I really can't control myself

Chapter 2113 Shop Visit

After finding the parking lot and parking the car, Liu Ying turned on the live broadcast and looked in the direction of the pet shop. She had done this kind of live broadcast similar to visiting a store a few times, so she was quite skilled at it. She was chatting with the audience while walking.

At this time, most of the topics in the live broadcast room were naturally focused on Pokémon. After all, everyone had vaguely felt the wave of the times after watching the news yesterday, and naturally couldn't help but want to discuss it.

"According to what was said in yesterday's news, the best way to capture a Pokémon is to defeat it with your own Pokémon and then knock it into a Poke Ball. But the problem is how to get your own Pokémon."

"Don't talk about your Pokémon. I don't even know how to buy Poké Balls."

"Brother above, should you first consider whether you can afford it? That thing doesn't look cheap at first glance. It can actually hold Pokémon in it. What's the point? Is it a space ring?"

“It’s not something that someone like me with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan should consider.”

"I'd better deliver my takeout obediently."

It can only be said that most people in the live broadcast room are a bit pessimistic, or a bit sour. When certain new things first appear, they are never popular among the people at the bottom. For example, when mobile phones first appeared, how many kilograms did they weigh? How can ordinary people afford tens of thousands of bricks? This is likely to be the case with today's Pokémon.

"By the way, what is the channel for anchors to receive and what conditions are required?" At this time, a colorful barrage asked in a relatively large font. Obviously, the person who can use this kind of barrage is the "big brother" of this live broadcast room. This eldest brother who is indeed on Liu Ying's live broadcast room rankings must be a rich man.

What he is obviously considering here is not the issue of money, but the issue of how to get it. Of course he knows how important Pokémon things are, but the problem is that he really doesn't know how to start and become a trainer now.

"Actually, I don't know the specific situation very well, so I'm here to give it a try today." Liu Ying still has to answer the question from the big brother in the live broadcast room, but she really doesn't know the specific situation now. Xu Weiwei's question She wasn't sure, but what she probably knew now was that Pokémon seemed to be hatched from eggs, and she could buy these eggs at various places she went.

"We're almost here, let's go in first." Liu Ying said and raised her camera to take a picture of the front, preparing to open the door.

"Pet shop? Can I buy Pokémon here?"

"I thought it was some kind of research institute or ZHENG government agency. Can this kind of thing be bought in a pet store?"

"It doesn't look mysterious at all. It's decorated just like the pet store near my home. This store is too ordinary."

Seeing that Liu Ying's destination was actually an ordinary pet store, netizens exclaimed, "This doesn't feel right." Judging from yesterday's news, Pokémon should be a very important thing. As you saw in the news, trainers can borrow some of Pokémon's abilities. Isn't that a superpower?

Isn't this kind of thing usually managed by some mysterious organization set up by the ZHENG government, something like the Dragon Group Office? The pet shop in front of me looks... a little too normal.

Seeing this, many netizens feel that they have been deceived. I don’t know whether the anchor was deceived by others, or they were deceived by the anchor. Now that Pokémon is so popular online, there are people who want to take advantage of the popularity. It's not surprising. I originally thought I was going to see a real Pokémon, but now most people think there's no chance.

Not only the netizens watching the live broadcast, but also Liu Ying herself felt that she had made a mistake when she saw that her destination was such an ordinary pet store. Although he saw the real Pokémon at Xu Weiwei's place, Liu Ying was definitely not sure whether it was bought here. Maybe her parents got it through special channels, but she couldn't explain this to her daughter. Of course, it was possible that she bought it from the pet shop downstairs.

Thinking of this, Liu Ying here was a little disappointed. But now that she's here, of course she wants to go in and take a look.

There was obviously someone in the store at this time, and there was also an OPEN sign hanging at the door. Liu Ying walked to the door of the store, turned the camera slightly sideways, and then opened the door and entered.

"Hello, is it possible to shoot here?" Liu Ying asked. Asking whether shooting was possible was mainly due to quality considerations. It is indeed illegal to film other people without their consent, but the actual handling is extremely troublesome. In most cases, even if the JING police are called, they will just mediate. If the trouble is really serious, such as secretly filming or provoking trouble, then you may be detained and fined, usually within 5 days and fined 500. Generally, most of the trouble will be settled by on-the-spot mediation and apology.

Liu Ying pays more attention to morality. Having received a good education since she was a child, she naturally knows that this is very unethical behavior. Therefore, when shooting on the streets before, she would obtain the consent of others before shooting.

"Oh?" Linton in the store roughly guessed the other person's occupation as soon as he saw the other person's situation. This... is of course a good thing. He never wanted to hide anything. Wasn't this a promotion mission from the beginning? What I was thinking just now was to get the batch of pet eggs I have first, and then go to the world of Pokemon to buy some. It would be perfect to have someone who can help me right away.

"It's possible to take pictures, so of course we can take pictures in our store." Linton said immediately.

"Thank you, owner." Liu Ying said and turned the camera around. At this time, she was also looking at the situation in the store. She happened to see a few people in the store and... two strange creatures surrounding them. .

"Ah! Is this a Pokémon?" Liu Ying immediately walked up and focused the camera on the two Pokémon among the people, namely Bulbasaur and Iron Dumbbell. This sudden situation frightened Bulbasaur a bit, but the iron dumbbell next to him was unusually calm and showed no reaction at all.

Bulbasaur's personality was probably as timid as its owner's. It ran directly and quickly behind Xu Liyun. Of course, Liu Ying's camera was still facing it, and its situation was also displayed in front of many netizens.

"There are actually Pokémon!"

“It’s the first time I’ve seen one alive!”

"It's actually green. Look at the thing on its back. Is it an onion?"

"It looks so strange."

Although we already knew about the existence of Pokémon, the Pokémon that appeared on the network news last night still felt a bit far away from them, but now that Bulbasaur appears in front of the camera, the distance feels very close. , netizens were naturally very excited.

"Kani..." Bulbasaur adapted quickly at this time. After all, it couldn't see how excited the audience was on the phone. All it could see was Liu Ying in front of it. Although the other party suddenly ran over and scared it, after a few glances, it felt that the other party was not threatening.

"Then...that...can I touch it?" Liu Ying looked at Xu Liyun here and felt that this should be the opponent's trainer, so she asked.

"Okay." Xu Liyun nodded of course. She knew that the other party was filming, and she felt a little reserved.

Liu Ying stretched out her hand cautiously, not sure whether it was because she was a little scared or because she was afraid of scaring the other person, but Bulbasaur here sensed Liu Ying's intention at this time and came forward directly and proactively.

"I touched it!" Liu Ying felt excited when she felt the Bulbasaur seeds. Although the soft touch looked like a frog, it didn't feel that wet and sticky at all. It just felt soft. It is soft and feels like a stress relief ball for pinching.

"So cute! Are Pokémon so cute?" The audience naturally followed Liu Ying's first-person perspective. Although they couldn't feel the touch, they all saw Bulbasaur's cuteness. I was originally worried that Pokémon were dangerous. After all, the dangers of Pokémon were mentioned in yesterday's news. But now that I have seen the real thing, I don't care whether it is dangerous or not, just cute.

"I want to touch it too!"

"This little chic one is too long."

"Well, everyone, do you think that the owner of Bulbasaur looks like Director Xu who appeared in the news yesterday?"

Suddenly a barrage caught everyone's attention, followed by a lot of people talking.

"Yes, I just wanted to say that it seems to be Director Xu from Dongwu Magic Company yesterday."

"No, it's probably just a look-alike."

"But didn't you say that there is a Pokémon store here? Is it really Togo Magic Company's store?"

The number of barrages suddenly increased, and everyone began to discuss Xu Liyun's identity. After all, everyone had seen the news last night. Xu Liyun had been on the stage for several minutes, and everyone recognized her appearance. But the problem is that although they look similar, their temperaments are quite different.

The one on TV yesterday had a cold face, which made people’s first reaction seem to be that of some business elite, an iceberg female CEO. However, although the one in front of me has the same face, she looks weak and even capable. Feel some affinity.

More importantly, why did the chairman of Dongwu Magic Company appear in this store? I guess he must be a busy person, so he has time to come to such a small pet shop?

Liu Ying also scanned the barrage, and then looked at Xu Liyun here. Yes, he felt that the other person looked familiar at first sight. After being reminded by the barrage, she also remembered it. Isn't this the Director Xu in the news yesterday? Thinking that Pokémon might actually be sold here, she tried to ask: "Um, is this Director Xu from Dongwu Magic Company?"

"Oh... um... that... no, no." Xu Liyun waved her hands anxiously, "That... um... that is my sister, not me."

"Pfft..." Linton next to him couldn't help but laugh out loud. Seeing how hard it was to force the child, it was okay for her to be born out of nothing.

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