Conan said suddenly.

"!?" Judy glanced at Conan in surprise. She was indeed a member of the FBI, but the problem was that she never told Conan. How did Conan know her identity?

"I said, I am a detective, this is just a simple reasoning." Although Judy did not ask, Conan still took the initiative to say, "In short, I estimate that you can only call a few teams for support at most, but he Choosing to appear in a place like this feels a bit emboldened.”

"You think we can't arrest him?" Judy asked.

"My first goal at the moment is not to arrest him." Conan said and looked at Haihara Ai inside. Yes, my first goal is to save people. For a person like Linton who was completely unsure of his pulse, Conan couldn't interpret him based on known common sense, but he could think of a way to rescue Hui Yuan Ai first.

The way Conan thinks of now is to separate Hui Yuan Ai and Linton first. After all, Linton, who doesn't know the details, can't judge the action. If he wanted to do this, he would either have to divert Linton away, or get Haihara Ai to take some action.

In fact, Conan has already thought of the simplest solution, which is... to go to the toilet. Yes, as long as Haihara Ai wants to go to the toilet, what will probably happen is that Linton will ask the person next to him who is suspected to be a member of the organization, Belmode, to take Haihara Ai to the toilet. He can't take Haihara Ai there alone, and As long as he and Judy wait in the toilet and deal with Belmode, they can rescue Hui Yuan Ai.

As for Linton, the FBI will naturally try to arrest her. Conan is not sure whether the arrest can be successful, but at least he should be able to take away Haibara Ai safely. Otherwise, it would be even more dangerous for Linton to hold Hui Yuan Ai hostage when the FBI came over.

Conan has already taken a preliminary look. The toilet window is on the side of the store. Although it is a small window, at least he should be able to climb in. The question now is how to get Haihara Ai to cooperate and understand their actions?

It was definitely not possible to enter the store directly, because Linton had seen him and Judy on the bus before, and he would be suspicious if he saw them here. Now he must think of a secret code that only he and Huihara Ai should know, so that Haihara Ai can understand the situation.

Conan's mind naturally moved very quickly. In an instant, he thought of a good way to give a secret signal. He grabbed Judy next to him and whispered to the other party how to cooperate. Judy thought for a moment, then agreed. Yes, the person she wants to arrest most is not Linton, but Belmode, and the priority of rescuing the hostages is also the highest.

The two immediately took action and went directly to the back of the store. Judy entered the back kitchen through the small door for employees to enter and exit, and directly controlled the chef first. Then he asked the chef to call the clerk, and quickly controlled the situation in the store without causing any disturbance.

Of course, what I mean by not causing any movement is that most people can't notice it. And they did underestimate Bellmore a little too much. Her vigilance was not comparable to that of ordinary people. As soon as the action between the two started, Belmode was already aware of it, not to mention that there was Linton who had all the map hangings activated.

"Hmm... So what are these guys preparing to do?" Linton said with interest.

"What should I do?" Belmode asked, spreading his hands.

"Just... let's see what they are planning to do first." Linton said calmly.

Haihara Ai next to him heard the conversation between the two and naturally knew that someone was coming, but he didn't know who it was until a song suddenly sounded in the store.

It's not surprising that some songs are played in a coffee shop. Originally, there were songs playing in this shop all the time. However, the songs played in the store are usually pure music such as piano music, but this song is not, and it seems a bit abrupt.

This song comes from the single "Dandylion" by the famous singer Okino Yoko. Although it can be regarded as a lyrical slow song, it is indeed the only vocal song today. And this song also made Haihara Ai instantly understand who Linton and Belmode had said before were spying on them.

This song "Dandylion" is Haihara Ai's favorite song. The reason is that she likes a football player named Higo Ryūsuke and is a fan of this player. And Higo Takasuke's favorite song is "Dandylion" by Okino Yoko.

But the problem is that her liking for the football player Higo Ryūsuke and this song happened after she left the organization. She had no time to develop any hobbies or idol worship while she was in the organization. After leaving the organization, her identity was Haibara Ai instead of Miyano Shiho, and there were only two people who knew about her. The first was Dr. Agasa who lived with her, and the second was... Kudo Shinichi.

Haibara Ai instantly understood that this was Conan giving her a code. As for what the code was, the current song should be to identify herself, and there should be subsequent codes for her to cooperate. But the problem was that before she had time to find the password, Linton and Belmode had already discovered that someone was watching.

what to do? Haiyuan Ai was extremely anxious. She wanted to tell Conan to leave quickly, but she didn't know if her words would put him in more danger. Just as she was thinking about what to do, Linton suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to the toilet." Linton said and walked directly towards the toilet. Conan, who was in the toilet at this time, did not expect that Linton would come to the toilet, and he was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat.

Listening to the footsteps walking towards the toilet, Conan looked around anxiously. It was obviously too late to climb out through the window. What should I do now?

At this time, the toilet door opened and Linton walked into the toilet. Looking around, it turned out that no one was there, so Conan hid immediately. Linton, who has breath perception, certainly knows Conan's location, but Linton has no intention of directly exposing it.

"This place might as well be hiding in the toilet." Linton looked and saw that where Conan was, there was a double-layered cabinet. There are two doors on the upper and lower sides of the cabinet. The lower door is longer and is obviously used to store longer items such as brooms and mops. The upper floor is a small cabinet, probably for storing small things such as cleaning fluid.

Conan is hiding in the small cabinet on the upper floor. You said he must have thought about it. For ordinary adults, they would naturally hide in the cabinets below, but they cannot hide in the cabinets above. Even if Linton had doubts, the most he could do was look at the cabinet below. It was impossible to think that there would be a child hiding on it, but he was still a little anxious after all. He probably spilled the cleaning fluid while hiding in, and now Linton was worried. Can smell the strong smell of detergent.

"Hmm...why did the window open?" Linton pretended to have discovered something unusual and started searching directly. At this time, Conan's heart in the cabinet was in his throat, and he felt like he was about to pee with fear.

At the same time, Judy, who reached behind the counter, stared at Belmode and Haibara Ai, who were still sitting in their seats. Although it is a little different from the plan, Linton and these two people are separated. Can he rush out and subdue Belmore by himself now?

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