"Ahhhhhh..." Another scream passed through the sky, followed by a huge explosion, and a large crater was once again hit on the ground by a meteorite. A huge fire dragon slowly stood up from the center of the crater in the flames.

He was only handsome for three seconds, and the fire dragon who stood up fell directly to the ground. Of course, it's not actually a fire dragon. It looks like a fire dragon just because it's really on fire.

"Didn't I tell you to try to transform in the air and brake the car?" Linton's voice sounded from beside the dragon Vecna.

"Boss, I've changed. I've tried really hard to change, but I can't change back. It feels like being squeezed into a ball and unable to break free." Vecna ​​said quickly.

"I don't believe it. It must be that you haven't worked hard enough." Linton said. After all, Linton had seen Esti, who was launched by the Supreme Will, transform back to fight with Linton even if it didn't hit the ground. How could he come here and let them try to transform back halfway, but none of them succeeded.

According to these few, this skill is like forcibly rolling them into a ball and throwing them down from a height of tens of thousands of meters. Who can withstand this? Even if they are giant dragons, they cannot withstand such ravage.

"If you can't do it, I'll let you accompany Youlv." Linton said, pointing to the moon in the sky, "Did you see that pit over there? Youlv is right over there."

Yes, after testing, this skill is quite efficient in delivering express delivery, and can even deliver express delivery directly across galaxies. It's not a planet, but a galaxy. Linton felt it. As long as he knew the location in space, he could basically deliver it.

It sounds good, but the actual situation is that if you know the location in space, wouldn't it be the end of it if you just open the teleportation gate? Yes, the location where it can be delivered is exactly the same as the location where he can open the portal. The only difference is the size of the movement of the express delivery. One is to open a door, and the other is to drop a meteorite.

As for the power of this skill, it is indeed related to the size of the gift. Linton said this because the Fenrir Wolf Cushion was the smallest among the four, and the force of the crash was also the smallest. The force of the dragon Vecna's crash was obviously much greater.

However, although the skill looks quite gorgeous, every time something is hit, it will first suffer some damage to varying degrees. It may be due to friction with the air. Every time a meteorite hits the ground, it will always cause a fire. The Fenrir wolf next to it is burned into a black thing. The dragon's side is fine. It seems to be quite suitable for ammunition. use.

But the one that performed better was Youlu. Maybe because it is a fire-type tailed beast, its resistance to fire is quite high. In addition, the tailed beast itself is just a big lump of chakra, so its resistance is quite high. , I smashed it several times and it still held up.

Now that Linton has basically mastered this skill, he holds it in his hand, and then activates the skill, and the opponent will automatically use the shape of a meteorite to launch it to the location he expected. Linton was quite satisfied with this skill. After all, the fashion value was quite high and he could use it in the future.

However, since only Youlu can carry it across the plane, it seems that he can only work hard on it now. After all, this is the second best thing Linton can find to throw as a meteorite.

As for what is the best material, of course it is myself. Is there anyone better suited to be a meteorite than myself? Linton said that if I hit it hard, I would even throw it myself. The distance of this throw is much further than Susanoo, and it can also be used as a displacement skill for Linton.

"Okay, the test is over, you can disperse." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Um, boss, can I discuss something with you?" Vecna ​​here said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Linton asked.

"Can I take two years' leave?" Vecna ​​said.

"God TN can take two years of leave directly." Linton said, "Why do you want to take leave?"

"Have a baby," Vecna ​​said.

"Is it maternity leave? Are you pregnant?" Linton asked.

"No, not yet, but it's almost time to go back and have a baby," Vecna ​​said.

"What the hell? Go back and have a baby? Have you been married before?" Linton asked.

"Oh, no, it's just that the dragon clan's ten-year conference is coming soon, and I want to go back." Vecna ​​said.

Vecna ​​briefly explained that the dragon tribe was almost extinct because it was really difficult to reproduce. The leaders of several dragon tribes discussed each other and decided to hold a joint meeting of each tribe at regular intervals.

The content of the conference is very simple. All the dragons of the appropriate age gather together, and then there are various disharmonious scenes. There is no specific end time for the conference, it will end as long as all the female dragons of the right age are pregnant.

After that, the female dragons need a two-year gestation period, and then give birth to dragon eggs, and then the female dragons can leave. The forces of each dragon clan will distribute and take care of these dragon eggs, and are responsible for raising them, without the need for the dragons who laid the eggs to take care of them.

There is no concept of green or green in the Dragon Clan. In fact, it is impossible for most young dragons to know who their father is. After all, the days of the conference were really chaotic, so most of the young dragons were She only recognizes her mother. It is true that the dragon clan has a relatively high status as female dragons, and the clan leaders of each clan are basically female dragons. It is considered a matriarchal society.

As for the specific interval of this conference, it is not always once every ten years. It used to be fifty years, then thirty years, twenty years, and now it's once every ten years. The main reason is that the number of dragons has been decreasing. The heads of the clans are really worried, so the conference time is also constant. has been shortened, and now it will happen once every ten years.

Of course, this time is mainly based on the lifespan of the Dragon Clan. Compared to the long lifespan of the Dragon Clan, once in 10 years is really a bit too frequent. Vecna ​​herself was complaining, but after all, it was considered a major matter within the race, so she came to Linton to ask for leave.

As for the other dragon, Garthedran, because he is a male dragon, although he has to participate, he can come back after a few days of rest after being drained. It does not have to be like Vecna, who has to raise a fetus for two years. Please don't ask for leave. It is not meaningful. The male dragon does not need to bear any responsibility for raising the fetus at all. When the time comes, he can just come back and contribute.

"This is all primitive tribe mode." Linton held up his forehead, "Okay, okay, that's it. You can go back and do your business."

"Thank you, boss." Vecna ​​was very happy here. She didn't expect Linton to really agree. To be honest, given Linton's cruelty, Vecna ​​thought about it for a long time before speaking to Linton. She didn't want Linton to agree. The promise was so simple.

"Then boss, can I also take a leave?" Fenrir Wolf Cushion, who turned into a ball of black next to him, said immediately.

"Do you also have such a conference over there?" Linton asked.

"No, I just want to find a she-wolf." Zushu said, "I'm very fast here. As long as I win, I can bring her back directly."

"It's okay to just fight." Linton said, "What's the situation like this? How can we get together? Spring is here, right? Okay, okay, you go and bring a wife back, life or death."

"Okay, boss." Zuma was extremely happy, finally able to do something.

Having solved the problem of breeding pets at home, Vecna ​​and the others left quickly without choosing a time. Linton wasn't worried about them running away. After all, if they wanted to run away, these guys would have run away long ago. Linton was away from home all year round and no one was watching them. Do they really want to run away but haven't had the chance yet?

In fact, these pets are quite obedient, so Linton will directly satisfy their reasonable requests. The main part of the construction work in the new city is almost completed, so it is reasonable to take a holiday.

Linton also went back to the new city and told Uncle Eke, who currently holds the position of general manager of the city, about the leave situation of several pets. Uncle Eke said it was very sad and the original construction plan needed to be adjusted. After all, these pets are really good at work.

Although the main part of the new city has been built, there is still a lot of room for construction. For example, what is currently under construction is the dock area.

Yes, part of the dock was actually put into use, but as soon as it started operating, they found that the design was too small. There were too many ships coming and going, and the capacity was exceeded as soon as it was put in, so they started construction of the second phase of the project without stopping.

The location of the traffic thoroughfare in Xincheng is really unique. It has its own traffic. The current size of the port cannot operate in three shifts 24 hours a day, so it must be expanded immediately. Ekko has been busy with this recently, and as a result, all three pets took leave, which gave him a big headache.

At first, they thought it was a bit weird to pull these giant dragons and super-9th-level monsters to do hard work, but when they actually started using them, they discovered that these guys were really capable. Of course, it's not just about pulling goods. Both dragons and Fenrir wolves are capable of magic. They helped too much during the construction process.

And they are free, and they don’t even need to provide food and accommodation, because they will go to the nearby areas to find food and a place to sleep, so their work is really for nothing. So what else is better than them? After using them for a few months, Uncle Eke said he couldn't live without them.

Now that they are gone, this is really troublesome. For example, we need to hire more laborers, and we also have to spend money to find magicians to help release magic. Not only does the expenditure suddenly increase, but the construction efficiency is even lower, and the entire project needs to be re-planned. , how could he not have a headache?

Of course, complaints are complaints, and Uncle Eke immediately went to re-formulate the construction plan. He is a person with a strong master-servant concept. Linton does whatever he says. There is no right or wrong. I will do what you tell me. This is how I have always done it.

Linton did just tell Ekko, and after saying hello, of course he went back to the palace to find Yalan.

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