I really can't control myself

Chapter 2054 Professional

"Who?" Apparently after hearing Linton's question, the girl who had been maintaining a furious attitude was stunned for a moment. She stopped for a rare moment and looked at Linton strangely.

"Oh, it's okay, I just look familiar to you." Linton mainly ruled out that this was Dr. Oki with a female body and a savage version. After all, the timing of the other person's appearance was a bit too familiar.

"Let's go!" But what I didn't expect was that the girl here suddenly took action after Linton shouted. I saw the other party quickly dropped the wooden stick in his hand, came up and grabbed Linton's hand, and then pulled Linton and tried to run behind.

Linton cooperated quite well and was pulled by the other party and ran away. Obviously, compared to the Stingy Bee, the first human being encountered here had more intelligence value.

Seeing Linton being pulled away, of course Asuna followed quickly. The three of them started walking through the woods, but to be honest, the unknown girl's running speed was very average, really at the level of ordinary people.

"I said...why are you running?" Linton had already begun to collect intelligence while running.

"That thing is a social creature, and its companions will be here soon." The girl here also explained while running, her voice was quite pleasant.

There's nothing wrong with that. The giant sting wasp is indeed a social creature, and it's common sense in the Pokemon world to provoke a large group of them every time. However, it was obvious that Linton's original intention in asking this question was not to ask the girl to provide him with common sense.

"I mean, why do you think I can't even deal with a few giant sting wasps? Are you looking down on me a little too much?" Linton said.

"Huh?" The girl here stopped and looked at Linton in surprise. Although she didn't speak, the meaning in her eyes seemed to be saying, "Are you okay with your brain?"

"Hey, it's just a swarm of giant needle wasps. It's not that difficult to solve." Linton couldn't help but said. Indeed, giant needle bees are quite troublesome wild elves, but troubles are troubles and there are many ways to solve them. , You really don’t need to show such an exaggerated expression.

"You... have any idea?" the girl asked in surprise.

"Of course, after all, I am also a legitimate trainer." Of course Linton was not talking nonsense. In the Pokemon world, Linton was indeed a registered and formal trainer, the kind that had the Pokémon Encyclopedia to prove it.

"Trainer?" The girl looked at Linton in confusion, as if she had never heard of this word before.

Of course Linton noticed it too, frowned and asked, "Never heard of it?"

"What is that?" The girl's answer confirmed Linton's guess.

"It's the trainer who leads Pokémon into battle."

"Huh? What is that?" The girl looked confused, and the conversation between the two parties seemed to be suddenly not on the same channel.

"No..." This reaction made Linton a little confused. He was about to discuss the situation with the other party, but at this moment, various "buzzing" sounds sounded behind him.

Linton also looked back slightly, and sure enough, a large group of giant needle bees were chasing them. It was true that flying was faster than walking. Girls couldn't run fast in this kind of woods, and it was difficult to catch up. Very normal.

Obviously these giant needle bees are here for revenge, and you can feel their hostility as soon as they meet. Moreover, the determination of revenge was quite firm. When they caught up, the group of giant needle bees did not choose to attack directly, but began to surround Linton and the others.

"Oops..." The girl was obviously panicked, and her body began to tremble. Linton could also feel her fear, but... the fear was a bit too much, and it wasn't that scary.

"It's okay. I'll give you a practical demonstration." Of course, Linton still didn't take it seriously. What he cared about was what the girl just said about not knowing the trainer. Since the other party said she didn't know, Linton naturally showed her the situation directly.

Without saying a word, Linton started to take out his own elf. It's been a long time since I've used them. To be honest, Linton himself had forgotten what elves he had caught. After rummaging through his package, Linton quickly found an elf ball. He forgot what elf was inside, but he took it out directly.

I have to say that the Poke Ball is really convenient. With a slight press, the Poke Ball quickly grows in size and quickly becomes a size that can be held in one hand.

"Then get ready..." Linton was just about to throw, but a sudden exclamation came from beside him, directly interrupting Linton's movements.

"What is this?" the girl asked in surprise.

"This?" Linton stopped throwing and looked at the girl here strangely, "You mean this elf ball?"

"Elf ball?" The other party said again with a tone that he had never heard before.

"You don't even know this?" Linton asked more and more strangely.

"..." The other party looked at Linton obviously confused, and his attitude was obviously "Should I know?"

"Forget it, I'll ask again later." Linton was indeed curious, but the surrounding giant needle bees were beginning to prepare to attack. After being shouted out by the girl, Linton had no intention of performing the magic ball trick.

The reason is simple. The opponent doesn't even know the Poke Ball, and obviously doesn't know the normal throwing posture. Since the opponent doesn't know the normal pitching posture, Linton's pitching skills are meaningless. After all, he throws around just to show off.

"The decision is yours, go ahead...uh...whatever." Linton originally wanted to say a line, but at this time he didn't seem to know who was in the elf ball, so he threw it away casually. never mind.

With a bang, a red light flashed, and a big purple guy appeared in front of Linton. Linton also recognized it. This was his Nidoking. It was a coincidence. After all, it was the first Pokémon he conquered last time in the Pokemon world. This time, it was the first one under his control. appeared.

"Ouch!" Nidoking here roared loudly when he appeared. He was probably suffocated because he had been inactive for too long, but he looked full of energy when he came out.

Obviously Nidoking instantly understood what kind of situation they were facing. Facing the circle of giant needle bees around him, Nidoking was obviously full of confidence. Before it was conquered by Linton, it was the king of the Viridian Forest area, and it was quite familiar with the giant sting wasp. It was just a nest of giant sting wasps, very simple.

Of course, the Giant Needle Bee opposite also became a little hesitant when he saw the extraordinary Nido King appearing in front of him. Of course they will be afraid too. This Nidoking looks very strong at first glance and is difficult to deal with.

The scene became a bit stalemate again, and Nidoking did not attack immediately. This was different from fighting in the wild. Its main task was to protect the trainer, and on this premise it was to defeat the enemy. Just when it was thinking about how to fight, there was a "bang" next to it. Nidoking turned around and saw a human girl sitting on the ground with a look of horror on her face.

It was obvious that the girl was absolutely terrified at this time, and her legs were so weak that she sat on the ground. And Nidoking also noticed keenly that what the girl was afraid of was not the group of giant needle bees surrounding them, but her own feelings.

"It's over...it's over..." The girl was really frightened. She kept muttering something and her face was as pale as death. To be honest, seeing the girl's condition, Linton was a little worried that if she scared him to death, he would be in trouble.

"Huh?" Nidoking was also a little worried about the frightened girl at this time. He looked at Linton next to him, obviously asking about the situation with his eyes. Could it be that he looks too scary? Nidoking said that he was really a bit innocent.

"Don't be so exaggerated." Linton was also speechless. Could it be that he was so afraid because of some special psychological shadow? For example, when I was a child, I was attacked by Nidoking, etc., childhood shadow?

However, Linton didn't ask any questions for the time being. He had better deal with the large needle bees around him first. So Linton also waved his hand: "Just casual... No, it doesn't reflect my professionalism."

Originally, Linton was planning to just throw in a few moves to pass the time. After all, Linton was usually in such a situation when he commanded the elves. But this time, after all, the performance is for the girl, and she must understand what it means to be a professional trainer.

"Nidoking, use Rockslide!" Linton waved his hand and shouted.

"Ouch!" Nidoking here roared. Although he was somewhat concerned about the girl's condition, he still responded to the trainer's order immediately. Aiming directly at the place in front where the Big Sting Bees gathered the most, he struck out with a rock slide.

A large number of rocks suddenly appeared and smashed directly towards the Needle Bee Swarm. Unexpectedly, Nidoking's rock avalanche is really powerful. The large number of rock blocks are really scary and very destructive.

"Bang bang bang" the sound of various rocks hitting the ground was heard, and a large number of rocks slammed directly onto the ground. The surrounding trees, shrubs and other things were blown away by the impact of this move or were directly broken by boulders. All of a sudden, a large area of ​​​​the field was cleared.

Of course, the most serious attack was the Stingy Bee that was hit. This powerful blow immediately killed a large number of the surrounding Stinging Bees. Originally, the rock type restrained the insect type, and the level of Nidoking was obviously much higher than that of the Styli Bees surrounding them. With one move, the rocks collapsed, and more than half of the Styling Bees that were hit fell down.

The remaining giant sting wasps obviously realized that this was not something they could deal with. Without saying a word, they turned around and started running. After a while, they all flew away.

Of course, Nidoking had no intention of pursuing it. Protecting the trainer was the most important thing, and Linton didn't give it any new orders. It wasn't until all these giant needle bees left that Nidoking put down his guard and turned to look at Linton with a "begging for praise" expression on his face, obviously wanting to take credit.

But when it turned its head, it saw the girl who was still shivering on the ground. Nidoking was a little concerned, thought about it, and showed a "kind" smile.

"Ouch." Nidoking even wanted to get close to the girl, but just as he was about to move forward, the girl here suddenly rolled her eyes and fell down.

"Gah?" Nidoking froze in place with a confused look on his face.

"It's okay if I fainted from shock." Linton next to him looked at the girl's condition and said to Nidoking, "Chouji, do you understand?"

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