I really can't control myself

Chapter 2097 Questioning

"What is this? Detergent? What brand is it? Where did it come from? Where did it come from?" In the end, no one went to eat. After all, Ma Shuying and Xu Weiwei had already eaten at home. Ma Shuying still entered the store, but as soon as she entered, she found that something was wrong in the store.

She had been here the day before yesterday, but it was only one day apart, and the situation in the store seemed to have completely changed. The current layout of the store is completely different from the previous layout. The shelves are filled with all kinds of things that I don’t know why they are used. They are not the same batch of goods that I bought before. There are also a bunch of unknown things next to them. What kind of machine is it used for? It looks like it’s suddenly no longer my own store.

Ma Shuying had no idea what was going on, and more importantly than this, she picked up the things on the shelves and looked at them. She found that not only were these things strange, but they also had no labels at all.

For example, the spray bottle she holds in her hand looks like a household cleaner. It has no ingredients label, manufacturer, or even a brand on the bottle. What is this? Isn’t this a three-no product? Can this kind of thing be sold?

In the past, the items in the store were provided by several cooperative manufacturers carefully selected by her and her husband. Of course, they were all regular products, but now they have turned into a bunch of stuff that you don’t know where they came from. This is what happened. Something happened. If this thing is really sold, won't they be sued if something goes wrong?

Ma Shuying looked really angry. Although her husband was anxious to death about her sister-in-law's love affair, she really didn't think it was a big problem. But the current situation is obviously a bit too much, and it is harming their family.

"You...how can you sell these things?" Ma Shuying said anxiously, "This is illegal."

"This...this..." Xu Liyun was already in a panic, but now she didn't know how to face Ma Shuying.

"Illegal? What's illegal?" Linton said with a smile.

"These things don't have labels, so of course they are illegal." Xu Liyun said immediately.

"I said, sister-in-law, don't take it for granted." Linton spread his hands and said, "You are just bullying others who don't understand the law and are just trying to scare people by talking nonsense like this."

"Huh?" Ma Shuying was stunned for a moment, and Xu Liyun next to her also looked at Linton in confusion. After all, in her opinion, there was nothing wrong with what her sister-in-law said.

"You should be clear first, this matter itself has nothing to do with you. My transactions with others so far are not the store's account, but my personal asset account. To put it simply, this is a personal behavior. I personally and Transactions between other people," Linton said with a smile.

"It's not the store's account that was taken away?" Ma Shuying was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Liyun next to her for confirmation.

Xu Liyun thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Linton always asked people to transfer the money directly to his bank card. He didn't use the store's account, and he never issued any invoices.

"Second, who said what kind of pet cleaner this thing is? Look, this bottle is my personal handicraft. As for what liquid is filled in, it doesn't matter at all. Others appreciate my personal creation and buy it to play with. , as long as I pay my taxes on time, it is completely reasonable and legal." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Uh...this..." Ma Shuying was a little dizzy at Linton's words. This was...too far-fetched.

"As for the composition of the liquid inside, if you are worried, you can take it for testing. If there are dangerous ingredients that are prohibited from sale by the state, I would be willing to accept legal sanctions, but I can guarantee that they will never be found out." Linton continued, of course this cannot be tested. After all, if Guo Jia knew the ingredients inside, he would have made it immediately.

"And the pets I sell, if they are protected animals by Guo Jia, are indeed illegal. But the question is, are they? At least not according to the current legal provisions. When they enter the legal provisions, at least Their sale is perfectly legal until legal terms are laid down..."

"Are you selling pets? What kind of pets are they?" Ma Shuying really didn't know about this and asked immediately.

But before Linton could answer, a man opened the door and walked in. The "ding" sound from the doorbell behind the door interrupted the conversation of several people.

Linton took a look and found that the person who came in was one of the guests who had just sent away. One of the few people who had been particularly active just now. If I remember correctly, his name was Zhu Weihao. He was the tallest among the group of people just now. The tallest one is still more conspicuous.

Ma Shuying also recognized the other person. After all, they had just met each other. Looking at Zhu Weihao who had left and returned, Ma Shuying suddenly began to worry. This is not to settle accounts with them.

"Boss, I..." Zhu Weihao here was about to speak, but Linton interrupted him directly.

"Wait a minute..." Linton said and took out something that looked like a charm. "This thing that looks like a charm is a painting I just created recently. I personally think the painting is very good. It’s nice. The current special offer is only 6 million, do you want it?”

"I bought it!" Zhu Weihao said directly, "Boss, what is the use of this thing? Does it have the same effect as the cleansing talisman just now?"

"Did you just buy it without even knowing what it was?" Linton said with a smile.

"Anyway, I must have taken advantage, right?" Zhu Weihao said with a smile.

"This thing is just a painting. It has no other function at all. It is just for looking at. Do you understand?" Linton said to Zhu Weihao seriously.

"Uh...really?" Zhu Weihao was stunned for a moment.

"However, some good people said that this charm is not just a simple painting. He said that the name of this thing is the Curse Talisman, and that it can increase the power of ghost-type Pokémon's moves." Linton continued, "I personally sneer at this. Ghosts and the like are all feudal and ignorant ideas. There is no such thing in this world. In my opinion, this is just an ordinary painting. Do you think so?"

"Huh? Hmm..." Zhu Weihao was not bad at thinking, but he had problems when he heard Linton's words. After looking around in the store, he saw that he had just met Xu Liyun, so the problem was with this new woman. Zhu Weihao looked at Ma Shuying, and then whispered to Linton, "Boss, is there someone causing trouble for you? Can I help you deal with it?"

"If I want to deal with it, should I use you?" Linton said, "Just tell me whether you want to buy this painting or not."

"Oh..." Zhu Weihao nodded, "But for such a masterpiece, it would be too much of a loss for the boss to only sell it for 6 million."

“We have said that today’s price is a discount, but tomorrow it won’t be the same price,” Linton said.

"Oh, then I bought this work. I must take it back and observe it carefully." Zhu Weihao said cooperatively, "I will arrange a transfer for you immediately."

"6 million... ten thousand?" Ma Shuying finally reacted at this time, "This... what on earth is this? Are you really willing to spend 6 million to buy this?"

"I said, madam, what is your relationship with the boss? This is a deal between me and the boss. If you think we are trading illegal items, I suggest you call the police directly. I will wait here. JING will handle it." Zhu Weihao regarded Ma Shuying as a busybody who was watching. It was precisely because of the presence of outsiders that Linton's words were so strange, and he was definitely not afraid of trouble.

"Uh..." Ma Shuying was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to speak. Zhu Weihao himself had the aura of a rich kid, and his slightly tougher voice made Ma Shuying a little scared.

After all, Ma Shuying came from the countryside. Although her husband has done well in business over the years and her family has become somewhat wealthy, she still has a sense of fear towards the truly rich. As for Zhu Weihao in front of him, whether it was his aura or his attitude when he just casually took out 6 million, one could tell that he was definitely a rich man.

"I said, what's the matter with you coming back?" Linton interrupted Zhu Weihao at this time and asked directly.

"Oh, so boss, didn't you just say that if you introduce ten people, can I buy another Pokémon?" Zhu Weihao turned his head and immediately changed his attitude, saying with a smile.

"You found everyone so quickly? The ten people I mentioned are all going to buy a set meal here. If you don't buy it, it won't count." Linton said.

"Don't worry, boss, I guarantee they will definitely buy it. We have just contacted them and they will be here in the afternoon." Zhu Weihao said.

"But I want to be lazy in the afternoon..." Linton said.

"Then should I ask them to come over tomorrow?" Zhu Weihao asked.

"Forget it, it's a rare day's work." Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Okay boss, I'll ask them to come as soon as possible." Zhu Weihao said with a smile, and then looked at Ma Shuying next to him. With this guy here, the transaction will be particularly troublesome in a while, so don't let this guy mess him up. After thinking about it, he also said directly to Ma Shuying: "Sister...sister, do you have anything else to do? If you want to call the police, please do so. I will wait here. If nothing happens, can you please go out and interfere with me?" It’s business.”

"Oh...oh, okay." Ma Shuying's aura was very weak. She nodded subconsciously and prepared to walk out, but after taking two steps, she realized something was wrong, "Wait a minute, this store is mine."

"Huh? Your shop?" Zhu Weihao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Linton behind him, his eyes probably asking for confirmation.

"It is indeed her shop." Linton nodded.

"Oh, how much does your store cost? I'll buy it." Zhu Weihao said directly.

"Huh?" This domineering attitude shocked Ma Shuying again. Is this the legendary rich second generation style of buying things without even asking the price?

"Do you own the store or rent it? If so, can you provide the landlord's phone number?" Zhu Weihao continued to ask.

"This..." Before Ma Shuying could think of a reply, her cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the incoming call notification here, it happened to be the landlord.

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