I really can't control myself

Chapter 2084 Inspiration

"Huh, this environment is still comfortable." At this time, Linton was sitting on a chair at a roadside breakfast stall, slurping a bowl of noodles. Next to him were people eating breakfast and the traffic that was gradually becoming lively.

The environment was actually not very good, and the breakfast stall on the roadside next to the road was actually not that clean, but this environment gave Linton a particularly comfortable feeling, that is... familiar.

Having just come from the world of Pokemon, Linton is really keen on this feeling. I have mentioned before that there are various things that Linton should not think about over there. In fact, in the eyes of the people there, it is normal for bandits not to kill hostages and for police officers to take advantage of soy sauce. They do not find it strange. Only Linton felt awkward and deeply isolated.

But the environment and the people here gave Linton an extremely familiar feeling. It feels like you can blend in directly as soon as you sit at a roadside stall, and it feels like you are completely integrated physically and mentally. To be honest, Linton felt like this...it felt great.

Linton's current location is Changdong City, which is the city closest to them that Wei Lan mentioned before. When he came back, the place he appeared directly was in the city. Linton naturally didn't know where it was at first, but when he walked out of the alley, he saw the sign and the breakfast stall, so Linton sat down directly.

This place is obviously not the earth he knows, it should be a parallel world. Linton can still see the difference if he looks closely. For example, Changdong City, which I have never heard of, and the various brands of cars driving by on the roadside, but there is no need to worry about those details. The bowl of noodles in your hand already tastes like home. ,This is enough.

Just when Linton was enjoying his meal, Asuna over there also came back and placed an unopened mobile phone directly in front of Linton.

Since there was no need to eat, Linton asked Asuna to go directly to work. The first thing is to withdraw money, because Linton has a bank card here, which was of course given by Wei Lan, which is the money for the packages she bought, which contains about hundreds of thousands, and she still owes Linton some. Say yes and give it later.

This card was Wei Lan's card, and the password was of course told to him. Linton directly asked Asuna to withdraw the money, otherwise he might not have the money to pay for the meal. The other thing is to buy a mobile phone. After all, the programming methods in each world are different, and the baseband and number range of mobile phone signals are also different. Although Linton feels familiar with this place culturally, to quickly integrate into it, buying a mobile phone is the easiest way. of.

After taking the phone, Linton immediately started playing with it. Find an application similar to the APP Market, and then download all the top-ranked APPs. You can start immediately and understand the situation in this place. It can only be said that this environment feels too familiar to Linton, and he is adaptable in every sense of the word.

"What are you going to do next?" Asuna asked, "Contact those soldiers?"

"Don't worry, they will find their own way to find us." Linton said, "Their goals cannot be said to be exactly the same as ours. We have to handle some things ourselves."

While playing with his mobile phone, Linton was also thinking about what to do next. After thinking for a while, he said: "You can open a company here."

"I understand." This is not the first time Asuna has done this kind of thing. She has started a business twice, so she is familiar with it. Although the previous two companies were abandoned by Linton every time they developed, which seemed meaningless, Asuna was not human after all, and she would not feel bored or complain.

"This time, let's call it... Dongwu Magic Company." Linton originally wanted to call him Ren Otang, but he didn't know if it was called this in this world. In case he was sued by the other party's legal affairs. , simply choose a company name that absolutely no one has chosen.

"As for the main camp, first..." Linton was making task arrangements when he suddenly saw a scene across the road and stopped talking.

At this moment, there was a shop across the road from the breakfast stall where he was sitting. Linton didn't pay attention at first, but as he was looking at it, a good-looking sunny girl walked out of the shop and held a golden-haired girl in his hand. The dog was handed over to another man waiting at the door of the store.

When Linton first noticed her, of course it was simply because she was pretty, and he just took a second look at the beautiful woman he saw on the street. But at this time, Linton noticed that this store should be a pet store, with "Wangbao Cabin" written on it. Looking through the large glass window at the door, you can see a few puppies, probably the ones for sale.

Seeing this store, Linton's mind suddenly came alive. Yes, Linton is thinking of a solution. He said before that Lu Ping's group had different purposes from his own, and he didn't say it casually. He is indeed encountering such a problem now.

Linton also chatted with the boss here for a while during the meal before, and the information he got was that the Pokémon incident was not made public at all. As for the things that Linton and Lu Ping chatted about for a long time, the public did not know at all. I know, but of course I don’t know about the fusion of the two worlds.

Of course, Linton actually knows very well why such a thing happened. How do you think it should be made public now? In fact, no one there has studied clearly what is going on with Pokémon. Are you saying that Pokémon can be tamed? Can you also connect with a trainer to enhance your physical fitness? Just in case some people really try to capture Pokémon and something goes wrong, how can you explain it to the people? Didn't you say it can be conquered? This is already an issue that will affect credibility, so we have to be cautious.

Of course, I understand. Linton wants to complete the task of integrating the world. He doesn't have the patience to wait, so he said that the purpose is different.

After understanding this, didn't Linton start thinking of other ways? Opening a company is one of the ways, and it is also one of the steps to accelerate promotion. He had to go two ways in parallel. On the one hand, he actively cooperated with the ZHENG government, and on the other hand, he had to speed up the process.

At this time, the pet store across the street suddenly gave Linton an idea. Isn't this a good ready-made method?

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Linton is particularly enjoying the current comfortable environment. To be honest, he really wants to spend a few days and feel it, but after all, he still has tasks. But seeing this pet shop, Linton suddenly came up with a way to be lazy and work on the side.

"Let's go, start working." Linton gave the breakfast money and stood up directly.

"You want to help too?" Asuna asked a little strangely. She thought that when Linton started working, he meant starting a company, but Asuna actually didn't want Linton to participate in this aspect, because in her opinion, Linton didn't know how to do it, and previous experience also told him to let Linton get involved. Getting involved in company building will only do you harm.

For example, if Linton gave the company an unlucky name from the beginning, you might as well let her name it randomly. Asuna has her own planning process here. She first learns the laws here, and then follows the legal processes here step by step. She really can't cooperate with Linton's ideas.

Fortunately, Linton didn't have any interest in starting a company, at least that was how he behaved before. But now that Linton seemed to be suddenly full of energy, Asuna felt very bad.

"Help?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Oh, you said opening a company, no, I'm too lazy to do it, I'll leave it to you alone."

"Then when you say working, you mean..." Asuna breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief and then asked.

"Robbery." Linton said directly.

"Huh?" Asuna was stunned for a moment, then looked around, "What are you robbing? The nearest bank is 941 meters away from here."

"Follow me." Linton didn't say much and walked directly across the street. Of course Asuna didn't know what was going on, but she was Linton after all, so she was used to things happening all the time. She couldn't control or stop them, so she just followed them.

The two of them also came directly to the door of the pet shop across the street. Linton looked at the store outside. This was actually a large store created after two shops along the street were connected. The side along the street was covered with glass so that customers could see the pets for sale inside. In order to attract customers, the inside The environment can be seen at a glance.

It looks like the area is over 100 square meters, but there are partitions between the front and back. I guess the front is a shop and the back is a warehouse or something to store things.

At this time, there was only the girl I saw just sitting behind the counter. There were no other people, and there were no customers. It seemed like the girl was looking at the store alone. She looked like she was operating something on the computer, and she didn't see Linton and Asuna looking at the door.

"This?" Asuna asked with a confused look on her face when she saw Linton stopped. I don't quite understand what Linton wants to do.

"It's up." Linton said and pushed open the glass door in front of him. A wind chime at the door made a "ding-ding-ding" sound, which of course attracted the attention of the girl who was operating the computer.

"Welcome." The girl's voice was quite pleasant. Seeing Linton and Asuna entering the door, she also observed it a little. The other party didn't bring his pet. It probably wasn't for bathing or other pet care, because Linton and Asuna looked like a young couple. Maybe they came to buy pets?

"Are you here to buy a pet?" The girl stood up and expressed her guess.

"Guess again?" Linton said with a smile.

"Uh." She had to say that Linton's answer was something she didn't expect, but she quickly guessed it again, "Are you buying something for the baby at home? Is it a cat or a dog?"

"Sorry, no." Linton shook his head again.

"That is?" The girl stopped guessing and asked directly.

"Robbery!" Linton said and took out a large knife over one meter long from behind. "This store will be mine from now on. I hope you can cooperate obediently and don't show disrespect..."

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