I really can't control myself

Chapter 2070 Exhibition Match

"Oh? You are full of energy." Although Linton's tone was a bit arrogant, President Damalanchi here was not particularly angry. "I have heard Dr. Omu praise you before. It seems that you are indeed. Some strength.”

"It's not like some. If I can sign up, there will be no suspense about the championship." Linton was always blindly confident and would brag first before talking about anything.

"But it's true that trainers from China... there is no precedent." President Damalanqi is probably a little curious about trainers from China. "For trainers from other places, I don't know the registration regulations for the Quartz Conference. It's true that this There is some truth in that statement. The Quartz Convention is an inclusive Pokémon convention, and it is really unjustifiable to not let you sign up."

"Huh? You're quite easy to talk to." Linton was also a little surprised.

"But although your situation is somewhat special, the rules of the Quartz Conference cannot be changed casually. At least I alone do not have the right to change it." President Damalanchi continued, "But you have come all the way, and you are still allowed to change it. It is indeed a bit unkind to challenge gyms one by one and then wait until next year to participate..."

"Yeah, I don't have that much free time." Linton also nodded, "So can I sign up?"

"The registration time has already passed, and all 256 players have been confirmed. If you register now, it will disrupt the schedule." President Damalanchi said.

"Then you said it for so long..."

"I have a proposal here." President Damalanchi suddenly said.

"Proposal?" Linton asked.

"Since you came all the way to prove the strength of the Chinese trainers, otherwise, I will give you a separate competition, which will be held immediately after the opening ceremony. It will be regarded as an exhibition match. Although there is no trophy, it can be regarded as a competition for everyone. If you show off the strength of Chinese trainers, I will arrange for you a championship-level trainer to be your opponent, so that’s no problem." President Damalanchi said with a smile.

"Oh? This is..." Linton understood what President Damalanchi meant. This is a good idea. To be honest, let him play in the top 256 and top 128 games one after another. He is too lazy to play. It would be great to directly play the championship. Originally, his purpose was just to show off, and he didn't really want to win the championship.

The most important thing is that I got to know President Damalanqi. This guy is obviously a high-level executive of the Elf Alliance, and I want to talk to these high-level officials. Originally, I wanted to find Dr. Omu, but since President Damalanchi himself sent it, I took the opportunity to find him.

"Okay, no problem." Linton agreed directly, "Who are you talking about as a championship-level trainer? The last champion?"

"Your opponent... is him." President Damalanchi suddenly pointed at Xiao Mao next to him and said.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao here was stunned, why did he talk about himself?

"Him?" Linton looked at Xiaomao up and down.

"Hey, hey, what's that look in your eyes? Of course I'm a championship-level trainer." Xiao Mao was angered by Linton's eyes.

"At your level..." Before Linton could finish his words, President Damalanchi here said: "I am very aware of Xiaomao's strength. He has indeed reached the championship level. Although he has not won He won the championship, but that’s just because his main job now is Pokémon research.”

"A champion trainer who has never won a championship is too weak. Can't you find a real champion? Sirona, Dawu, etc., let them come and send it to you as soon as possible." Linton said.

"The opening ceremony is about to start now, and it's too late to contact them." President Damalanchi said with a smile, "Don't worry, Xiaomao is the pride of our Guandu."

President Damalanqi's words were full of the feeling of a grandfather showing off his grandson, but in fact Xiaomao was not his biological grandson, but it seemed that President Damalanqi did regard him as his junior.

"But I tried this thing last time, and I was beaten to the point of blurring my consciousness." Linton said.

"Hey, you haven't seen me for so long, do you still think I'm still the same person I was back then?" Xiao Mao didn't deny that he had lost to Linton before, but he had indeed improved. Linton's words made him more competitive. Although it was a bit sudden, he wanted to see Linton again to see who would win.

"Are you sure you want to have a game with me?" Linton asked.

"Of course." Xiao Mao said immediately.

"Then... okay." Linton nodded, "Let's have an exhibition match between him and me."

"Hehehe, okay then, come in with me." President Damalanchi nodded with a smile.

Under the leadership of President Damalanchi, Linton entered the venue smoothly. At this time, the preparations for the opening ceremony are almost in progress. If you wait a little for the audience to enter, it should start as scheduled.

Linton also briefly observed the situation of the Quartz Conference. Generally speaking, it looked like a large-scale sports competition such as the Olympics, and there was even a torch in the venue. However, the holy fire was lit yesterday. The Quartz Conference will last for several days, and the lighting ceremony of the holy fire and the opening ceremony are not held at the same time. Today is strictly speaking the second day of the Quartz Conference.

President Damalanqi directly led Linton and Xiaomao to the backstage of the preparations, where they naturally saw Dr. Omu inside. Dr. Ohki was also stunned when he saw the two of them. Xiaomao had never said that he was going back to Kanto before. He probably came here suddenly to talk to him about some research matters. This was not that surprising, but the appearance of Linton made him He was a little surprised.

"Linton? When did you come to Kanto? Why did you come in with the president?" Dr. Ohki asked strangely.

"Haha, he is indeed the Chinese trainer you mentioned before." President Damalanchi said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will give you a surprise later."

It seems that President Damalanqi wanted to show off the situation and did not mention the exhibition match first. It seems that he and other staff did not say anything, and it seems that they are preparing to make an impromptu announcement.

"Huh? Surprise?" Dr. Omu was naturally confused and didn't understand what surprise President Damalanchi was talking about. But before he could ask, the staff over there were already informing them that the opening ceremony was about to begin.

Linton and Xiaomao also walked onto the stage with the guests here. Now they can be regarded as temporary guests in the exhibition game. But they just go on stage and stand for a while, there is no need for them to give speeches or anything like that. This made Dr. Omu very strange, why did President Damalanchi let Linton and Xiaomao come on stage together? If they came to see him, why not just let them wait in the background.

The entire opening ceremony process was just as Linton thought, a bit boring. It's nothing more than speeches by various people, leaders' speeches, guests' speeches, trainer representatives' speeches and so on. Fortunately, everyone's speaking time was not long, and the overall opening ceremony was not that long, and the fixed process was soon over.

According to the situation in previous years, the opening ceremony will end at this time, and the top 256 competition will begin soon. There are so many people participating. Even though the competition starts at four venues at the same time, time is still very tight. But unexpectedly, something changed at this time. President Damalanqi once again walked to the front of the microphone.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to take up some of your time." President Damalanchi said, "I want to add a new item to this year's opening ceremony."

"Huh? New project?" The audience was also stunned for a moment. After all, it was not the first time for most people to watch the Quartz Conference. This was the first time for this new project, and they all became curious.

"This year, a trainer from China came to the Quartz Conference. He originally wanted to sign up for the competition, but unfortunately he missed the opportunity to sign up because he was not familiar with the registration mechanism here." President Damalanchi said.

"Chinese trainer? Where is Huaxia?"

"I haven't heard of it either."

This is the first time that Hua Xia's name has been officially revealed in the world of Pokemon. Although Linton has been here before, and he is not the first investigator to come, those who have heard Linton's name before know that he is from There are indeed not many people in China.

"Anyway, this trainer has come all the way, and I specially arranged an exhibition match for him, and his opponent is Xiaomao from our Kanto region." President Damalanchi continued.

"Oh, it's Xiaomao."

"Dr. Ohki's grandson? The one who likes to talk about Kawaryanagi."

Sure enough, the audience is still very familiar with Xiaomao. After all, in addition to the aura of being Dr. Ohki's grandson, he is also an excellent trainer himself and has also participated in the Quartz Conference. Now I have made a bit of a name for myself in the researcher community.

"Although it is an exhibition match, I also hope that the two trainers can compete with their own style. I will also award a souvenir to the winning trainer." President Damalanchi said, "Well, in order not to affect the future The competition will start soon, are you all ready?"

"I'm not talking about Chuanliu, my grandfather is." Xiao Mao couldn't help but say.

"Get started quickly," Linton said.

"It seems that both of you are in good spirits, so let's start the exhibition match immediately." President Damalanchi nodded and said.

The venue was adjusted very quickly, after all, this was originally the venue for Pokémon duels. The staff quickly moved down the opening ceremony stage, and a dedicated battle arena was raised on the ground. Linton and Xiaomao were already ready, and the information about the battle between the two lit up on the big screen.

"China's trainer...Linton?" The audience also saw the basic information displayed on the big screen. Of course, they were also curious about Linton.

"Will there be Pokémon unique to the Chinese region? The kind I've never seen before."

"There should be some."

Under the expectations of the audience, the commentators of the event are also in place, and the first game of this Quartz Conference is about to begin.

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