I really can't control myself

Chapter 2090 Introduction

"Whatever, it's probably magic." Linton said casually, "It's not a very important thing..."

"Not important?" Xu Qing looked at Linton with a strange expression.

"Look in those RPG games, a hero stuffs a lot of swords, guns, swords and halberds into his bag, and no one thinks it's wrong, right? Just think of it as a setting when stuffing Pokémon into a Poké Ball Okay." Linton said.

"Uh... can it be compared like this?" Xu Qing said that although Linton understood what he meant, why did she still find it so difficult to accept it?

"As for the setting, there is another setting here." Linton said, "You have collected the Pokémon into the Poké Ball. Now try to see if you can borrow the Pokémon's power?"

"You said...what? Borrowing...Pokémon's power?" The two of them were stunned again.

"Wait a minute, you mean, I...can release magic like my fireball rat? Can I breathe fire? Just like 'Wow' fire breathing?" Xu Qing gestured to her mouth and said.

"There should be no problem, isn't this for you to try?" Linton said.

"This... this is impossible." Xu Qing was also a little confused, so she could spray leaves? "Xu Qing pointed to Xu Liyun next to her.

"It's also possible to grow tentacles," Linton said.

"No... don't..." Xu Liyun quickly waved her hands and said.

"It sounds like fun." Xu Qing suddenly became interested, "Quickly try it."

"I, I can't, I really can't." Xu Liyun said.

"You will, hurry up." Linton said.

"I'll try it first. If I can breathe fire, that means you can grow tentacles." Xu Qing suddenly said, "By the way, how should I spray fire? Open your mouth?"

"I don't know, you try." Linton said.

"Then, ah ah ah..." Xu Qing opened her mouth and tried to squirt and vomit, but there was no response for a long time. "No, no response. Is this okay? Are you kidding me?"

"Bang." As soon as Xu Qing finished speaking, a group of leaves suddenly flew out from the side. Xu Qing turned her head in surprise, only to see Xu Liyun who was also confused. Yes, she was the one who released the leaves.

"I...I...I just want to try." Xu Liyun herself was indeed confused.

"How did you do it?" Xu Qing's eyes shone again, "Teach me quickly!"

"I...I don't know, that's what I do, push with both hands." Xu Liyun weakly made a pushing gesture.

"Push!" Xu Qing quickly followed suit, "I push! Why not? Drink! Ha!"

"It's probably because the Fireball Rat is too low-level and hasn't learned the spark skills of this department." Asuna reminded him. The fireball rat's ability to breathe fire just now was not its skill, but its physiological reaction. Asuna is a little more understanding, "So what the trainer can borrow may be the abilities that the Pokémon has already mastered, such as the genetic skills released here."

"So it means that my fireball rat hasn't learned to breathe fire yet?" Xu Qing asked, "Then when will it learn to breathe?"

"Just upgrade." Linton said.

"How to upgrade? Take elixirs? No, this is Eastern fantasy mode. For magic, it should be... what do you eat? Experience books?" Xu Qing asked.

"It's a monster hunter." Linton said.

"Fighting monsters? What monsters? Wait, I suddenly understand what you mean, it's another Pokémon, right?" Xu Qing suddenly understood and said, "Wait, this can't work, we can't leave the city now, Chang The East City has been closed for more than a week, and it is said that many mutations suddenly appeared in the southern forest... Pokémon are not allowed to go there now."

"Only the southern forest appears?" Linton asked.

"Yeah, haven't you watched the news?" Xu Qing said.

"Hmm..." Linton nodded, probably thinking that Pokémon are currently spawned in a fixed area instead of randomly spawned everywhere. It may be the location where the two worlds are connected. Of course, as the integration of the two worlds progresses, more and more places will be refreshed.

The forest in the southern part of Changdong City should be a location. Otherwise, Wei Lan and the others didn't have to go there to investigate. Indeed, it seems that the situation in the city is quite stable now, and no wild Pokémon have been seen. They should have been trapped there. How was it intercepted?

"It will be opened soon," Linton said. "Actually, you don't have to fight wild monsters now. Pokémon can just compete with each other."

"Compare? Then after a few fights between my Fireball Rat and Bulbasaur, will it level up?" Xu Qing looked at Xu Liyun next to her.

"No, no, no, Bulbasaur doesn't want to fight." Xu Liyun quickly waved her hands, subconsciously feeling that fighting was wrong.

"It thinks, if you don't believe it, just ask it." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Ask it?" Xu Liyun was stunned for a moment.

"Pokémon has a high IQ and can understand people's words. You can try to communicate more in the future." Linton said, turning to Xu Qing again and said, "Actually, you don't have to find her. If she doesn't fight, you can Isn’t it just a matter of finding another trainer? After fighting both sides, you can level up, so it’s a win-win situation.”

"Other trainers? Who else is the trainer?" Xu Qing nodded and then asked.

"You are the first customer now, so it's just you and her, but I'm not here to open the door for business..." Linton said.

"Oh...I understand what you mean, boss." Xu Qing suddenly understood, "You want me to introduce business to you, right?"

"Yes, if a few more people buy it, I can make a profit, and you will have opponents to compare with, right?" Linton said.

"I always feel that I should ask for a commission... But forget it, after all, I am not lacking in this." Xu Qing agreed quickly, "No problem, I will get you a group of customers when I get back today, and we will be open here tomorrow Yes, I’ll bring someone here.”

Xu Qing said that no one can resist this kind of Pokémon. If nothing else, no one can resist its cuteness, not to mention...

Of course Xu Qing is not stupid. It doesn't matter that this Pokémon can use magic. It can also lend this ability to its master. Isn't this... just a superpower? Then the appearance of this Pokémon is not a simple matter of buying a pet. Maybe he has accidentally caught up with a big event, and is he equivalent to the first batch of humans who awakened their powers?

This is no small matter. I really need to think about this situation carefully. Discuss it with my mother?

"Huh? Have you been talking for so long?" Linton looked at it. It was indeed starting to get dark outside. He didn't expect that this business could be discussed for such a long time. "It is indeed going to close. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Well...if you close the door...your side..." Xu Liyun suddenly remembered something and asked Linton.

"Okay, I have decided to go to your house today." Linton suddenly patted Xu Liyun on the shoulder and said.

"Huh? My house?" Xu Liyun shouted in surprise.

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