The sudden attack was indeed something no one expected. Captain Qiao, who followed him, didn't even have time to shout, the man had already been shot.

In fact, Linton could tell that the other party was resisting. It is estimated that when Linton came in front of him to interrogate him, the other party realized that he might have been exposed and was already preparing to take action, but he did not expect Linton to take action. It was so sudden, and in fact, there was no way he could be faster than Linton.

So in the eyes of others, this man was knocked down by Linton, and he fell straight to the ground.

Linton was obviously not satisfied yet. He went up and made two more corrections with the stone: "Tell me, why don't you wear a helmet? You don't wear a helmet when fishing? Do you want to go to heaven?"

A few fishermen in the back were confused. What’s the point of wearing a helmet when fishing? What is the situation now?

Looking at the man lying on the ground, he saw that blood was flowing out and all over the floor. Several people here suddenly panicked. Although the people in front of them were wearing JING uniforms, no JING police officer directly beat the suspect to death. What was going on with these people? One of them saw something was wrong and shouted directly to the surroundings: "Kill people! Kill people!"

"What are you yelling at?" Linton turned to look at the other party when he heard the sound, and suppressed the other party's shouts. Looking at the vicious big brother holding up the bloody stone, the people here didn't dare to speak at all.

However, Linton directly snapped his fingers, and the person who was lying on the ground suddenly began to fall backwards. The blood that was knocked out returned to the opponent's head, and soon the opponent fell back on the spot in a very unscientific manner. Reached the previous state.

"See, he's still alive, why don't you kill him?" Linton pointed at the newly resurrected man and said to the people around him. Because the scene that appeared in front of them was so bizarre, several people, including Captain Qiao, were stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react at all.

The person who broke the deadlock had to be the spy next to him. Obviously he couldn't figure out what was going on now. The memory of being knocked down just now was still echoing in his mind. This clear feeling was definitely not an illusion, but now when he touched his head, it seemed that there was no trace of blood. class stuff.

Although he was also confused, he was trained after all. The important thing at this time was not to figure out what was going on, but to evacuate. So without saying a word, the other party turned around and reached into his pocket, obviously preparing to take out something.

However, before he could do anything, Linton hit him on the head again with a stone. No matter how well-trained the opponent was, there was no way he could move faster than Linton. In an instant, he was shot by Linton for the second time.

"You don't need to wear a helmet. Everyone in China understands things, but you guys don't understand. Why are you pretending?" Linton said while smashing. Why do the other fishermen next to me feel so strange? They are also Chinese. Why don't they know that you need to wear a helmet when fishing?

Everything happened too fast, and before anyone could react, the spy fell to the ground again, with blood all over the ground. At this time, the people nearby even forgot to call someone, because they couldn't even determine whether the man on the ground was really dead. Most people would naturally think that he was dead, but the big brother on the ground... it was hard to say.

Sure enough, in the next second, the big brother here suddenly sucked back the blood that overflowed around him again, and his whole body was pulled up from the ground again. Of course, the people around him didn't know whether he was pulled up or whether he got up on his own. They didn't know what was going on and why it suddenly turned into a superpower battle.

The spy who got up here was stunned again. He clearly felt that he seemed to have died again, but how could he come back to life? What was going on?

Obviously he couldn't understand, and Linton once again walked towards him holding the stone.

The spy here reacted very quickly. He stretched out his hand in the next second, and Linton felt a push out of thin air, as if he was being pushed away.

Obviously Linton immediately understood what was going on. Didn't I just say that the Pokémon the other party bought was Larulas, and Laluras is a super-type Pokémon, so of course it can use superpowers. This should be the spy borrowing Larulas' superpower to fight back against him.

It's a pity that the strength of this super power is really not very good. On the one hand, Larulas is just born after all, so he doesn't have much strength. On the other hand, he was not skilled in borrowing Pokémon's abilities. Although Linton felt the push, it was really weak and it would be difficult for ordinary people to hurt it.

Linton's movement was not hindered by anything, and the next second a stone hit the opponent's head again.

"I told you not to wear a helmet, right?"

"Bang bang bang" a few times, the spy was beaten to a bloody pulp again. Linton also stood up, tossed the stone to the side, and dusted off his hands.

"Then...that...this..." Captain Qiao came back to his senses, but he didn't know where to start. Why do you know this is a spy? What does it mean not to wear a helmet? Why was this person just smashed to death?

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I know you'll be interrogating me later," Linton said.

"..." Captain Qiao looked at the spy on the ground whose head had been smashed, which seemed fine.

"Beep, beep, beep..." At this moment, a burst of sirens suddenly came from the surroundings. Linton looked around and saw four police cars coming this way. The call to the police was obviously not that quick. It was probably the team member that Captain Qiao had contacted before.

Without saying a word, Linton snapped his fingers again at the corpse on the ground. A green light flashed, and the spy on the ground began to look back again, suddenly returning to the time before he fell to the ground.

The other party was obviously still confused, and without waiting for a reaction, Linton directly took the other party's elf ball from his waist.

Seeing Linton's actions, the other party's first reaction was to snatch back his Poké Ball. After all, his first task was probably to go back with the Poké Ball and Pokémon. However, how could he resist Linton? Linton also swung it casually and hit the opponent in the face.

Considering that this person would have to be taken back for interrogation, Linton certainly held back this time. The opponent was beaten so hard that he somersaulted several times in the air and then lay down on the ground again.

At this time, the surrounding team members had just gotten out of the car. Seeing the situation here, the few people running in front quickly came over and held the opponent down.

"Captain... is a woman..." Suddenly one of the team members pointed at the face that was broken by Linton and said to Captain Qiao.

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