I really can't control myself

Chapter 2135 Overturned

It was Judy who subdued the gangster, after all, the gangster was standing next to her at this time. Seeing that the situation at the scene was obviously getting out of control, Judy also judged that the gangster would definitely shoot, so she was not allowed to think too much, so she stood up and knocked down the gangster next to her.

There was a crisp sound of "click". Judy's attack was so cruel that she broke the gangster's right hand holding the gun. Everyone in the car clearly heard the crisp sound.

At this time, the two carjacking gangsters were subdued. Just when most of the passengers seemed to be relieved, a voice suddenly sounded. It was a child shouting: "There are still their accomplices in the back! "

The person shouting was none other than Conan, and only he and a few people at the scene paid attention.

Conan could notice this for two reasons. One was that he remembered the news he had seen clearly stated that there were three accomplices who followed Yajima Kunio to rob the jewelry store, but only two people hijacked the car.

The second thing is that there was actually an episode just now, that is, the gangster in the car in front controlled the driver to talk to the police, while the gangster in the car behind controlled the passengers and asked them to hand over their mobile phones.

Because Conan's people were elementary school students, the gangsters didn't think they had mobile phones, so they just forced Dr. A Li to hand over the mobile phones. However, although Conan did not bring a mobile phone, he did have a detective badge that could be used as a communication device. He originally wanted to use the detective badge for something, but he did not expect to be discovered by the gangsters immediately.

This made Conan realize that the gangster had accomplices, who were also sitting in the back row of him, observed his actions, used some special method to notify his accomplices, and confiscated his badge.

Considering that the other party's purpose is to blend in with the hostages and monitor them, this accomplice will definitely sit in the last row at the back of the field of vision. At this time, there were three people sitting in the last row, a woman, a middle-aged man, and the man with sharp eyes that he noticed before.

Conan originally wanted to identify who among the three was the gangster's accomplice before taking action, but due to Linton's sudden appearance, the situation changed so quickly that he was unable to react. But at this time, both gangsters were subdued one after another, but Conan knew that the matter was not over, because the last gangster would definitely fight to the death, so he immediately shouted a reminder.

Just as Conan expected, when he shouted these words, the woman sitting in the last row had already taken out a gun from her arms. She was the last gangster, and the person she pointed her gun at was Judy, who had just subdued the gangster in the car behind.

However, the moment she took out the gun, the man on the other side also moved. Yes, the man who was noticed by Conan, Akai Shuichi, also noticed the existence of the third gangster, but of course he was not sure whether this gangster was the middle-aged man sitting next to him or the one sitting next to him. The woman is sitting.

Of course, he didn't act rashly. He originally wanted to wait and see what would happen, but he didn't expect things to change too quickly. By the time he reacted, the last gangster had already started to act. When he saw the other person raising his gun, he rushed towards the woman.

With a "bang" sound, the gun rang out. Although Shuichi Akai's movements were already very fast, he was still a little slower because of the distance between him and him. He finally jumped on the opponent's hand, but failed to stop the opponent from shooting, but changed the opponent's shot. angle.

The flying bullet did not hit Judy, who was aimed at, but flew directly to the position of the car in front. "Pfft" there was a sound of flesh and blood exploding. The driver who was driving here was innocently shot. The bullet flew directly into the right side of his neck, exploding into a cloud of blood.

The driver who was shot fell sideways and pulled the steering wheel. The entire bus suddenly turned sharply and turned directly into the next lane.

Obviously, no one had time to react to this sudden turn, and the car next to it had no time to make any braking action, and suddenly collided with the front of the bus.

The huge impact force pushed the hit car straight away, and the bus also turned over due to the huge impact force. After sliding forward for a while on its side against the ground, it hit the bus with a loud "bang" again. At this time, the front part of the car where the two collisions occurred has been severely deformed, but the part of the car behind is still lucky, and Conan and the others happened to be in the position of the car behind.

When Conan came to his senses, he was already lying on the ground. He did not lose consciousness, but the situation just now was really chaotic, and the world was spinning. He quickly looked around. Fortunately, when he saw that there was going to be a collision, he had shouted to remind the doctors and others next to him, asking them to grab the things around them. Now after scanning, several small people were there, and they were not caught. He was thrown away, and Dr. Ali was also beside him. He was also awake and currently shaking his head to reduce dizziness.

"Doctor!" Conan noticed a slight pain in the right side of his abdomen. He should have hit something, but it was not a big problem. Now is not the time to worry about the injury. He shouted directly to Dr. A Li, "Look at Genta and the others!"

"Ah..." Yuantai shouted at this time, "My head hurts!"

When Conan looked at the situation, he saw that Yuantai was holding his head and complaining about pain. There seemed to be some bleeding on his head, but Conan scanned it and felt that the bleeding was not serious. If he was still complaining about pain, the injury was probably not serious. But Mitsuhiko and Ayumi next to them fell to the ground and did not respond.

"Doctor, Genta, take Ayumi and Mitsuhiko out quickly." Conan pointed to the car window above and said. Because the bus had turned sideways at this time, one side of the window was touching the ground, and the other side was naturally on top. The car's glass was basically shattered, so if you wanted to get out, you could just climb out from above.

"Okay!" The doctor immediately nodded and went to hug Ayumi next to him. At this time, Conan looked around and shouted directly: "Haihara!"

Yes, Haibara Ai was not around them at this time, and the chaotic situation around them also prevented Conan from finding where Haibara Ai was for the time being. In fact, the surrounding passengers also started to take action at this time, and most of them were fine. Naturally, their first reaction after waking up was to escape first.

Conan also saw Judy not far away at this time, but she was busy rescuing people at this time. And the person she rescued was the gangster she had just subdued.

Although he was a carjacking gangster, Judy obviously did not care about his life or death. At this time, the gangster's right arm was removed by Judy. It was definitely impossible for him to climb out by himself with one hand. Judy's first reaction It would be better to rescue him first.

Conan did not call Judy and continued to find Haihara Ai's location. However, a strong smell suddenly reached his nose. Conan frowned and instantly felt that something was wrong. Yes, this is obviously the smell of gasoline. Such a strong smell is obviously caused by a large amount of oil leakage, which is obviously something bad.

"Everyone, get out!" Conan shouted towards the surroundings, and the next second, a beam of flame suddenly shot up in the direction of the deformed front of the car. Seeing this, the passengers who were already in shock began to scramble out.

Fortunately, the large window at the rear of the car had also been shattered, providing a huge exit. Shuichi Akai, who was near the car behind, wrapped his hands in his coat, swept away the broken glass, and was already helping to evacuate the passengers. He himself was dragging the last female gangster who had just been knocked unconscious by him outside.

The flames had already ignited and spread from the car in front to the car behind. The car didn't explode, but the flames spread quickly.

Most of the passengers had left the bus during this period. With the help of Genta, Dr. Agasa also took Mitsuhiko Ayumi outside, but they also noticed that Conan had not followed.

"Conan!" The doctor couldn't see the situation in the car and shouted into it.

However, Conan has no intention of escaping. He is still looking for Haiyuan Ai: "Haiyuan!"

There was still no response. Conan felt that Haiyuan must have fainted, and was probably thrown out when the car hit the car directly. But now the car was in chaos, the car was severely deformed, and some seats in the car were also knocked apart. In one place, he didn't see Hui Yuan Ai at all in his field of vision, and could only see the flames getting closer and closer.

"Haiyuan!" Conan shouted again.

This shout really woke up Haihara Ai. Just as Conan guessed, she would indeed be thrown away. She had lost consciousness just now, but when she heard Conan's shout, she woke up.

After taking a brief look at her own situation, Haiyuan Ai felt that her feet were being pressed and wanted to move, but a sharp pain suddenly came. Although she couldn't see the condition of her lower body, she estimated that she was Being suppressed.

When she heard Conan's call, she subconsciously wanted to respond, but just as she was about to leave her mouth, she suddenly stopped the car.

"Why don't you just die like this?" This idea suddenly appeared in Haihara Ai's mind. Yes, just when she felt people from the organization appearing around her today, Haihara Ai began to have such thoughts.

She knew from the beginning that the organization would not let her go. When she escaped from the organization, she should have thought that there was no place for her. Although she has met Dr. Agasa and Kudo Shinichi these days, Haibara Ai knows that the closer she is to them, the more dangerous they will be.

Now that the organization has discovered her, she encountered something like this again today. It can be said that this is her fate. In his current situation, Conan wanted to save himself, but maybe neither of them could escape, so it was better for him to just stay silent and die quietly here. That would be fine.

Just when she made up her mind to remain silent, a sudden voice suddenly sounded from her side: "Ah... I found you... Shirley..."

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