This is not a lie. There is a bus stop not far from Dr. Ali's house. There is indeed a bus coming into the stop at this time.

Conan here also pulled Haiyuan Ai, took three steps and two steps at a time, and ran directly into the car. Of course, this is nothing to arouse suspicion. It is normal for children to be a little naughty.

"Conan...wait for us!" Sure enough, the three little ones here, Mitsuhiko Gentai and Ayumi, also quickly caught up with them, and got on the bus while making a fuss. Dr. Ali, who must have caught a cold, rushed up behind him and apologized to the passengers in the car. After all, the Japanese people are very concerned about whether they disturb others. This group of noisy children is obviously for others. Passengers are causing trouble.

"Huh?" Linton looked a little confused as he looked at the people who got into the car. He had just gotten off the bus, and the other person had already boarded the bus without even taking two steps. Did he notice them? Although the opponent was Conan, he was probably a little too wary...

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Belmode getting off the car on the other side, and suddenly he wanted to understand what was going on.

"Has it been discovered?" Belmode said a little strangely.

"As expected of someone who brought his own alcohol tester, I'm so sorry." Linton couldn't help but praise him.

"What do you mean?" Belmore naturally didn't understand and looked at Linton and asked strangely.

"Follow me." Linton didn't answer, but got into the car again and said.

The actual situation is that Haibara Ai has a special skill that is similar to a super power, that is, he can detect members of the black organization within the range, or people who have joined the black organization will also react. Because the black organization's nickname is a winery, it got the title of alcohol detector, and it actually works like this.

Linton felt that he shouldn't be able to trigger Haiyuan Ai's special ability. After all, the system helped block most of his special energy. But since Belmore was there next to him, there would definitely be no problem in detecting her.

"Just chasing him like this?" Belmore said as he got into the car again.

"Hurry." Linton also said directly.

"Okay, it's up to you, cowboy." Belmore stepped on the accelerator and chased after the bus.

Because they started a little slowly, when Linton and the others caught up with the bus, the bus had just left the next stop. Naturally, Belmode's driving skills were pretty good and he followed the bus directly.

"Should we stop it directly?" Belmode asked.

"Forget it, follow us to the next stop and we'll just get on the bus." Linton said.

Of course Belmore didn't say anything and continued to follow the bus.

At the same time, on the bus here, Haiyuan Ai, who got on the bus, was still trembling all over and couldn't stop at all. The fear in her heart had taken over her entire mind, so much so that she was unable to help Conan next to her think of a solution.

Yes, Conan hurriedly came to Hui Yuan Ai to get in the car, naturally to delay time and think of a way. Now I am not sure what the two members of the organization were here for. Did they come to observe them, or were they just passing by to do other things? At present, the organization should not know that they have become smaller after taking medicine. How could they have thought of it? They are Miyano Shiho and Kudo Shinichi. Conan felt it was impossible anyway, and he should just observe.

"Don't worry, they are here to observe at most. Probably... I attracted their attention when I showed up before." Conan thought for a while and analyzed. The appearance he was talking about was naturally the time he appeared as Kudo Shinichi, that is, the time he appeared on the stage during the cultural festival of Teidan High School. That time he was seen by many people, and was even The photos were taken, and the organization saw that this supposedly "dead" person reappeared, and they are probably investigating what happened.

In fact, Conan's guess is indeed correct. The black organization has indeed received the news and is indeed investigating what is going on. Of course, Gin is mainly responsible for this investigation. After all, he killed the person himself. Now that the lively one has appeared again, should you give the organization an explanation?

In addition, Haibara Ai also appeared last time, of course as the enlarged Miyano Shiho. However, the organization probably didn’t know that she could become smaller. They probably just thought that Miyano Shiho passed some secret code before. Dao escaped from the place where she was imprisoned and hid. In short...the identity of their child was not exposed.

Hearing Conan's relief, Haihara Ai slowly began to calm down. After all, Conan's analysis made some sense. But just before she was about to relax, the cold feeling suddenly hit her again. Hui Yuarai shuddered and her whole body began to tremble violently again.

"Coming... following..." Hui Yuan Ai said.

"What?" Conan looked out the car window slightly, and sure enough, he immediately saw the black car, which was the one parked near Dr. Ali's house before. Although he couldn't see what was inside the car because of the reflection, he could vaguely see it. To the two figures in the front row.

"Oops..." Seeing that the other party really followed up, Conan was certainly aware of the crisis. Did the other party discover the situation and prepare to follow them and catch them? Or routine follow-up observation? All in all, the situation is very bad.

"We must find a way." Conan began to use his brain quickly. At this time, he had to find a way to make the other party dispel their doubts about them, otherwise it would be over.

However, just as he was starting to think of a solution, a voice next to him suddenly remembered: "HI! COOL_KID! We meet again!"

"Huh?" Conan was suddenly startled when he found two people walking in front of him. Conan and the others were sitting in the middle and back of the bus, and these two people were obviously the ones who got on the bus at the stop just now.

A tall man walked over at first, and Conan also paid attention to him, because the man was wearing a knitted hat and a large mask, which seemed to be hiding his identity, covering most of his face. But the other person's eyes made Conan feel extremely sharp, and he felt that this person was not simple at first glance.

But the other person was not the person who called Conan before. He walked directly to the last row and sat in the last row.

The person who called Conan was a foreign woman wearing glasses. Although she looked quite old, she looked lively like a young girl and was waving to Conan happily.

"Conan... do you know him?" Dr. Ali asked next to him.

"Well, this is the new English teacher from Didan High School where Sister Xiaolan is... I remember the name is..."

"My name is Judy St. Timilion. Nice to meet you. You are Dr. Ali. I heard Xiaolan talking about you." Before Conan could finish speaking, Judy took the initiative to say hello. Tao, it is indeed very lively.

"Ah...ah...hello." This liveliness made Dr. Ali here a little uncomfortable.

The enthusiastic Judy soon started chatting with Dr. Ali, and Conan once again paid attention to the man sitting in the last row. He always felt that... there was something strange about this man.

Looking at Haibara Ai who was still trembling beside him, Conan actually wanted to ask her if she had any special feelings for this man. Although people from the suspected organization were following behind her in a car, it wasn't true. He said that no one can come up to the car to observe closely. Isn't it normal to divide into two teams? Yes, Conan was already wondering if this man was a member of the organization. After all, he looked a little suspicious.

But before he could ask Haiyuan Ai, a noise suddenly came from the front of the car. Everyone in the car was attracted by the sound and looked forward.

As a result, everyone saw two men wrapped in thick clothes next to the driver. Both of them were wearing masks. This situation seemed not right at first sight. At this time, the two men suddenly pulled out two guns out of suspicion. , one person aimed at the driver here, and the other aimed at the passenger behind.

"Don't move, this bus has been hijacked by us! Everyone, stay where you are, I'll kill anyone who moves!" one of the gangsters shouted directly.

"What? Hijacking?" All the passengers panicked instantly.

"Hang up the 'Enter' sign for me and continue driving in the city according to the route without stopping." The gangster with the gun said to the driver, "When the traffic light turns green in front of you, contact your company. I have something to say. They said if you dare to take any unnecessary actions, I will deal with you first."

"Okay... okay." The bus driver here obviously didn't dare to do anything and could only do as the other person said.

"What's going on?" Conan and the others here were shocked when they saw the situation in front of them. Before the black organization's matter was resolved, suddenly another gangster appeared and hijacked the bus they were riding on? It's really been one wave after another, and now things are even more troublesome.

Although the situation is somewhat urgent, Conan is not acting blindly. He is analyzing the current situation to at least know who the two robbers are and what they want to do. What if these two people were from the black organization who specifically tested himself and Haihara Ai? Anyway, let’s pretend to be submissive first.

No one in the car dared to resist. Everyone was being watched in their seats and did not dare to act casually. One of the gangsters started to confiscate everyone's mobile phones. Of course, no one dared not to do so.

The bus driver did the same. He directly followed the instructions and put up the "Enter" sign, and then drove past the next stop without stopping at all. Then the next confused people were Linton and Bellmore who were following behind.

"How dare you skip the station?" Linton also looked at the bus driving forward in confusion, "Is this the quality of Japan's buses?"

"It feels...something's wrong." Belmore, who was next to him, felt keenly that something was wrong.

"If you catch up with this kind of driver, you must teach him a profound lesson!" Linton said with an angry look on his face.

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