Life begins to change slowly and unconsciously. It may seem like small fluctuations, but gradually it will converge into a huge wave.

Zhang Fengqiao, an ordinary freshman, like all college students, is currently studying for summer vacation and will become a sophomore in two months.

Although I have been living in college for a year, in fact, the study life in the freshman period is not that different from the high school period. This is for most students. Some outstanding college students have already begun to prepare to integrate into society during their freshman year. They will actively participate in various school activities and student union activities, but Zhang Fengqiao is obviously not this kind of person. He has no preparation at all for his life plan. , still living the same rhythm of life as in high school, studying, playing, eating, and sleeping.

In fact, he has already felt a sense of urgency. Although he has been in college for four years, it goes by very quickly. Should he do something, such as planning his life? After graduating from college, should he continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination or take the civil service examination? Start working. Should you start working towards your goals from now on?

But this sense of urgency made him a little panicked, and he still wanted to escape psychologically, such as the pressure to make money, social pressure, and family responsibilities. Of course, he also knows that if he doesn't change something now, he may have to work harder to pursue it later, but where is the opportunity for change? Although Zhang Fengqiao wanted to change something, it was difficult for him to take that step.

However, at this moment, the opportunity appeared inexplicably, appearing in front of him like pie in the sky.

This opportunity came from one of his cousins. His aunt married into a family named Zheng. The aunt gave birth to a daughter named Zheng Yifei. She is only 14 years old and is in the second grade of junior high school.

His father has always been in contact with this sister because both families happen to have settled in Changdong City. The family conditions on his side are slightly better. His father opened a restaurant, and his mother also helped in the restaurant. The business was not bad. But the conditions at my aunt's family are not that good, because my uncle is seriously ill and can't take care of himself now. My aunt works alone to support the family, so the family situation is naturally very bad.

However, his father does take good care of his sister. Although the family is not that rich, he always spends money to help his aunt's family solve their urgent needs. Of course, his mother would definitely be unhappy, even if it happened once or twice, it would happen more than two or three times, and looking at my uncle's disease, it is estimated that it will not be cured in this life.

His mother has complained to him many times about this. To be honest, he also thinks that this aunt's family is quite troublesome. Zhang Fengqiao thinks it is impossible to repay the money he borrowed from them in such a situation. However, when he was a child, his aunt and uncle When nothing happened, it was said that he was kind to him. It seems that his aunt took him with her when she was not married, but she was too young at that time and Zhang Fengqiao didn't remember it. Thinking that we are only relatives after all, I hope they can borrow less money.

However, what I didn't expect was that my aunt's family suddenly turned upside down. Just yesterday, his father received a call from his aunt, saying that he was inviting them to his house for dinner and to discuss something. His father's first reaction was whether he wanted to borrow money. After spending a long time with his mother, he went there with 50,000 yuan.

However, I didn't expect that not only was it not a loan, but it was also a repayment. Yes, my aunt directly repaid their family 30,000 yuan. Although according to the IOU, my aunt owed them at least 300,000 yuan, not counting his father who did not issue an IOU, so he only paid back one-tenth, but to be honest, this was the first time that their family had received anything since their uncle's accident. Repayment.

Of course his dad also asked where the money came from and whether his aunt had found any good job. However, to their surprise, the person who found the job was not his aunt, but his cousin Zheng Yifei. Hearing this, everyone in their family was stunned for a long time.

Zhang Fengqiao's first reaction was, has his sister made her debut? The kind of idol that debuts. To be honest, he also thinks his cousin is quite good-looking, but nowadays there are so many good-looking girls. A 14-year-old junior high school student, can she debut as an idol? You're not an art major, and you can't play or sing. How can you make your debut like this?

However, the actual situation was more mysterious than he thought, because his sister... actually became a person with super powers.

No matter how they guessed it, they couldn't have guessed this situation. The aunt really didn't hide it from them, because she didn't know what to do now. She just asked her trusted brother to discuss it before calling them over. Of course, the reaction of the three of them was the same at first, with an expression of "are you kidding me?" until Zheng Yifei next to her directly used telekinesis to lift a chair.

Apparently, my aunt's family had experienced such a situation just now. Faced with such an unrealistic thing, the whole family was stunned for a long time.

So where does the money come from? In fact, as soon as Zheng Yifei returned home, a man came to their house and introduced them to something called the Trainer Subsidy Program. I didn't understand anything else. As long as you participate in this plan, the monthly subsidy here starts at 5,000 yuan. Considering the actual situation of the family, they are willing to directly provide a signing fee of 100,000 yuan.

The other party also said that this subsidy plan does not hinder schooling at all. As long as you are a trainer, the basic fee starts at 5,000 per month. If there are any assigned tasks, you can also receive subsidies such as bonuses. If you can get a trainer upgrade, the subsidy amount will be further increased. However, the current trainer level standards are still being formulated. For the time being, everyone will receive a 5,000 subsidy.

But the question is what is a trainer? The other party said that please pay attention to the 7 o'clock simulcast news. He can't say anything yet. He will know after watching the news.

Zheng Yifei's mother was obviously confused, but Zheng Yifei's decision was faster than hers. She directly expressed her participation in the plan because she knew that her family was poor and she could never refuse 100,000 yuan. And Zheng Yifei knew very well that what the other party was interested in was not her as a person, but her trainer's identity.

It was very simple to convince the mother. Although most of what the other party said was vague, the important point was that their family really needed money. As long as they don't sell their daughter, things can be discussed. What's more, the certificate the other party produced looked like a certificate from the ZHENG government, but I didn't know what the "Pokémon Coordination and Development Department" meant. I had never heard of it.

The mother, who was still immersed in the idea that her daughter had become a superpower, had come to her senses and had already signed the contract. After the other party left the money and left, she started to get scared after thinking about it. This...isn't it really selling her daughter? What are the training and tasks that the other party mentioned before? Shouldn't it be...

For a moment, the mother was a little confused, but then she remembered the person she trusted the most, and that was her eldest brother. This brother who helped their family during the most difficult time was the person she trusted the most at this time. So she quickly called her elder brother and paid some money back. She was by no means someone who refused to pay back money, but her husband, who was still in the rehabilitation hospital, had a lot of expenses. She calculated that she could only pay back 30,000 yuan at most.

The mother also told her trusted eldest brother about the super power without any secret, so of course Zhang Fengqiao, who also had dinner with her, also got the news. Then of course he asked the question, how did he get this super power?

So a lot of new words and concepts appeared in Zhang Fengqiao's mind, such as Pokémon, Poké Balls, and borrowing power. Before cousin Zheng Yifei finished speaking, 7 o'clock had arrived, and the network news started.

Obviously, what was reported in the news directly stopped the family talking. The Pokémon and Poké Balls mentioned by Zheng Yifei just appeared in the news. Zhang Fengqiao even had some doubts about his cousin's situation at first, but now the official endorsement is a direct confirmation.

After all, he is a college student. Zhang Fengqiao's brain works very quickly, and his ability to accept new things is also very fast. Although his aunt trusted his eldest brother, it was only emotionally. In fact, his father was confused until now. He was obviously incomprehensible to a bunch of things that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but he quickly understood the situation.

The world is about to undergo tremendous changes, and their family has inexplicably found tickets to the new world. Because the content in the news only introduced the situation of Pokémon, trainers and Poké Balls, but it did not say at all how to obtain Pokémon, how to become a trainer, and how to buy Poké Balls. Then no one should know... except their family.

Yes, my cousin Zheng Yifei knows, she is a trainer. At this step, their family is ahead of anyone else.

Now he is a little grateful to his dad. Fortunately, his dad has been helping his aunt's family in the past few years. He even thinks that his dad is quite stupid, but he did not expect that his good intentions will really pay off. He has benefited from it. .

So early the next morning, Zhang Fengqiao appeared at the door of this magical pet shop. The bank card he held in his hand contained all the savings of his family over the past few years. Of course, it was given to him by her parents. The total amount was less than 400,000.

To be honest, he doesn't know if the money can buy a Pokémon, because his cousin's Pokémon was actually obtained for free by winning a lottery. I'm afraid this cousin is not the chosen one. He can find this pet shop. It’s enough to go against the grain, but you can still get Pokémon for free. Are you a human?

He is not so confident about his luck. In any case, he has brought his family's savings with him, hoping to become a trainer.

With some trepidation, Zhang Fengqiao here opened the door of the store and started the starting point of his legendary Pokémon Master journey.

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