"The exploration progress is 71.2%, and the points obtained are 712,000 points."

"System prompt: Obtain 2,315,000 combat points."

"System prompt: Return safely and get 50,000 points.

"System prompt: You have received a random reward, the meteorite descending technique."

Yes, it didn't take long for Linton to use return to return to the main world. After all, Linton felt that the parts of the world that could be explored were almost there.

I looked at my exploration progress, 71%? Say more but not more and say less. The mission was indeed completed, but it was still a long way from completing the investigation. After thinking about it, after all, the Supreme Will was not captured in the end, and there should be many places that he did not go to. For example, the Sky City that Linton saw before should be accessible. After all, the map was made, but in the end he didn’t. Find a way to go.

After all, I have never played this game, and Linton doesn’t have any spoiler-level ideas. In fact, there are some places in the Soul series that you may not know about even after completing the level. For example, the ancient dragon summit of the third generation. I don’t know who discovered that you can be teleported to this place by posing on a cliff. You don’t know. Going there won’t affect your clearance at all. Who would have known such a ghost place existed without looking at the guide.

Linton felt that the Sky City he saw was probably a similar place. If he didn't go there, it wouldn't affect the level at all, and the way to get there might be the same nonsense as going to Gulongding (it wasn't). He didn't want the whole world to pose on a cliff, so he gave up in the end.

Of course, Linton also made some arrangements for the few people who followed Linton and the others. Lani indeed created a new age of law, called the Age of Stars. This new law is completely unrelated to the previous Golden Law, and of course it has nothing to do with the Supreme Will and Two Fingers. In other words, it is a new belief.

Of course, this new belief is quite nonsense in Linton's opinion. If a person like Linton who pays more attention to pragmatism really wants to establish a new dynasty in the border area, he will never use methods like Lani.

The core idea of ​​Lani's newly established dynasty, summarized in her own words, is that everyone should explore a new path by themselves, and start over with a hundred flowers blooming. Emancipating the mind can be regarded as emancipating the mind, but actual needs must also be taken into consideration. In Linton's opinion, what the chaotic world at the junction lacks now is not freedom, but on the contrary, order.

If we really want to do it, we should use the power of thunder to unify the entire dynasty first and forcibly stabilize the situation. When everything is stable, I'm thinking about something open. If you don't care, this place will only continue to be chaotic, probably for a long time.

Yes, the method Linton mentioned is somewhat similar to the method used by the Golden Dynasty. At that time, the border area was indeed in chaos. The ancient king dragons were still entrenched on the surface, and the king giants of the new era were competing with them. Other races were also doing their own thing, and the continent was in chaos.

At this time, the Golden Dynasty suddenly came out with force, first destroying the giants, and then repelling the giant dragons, unifying the entire continent, establishing the Golden Dynasty, and becoming the only king of the border area. In fact, the Golden Dynasty at its peak did make unparalleled contributions to the entire border area.

No wonder there are so many staunch believers in the Golden Dynasty. The dynasty at its peak was truly revered and worshiped. Unfortunately, it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it. After the peak, the dynasty declined, and then fell apart in the fragmentation war. The collapse of the dynasty was also a fact, and it was indeed time to change to another company.

But due to Lani, who has now established a new order, the entire border area has once again returned to the stage of chaos. Lani did completely overthrow the crumbling Golden Dynasty, but she did not rebuild a new dynasty and chose to let it go. In Linton's opinion, this is half the job.

I told you that what you did before was wrong, so don’t continue to do it, but you should also explain to everyone the specific way to do it, instead of letting them explore on their own. The king must lead the right path. This is the king's responsibility. However, at this time, the king at the junction has ran away. Of course, Lani agreed to this.

Of course, after all, if Linton was really allowed to do that, of course he would not do it. What does it have to do with him even if the entire border area is blown up? He is too lazy to be the emperor of the main world, so will he do that in the border area? So even though he saw that there was something wrong with La Ni's behavior, Linton didn't raise any objection at all. La Ni couldn't wait to "explore the stars" with Linton, and Linton brought her back anyway.

As for the others, Sir Gideon quickly found his new goal. Aren’t the new goddesses and kings left to explore new laws on their own? Sir Bai Zhi Gideon immediately had an idea, that is, to study the science of mind.

Linton didn't teach him much, so he just told him the four core words: the unity of knowledge and action. How to extend it after that is his business. Linton doesn’t know how the New Heart Society will be distorted by Sir Gideon of Bai Zhi. Although he has already told him the four core words, the philosophy is slightly distorted. In one moment, the meaning can change to another completely opposite path. Refer to Confucius' Confucianism and various subsequent Confucianisms that distorted the meaning.

But again, Linton was too lazy to care and let him perform on his own. Linton was quite optimistic about this guy. He might be the first person to establish his own laws in this new era where hundreds of flowers bloomed at the border. After all, he had the strength and power. You must know that he is the leader of the Round Table Hall, and he is very familiar with most of the faded people. In this border area, the faded people are definitely a force that cannot be underestimated.

As for his nephews Yuno and Diaros, of course Linton also took a look. Facts have proved that there should indeed be some relationship between three fingers and two fingers, because Diaros, who had started to get sick before, seemed to have recovered, at least he did not continue to get sick. If his eyes started to spit fire again, he would probably melt. , but now, although my vision is somewhat affected, I no longer continue to breathe fire.

This was Linton's original guess. According to his idea, the two fingers and the three fingers should be messengers of the supreme will, and they might even be one. But Two Fingers wants to rebuild the Golden Law, while Three Fingers wants to use epileptic fire to reshape the world. The two have completely different purposes, but in Linton's opinion, the difference is not that big.

They are just messengers of God, not the Supreme Will itself. In fact, do divine messengers really fully represent God’s will? Definitely not. God is God, and God’s envoys are God’s envoys. Even if God’s envoys can accept God’s will, they can choose different paths, and even their meanings can be misinterpreted.

For example, if Linton issued an order to Asuna and Yalan to buy apples, Yalan might actually buy a basket of apples, while Asuna might directly acquire the Apple company. The behavior of the two people is completely different, but these are Linton's orders and they are carried out. Is there any problem? It's just that their own understanding of Linton's order is different.

At this time, the junction can no longer receive the signal of the supreme will. After the Beast of Elden was dealt with by Linton, the connection between the Supreme Will and this area may have been truly severed. There was absolutely no movement from the two fingers side. According to the old woman who took the finger, the two fingers probably entered the standby mode and did not give any more commands.

Although Linton didn't see three fingers, it was probably similar to two fingers. Therefore, even though the epilepsy in Diaros' body may not be completely eliminated, it will not occur again for a while, at least until the Supreme Will interferes with the junction again.

However, Yuno and Diaros did not leave the junction, and there was no way to leave for the time being. They faded people were summoned here, and Two Fingers only told them how to come, not how to leave. Secondly, the current junction can be regarded as a place of opportunity, and something can indeed be done here.

Of course both have their own ideas. Although they followed Linton all the way here and heard Linton's "law" of the unity of knowledge and action, the Khoslao family has always had its own "law", and Khoslao spoke for it with his blood. Yuno did not waver at all and resolutely followed the original pace, but Diaros obviously wanted to explore a new path based on this.

Linton thought that due to their different ideas, the two might have differences or even break up in the future. However, the relationship between the two was still deep, and their future development would follow their own paths.

As for the battlefield doctor Fan Lei, it can be said that this guy is crying and shouting to follow Linton. This is a person who has no ideas of his own at all and just hangs out with Linton. Linton said he was leaving to "explore the stars" with Lani. The guy cried at that time and hugged Linton's thigh to show that he wanted to follow Linton. Of course, Linton didn't care what he meant.

As for Melina, the other party disappeared inexplicably. Linton really didn't pay much attention to the fire-proof woman. He didn't notice when she disappeared and didn't know where she went. It seemed like she was leaving without saying goodbye.

This thing is really weird. Linton still doesn't understand who she is from, or even the other party's purpose. When she fought against Menggert, she used gold-based prayers. Linton thought it was someone related to the Golden Dynasty. In the end, Linton asked Lani to completely overthrow the rule of the Golden Dynasty, and she didn't say a word.

In short, this generation of fire prevention girls is really weird. The only thing left for Linton is to "add some tools."

Yes, Linton now has a new ability, that is, he can use the power of runes to help others gain points. Of course, there are restrictions, because the maximum can only be increased to 99. The ability of 99 is not outstanding. It is probably the level of "ordinary" level people who can slightly strengthen their strength. It is of no use to Linton himself. .

There is really no shortage of runes and other things in Linton. You can even buy the power of runes in the store. This means that he now has a convenient skill that can help ordinary people strengthen their physique. It can be regarded as slightly useful. At least he won't have to use it every time in the future. Use the heart-shaped herb to bury the person and just strengthen it.

The last thing we need to pay attention to is naturally the new ability we just got from the random skill, the meteorite descending technique? What the hell?

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