I really can't control myself

Chapter 2102 Important

Not many Pokémon can learn the Death Ray Destruction move by upgrading, but the number of Pokémon that can be learned using the skill machine is a bit exaggerated. Linton felt like he could learn all the Pokémon he could name.

Why is its versatility so high? Obviously it is also because of its obvious shortcomings. In the game, it is hard for one turn after use, but in reality it is hard for a period of time. Linton has tested it before. Because of this shortcoming, the game is so generous that a lot of elves can learn it.

But everyone who has actually played the game knows that because the game is a turn-based battle, giving up a turn is really fatal. Pokémon such as King of Vacation, whose race values ​​are higher than those of Quasi-God, were abandoned by most people because of the negative characteristic of giving up one turn. As for the skill of destroying the death ray, apparently no one has learned it in the game. of.

However, this kind of skill that no one can learn is really useful in reality. After all, there is no such thing as one round in reality, and the hard time can still be adjusted.

Yes, Linton did a little testing and probably knew that the stiffness time was related to the Pokémon's physical strength. The stronger the Pokémon, the shorter the time it takes to stun it, and the usability of the destroying Death Ray increases linearly.

This kind of skill, which is so powerful in itself, is obviously quite suitable as a special move series.

And Lu Ping also got the news he wanted to know: "Skills teaching machine?"

"Hmm... In this way, I can only supply the skill machine to you at present." Linton thought for a while and said, "But I hope that the supply of Pokémon and Poké Balls is for the public."

"That's great." Lu Ping breathed out and only supplied goods to them, which meant that they could hide the information about the skill machine. They had made another profit by cultivating trainers. A huge advantage.

"Actually, you don't have to keep thinking about hidden things. I told you that the two worlds will merge, and when they merge, most of the information will still be exposed." Linton said, "For example, As for the Poké Ball, Poké Balls are not a particularly precious thing in that world."

"We can see this," Lu Ping said. Although at first they thought that this kind of thing that even involved space technology was definitely a magic weapon, Linton only charged 500 yuan a piece and gave them a hint, and then directly gave them a bunch of them. Obviously, It shows that this thing is not so rare in another world.

After the world merges, Lu Ping and the others also know that other countries will soon master these technologies. Of course, other items such as healing sprays, skill machines and the like will also be exposed at the same time.

"So there is no need to think about how to hide it. Now they don't know the news that the world is about to merge. The key is to use this information gap to obtain sufficient benefits." Linton said with a smile.

"We think the same way." Lu Ping nodded. Indeed, their thoughts were the same as Linton's. In fact, the announcement of Pokémon information now also has strategic intentions in this regard. When the world merges, it will be too late to make this amount of money, so while the world will merge that others don’t know about, make enough money quickly.

"But the question now is, earn...what?" Lu Ping said suddenly. This is also the question they came to Linton to ask. Making profits from other countries by relying on information differences is something that Lu Ping and others can obviously think of, but what is the goal of making money? Money? Technology?

It is true that China lacks a lot of technology. If it were before, they would definitely be able to discuss the target of the transaction immediately, such as changing engine technology, computer technology, etc. But now the situation is completely different. The world is undergoing great changes. Does the technology that I wanted in the past really have a future now?

For example, engine technology was an urgent need for national defense in the past, but now tanks can only be used as personnel carriers, and aircraft carriers can only be used as transport ships. Even if they are replaced, how much can they really earn?

"We have to change, and we have to change things related to Pokémon. That is the future." Linton thought for a while and said, of course this was Lu Ping's idea as well.

"But related things..." Lu Ping thought for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone, flipped through it, and handed it to Linton, "Help me see if this thing is important."

It seemed that the other party was well prepared. They had obviously discovered something they didn't know about, and they thought it might be useful, but they didn't know what it was for. They asked Linton to help him palm the eyes to see what it was.

Linton took the phone and looked at it. What appeared on the picture were several green, iridescent gem-like things, and Linton really recognized these things.

"Is this a MEGA stone?" Linton said as he took out his own MEGA bracelet, which was of course also inlaid with MEGA stones. "Have you seen the real thing? Is it the same thing as this one?"

Lu Ping took the bracelet and looked at the gems on it, then nodded quickly: "It should be the same thing. Is this thing really useful? Made into a bracelet? What is it used for?"

"I will ask Asuna to transmit the information related to MEGA evolution to you later." Linton said immediately, "Where did these stones appear? Are they in this world?"

"Yes, the frequency of meteors has suddenly increased a lot recently. The fragments of these stones seem to be fragments of meteors. Some fall with the meteors, and some suddenly appear in various places. They may be scattered after the meteors shattered in the sky. We have dedicated people here who are responsible for collecting it. Of course, it’s not just us, people from other countries are doing the same thing. Although we don’t know what this thing is yet, there is no doubt that this ore is a new element ore." Lu Ping said.

"I need these ores." Linton said immediately. Before Lu Ping could speak, Linton immediately continued, "Don't worry, I don't want to take them away. I just need to collect the energy on them. This kind of ore has some energy. Collecting some will have no impact on the ore itself.”

"We have also discovered special energy." Lu Ping said, but he was a little doubtful that Linton said it had no impact.

In fact, it really has no impact, because in Linton's eyes, these things are not MEGA stones, but valuables. In the Pokemon world before, Mega Stones were valuable items. Although we haven’t seen the real ones in this world, I guess they are the same. And it’s true that it has no impact. He uploaded his own MEGA bracelet and it can’t be used.

"I need these stones. If I can earn them, I will try my best to earn them. They are really useful." Linton said.

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