"What...is going on?" Getting closer, the dragons finally understood the situation at the scene. Simply put, the current situation can be described as shocking.

The entire valley of the Northern Clan is filled with bloodstains. Once you get close, you can smell the strong smell of blood. You don't need to have a keen sense of smell, as long as your nose is not broken.

Although the smell of blood is so strong, the strange thing is that the damage in the valley is not very serious, and there does not seem to be a particularly fierce battle. Of course, there are still traces of the battle, but there are very few. It feels like the battle is over without even one party struggling.

So which side was destroyed? The pile of giant dragon corpses next to it, which made all the arriving dragons feel terrified, had already told them the answer.

Yes, when the southern clan arrived, the corpses of the dragons from the northern clan had been gathered up according to Linton's instructions. The corpses of nearly thirty giant dragons were piled into a hill. Seeing such a scene, even though they were not from their own clan. The dragons of the Southern Clan are in conflict with them, but the dragons of the southern clan have no sense of "they deserve it" or "evil will be rewarded". Some of them are only frightened and even fearful.

When they arrived, there were still five dragons working on the field. The only good news is that they all know these five dragons, and they are all dragons from their southern clan. But the current horrific situation below makes them hesitant to go down.

Of course, they landed in the end. If Vecna ​​and the others were not there, they might have run away directly after seeing such a scene, but since Vecna ​​and the others were down there, they decided to ask about the situation.

The one who took the lead to fall was naturally the clan leader Leclera. Of course, the several dragons below also noticed Leclera and the others. Of course they were very excited when they saw the dragon leader of the Southern Clan coming, especially the three little ones. The moment they saw Leclera, they ran up to her.

These three little ones are not very old according to the giant dragon. Although they are old enough to participate in the conference, they are probably around fifteen or sixteen according to human standards. They were all scared to death when they encountered such a thing this time. When they saw their "mother" Leclera arriving, the three little ones rushed forward, probably to seek comfort.

Seeing that everyone in her tribe was okay made Leclera happy, but the situation at the scene was obviously not a happy time. Leclera did not ask about the three little ones here. After all, they were still young in her eyes. Leclera looked directly at Vecna, who was also following, and asked: "Vecna... this Is it...you did it?"

Of course, Leclera also knew that her question was a bit stupid. Although Vecna ​​was her favorite successor, it was impossible to be strong enough to defeat nearly thirty dragons. But there are only five of them at the scene, and they are still cleaning up the corpses here. If you think they didn't do it, who did it?

"Patriarch..." Vecna ​​didn't know where to start explaining. How could she explain to the patriarch and the others that although her master was a human being, he was as strong as a monster? She also knew that if it were her own words, she would definitely sneer at it if she had not seen it with her own eyes but only heard it from others. The urine properties of the giant dragon can only be said to be about the same.

But if you don't say anything, Linton might start fighting again when he comes back soon. No, that's wrong. It wasn't a fight at all, it was definitely another one-sided massacre.

"Mother, please listen to me carefully." Vecna ​​thought for a moment and said seriously, "I am following a powerful existence, so after I was caught, Gathedran found him. Yes After learning about the situation, he came here, and what you see is what he did."

"A powerful...existence?" Leclera's first reaction was that it was indeed not doubtful. Firstly, Vecna ​​was very serious about what she said and she trusted her. Secondly, the situation at the scene seemed to prove this point.

"In short, no matter what He looks like, His inside is not something that we dragons can mess with." Vecna ​​continued, "Please mother, please don't conflict with Him. I believe you have also seen the situation next to it. ”

"Hmm..." Leclera seemed sensible, nodded slightly, and then asked, "Then where is this powerful existence now?"

"There are several giant dragons in the northern clan that are escaping, and if He said that they would be exterminated, he would definitely do it. He is currently hunting down those escaping dragons, and he probably won't let any of them go," Vecna ​​said.

"Yes, mother, that guy is really scary." Lephis here panicked just by mentioning Linton and crawled into Leclera's arms, "He wants me to help him with work. Otherwise, you will eat me..."

Leclera nodded slightly, the situation was a little complicated and her mind was a little confused.

Before she could think of what to do, a white light suddenly flashed next to her. A huge thing suddenly appeared next to Vecna, which was of course opposite Leclera. All the giant dragons here trembled in fright.

In this current situation, all the giant dragons are also in a state of high tension. This sudden appearance can be said to have triggered their vigilant nerves. For a moment, all attention was focused on what appeared. At this time, they also saw clearly that the huge thing that appeared was a huge dragon.

"Rachlisina?" Lekelela recognized the other party. Isn't this the leader of the northern clan, the dragon mother Rahlisina? As the clan leader, Leclera is still very familiar with her. When did she learn teleportation spells?

However, when she saw it clearly, Leclera couldn't help being surprised. Because although the body of Rachlisina who appeared in front of her could still be seen to be hers, she... had no head. The part above the neck has completely disappeared, which is a bit scary.

While looking at the pair of dragon corpses next to her, Leclera noticed that the giant dragons piled there seemed to be almost all like this. Either they had no heads, or their heads were so split that they couldn't even recognize it as a dragon head. .

As he was watching, the headless dragon mother who suddenly appeared lifted her body up, and then seemed to be thrown directly onto a pile of dragon corpses next to her as if she was forcefully thrown. Only then did Leclera notice that there was another... human being who appeared at the same time as Rachlisina?

Yes, it was this human just now who lifted up the huge corpse of Rachlisina, and then casually placed it on top of the pile of dragon corpses next to it, so...

"Huh? So many people here again?" Linton's voice came over at this time, "Good guy, this trip is really profitable."

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