I really can't control myself

Chapter 202 Accidental Injury

"Huh?" Ellie covered her mouth in surprise, "Is the Meroway family also a family of magicians? Then why did you give up magic and become a sword master?"

"God's TN Sword Master, I am a magician!" Linton raised his forehead, and sure enough everyone regarded him as a Sword Master.

"Huh?" Ellie was even more confused and didn't know what to say.

"I am really a magician. Look, I still have a magic wand." Linton said and took out the fire stick 2.0.

"Fuck!" As soon as he took it out, Klose immediately grabbed it and said, "Who did this? Why did you put an eighth-level magic crystal on a fire stick?"

"Are you a magician? Do you know magic?"

"I am, I understand, please don't open the show again, okay? This inexplicable thing is the result of you, right?" Klose said, "I told you to stop calling yourself a magician, okay? That's it. Holding it in hand, even a magician cannot afford to throw this person away."

"You don't care what kind of staff I use, as long as I can use this thing to release magic. It's the same as weapons. The best is not necessarily the most suitable for you. Only something you are familiar with is suitable. Do you understand?" Linton said .

"You...can use this to release magic?" Klose was stunned, but then he thought of something, "I understand, you just use chakra to release your special magic and treat it as a normal magic, right? This is fundamental. You don’t need a staff, I’ve studied it.”

"Ahem, cough... nonsense!" Linton was almost exposed, but he still said forcefully, "I also use this staff for normal magic."

"Try it." Klose handed the fire stick directly to Linton, "Let's talk first, I have mastered chakra, and I know all the magic you use."

"That's...ok." Linton said, "But, I don't know many magic skills. You know, I already know chakra magic. Other small magics with the same effect are the same. I'm too lazy to learn. I only know some pretty awesome magic."

"Is there such a thing?" Klose frowned. He didn't know what Linton was going to do again, but he was really curious about what the 'awesome magic' Linton was talking about. "Anyway, you can use it." Let’s see if this magic is released, let’s go to the practice field.”

"Wait a minute...I almost got entangled by you. I said I have something to do and I'm in a hurry. Let's talk about it next time." Linton remembered his mission at this time and said quickly.

"I don't think you are that anxious." Klose said, "This is also an important thing for me. This may be an important turning point in my granddaughter's life. You should quickly show him the power of magic. Well."

Linton looked at Klose speechlessly. This guy doesn't lie without a script. It depends on the power of magic. You are a magic saint yourself. You can perform it for her and that's it. Linton felt that Klose must have done it before, but it had no effect at all. Ellie seemed to have no interest in magic, so what was the use of him performing? So it's obvious that Klose himself is interested in the magic Linton mentioned.

Although he said that, Klose is really annoying. If he doesn't do anything to satisfy him, Linton is worried that he will keep pestering him. It was very simple to cast a magic spell. After thinking about it, Linton decided to send him away.

So the three of them went directly to the practice ground. The practice field at Klose's home is still very large. It is the Marquis Mansion after all. In addition to the outdoor practice field where they are now, there are more than one indoor practice field. These training grounds are usually used by Klose when he tests magic, and of course there are magic shields around them.

"Anyway, after I demonstrate the magic, I will leave. I really have something to do." Linton said again.

"I understand, I understand, let's get started." Klose said and walked directly in front of Linton.

"Why...are you standing in front of me?" Linton asked strangely.

"Try the magic." Klose said, "Just release it directly at me."

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Is it so dangerous? Are you testing magic on people?"

"No, it's just that I'm worried about you cheating." Klose said, "If you use chakra to release magic, I can feel it directly."

Linton looked at Klose and was speechless again. This was to prevent cheating. He probably wanted to evaluate his magic at close range. Anyway, he was just curious. Sighing, Linton said: "Old man, it's better not to mess around. My magic is really awesome. I'm afraid of using it myself. To be honest, I haven't used it on anyone yet."

"Huh?" Klose was also stunned for a moment, "You haven't used it on anyone yet?"

"But it's really strong." Linton continued to emphasize.

"Stop talking nonsense and come on." Klose said confidently, "Don't worry, if I concentrate on defense, I can block any attack. Even the peak Saint level can't do anything to me."

What he said was really confident. Linton looked at Klose. It seemed that the old man might be stronger than he thought. He was not afraid of attacks from the peak of the Saint level. Then he also had the strength of the Saint level peak. strength? Probably not, but it won't be too far off.

Now that he has this strength, Linton is also a little curious about what his strength is. To be honest, Linton still has some doubts about the strength of this world. Although he defeated the Holy Level, he was just a Holy Level who had just advanced, and the subsequent Sword Master had not fought against him, so he had no doubts about himself. The assessment of strength remains questionable. Well, since there is a saint here who volunteers to be a sandbag, it doesn't seem to be a problem to ask him to comment on his skills.

"Hurry up, I'll be ready." Klose has already started urging. Linton also saw some light coming from Klose's body, as if he had just added some defensive spell to himself. Although the movement was not very loud, the effect should still be there. Since the other party was ready, Linton was also ready to take action.

So Linton directly took out his fire stick. This is the first battle after upgrading the fire stick. Apart from anything else, you must look good. So Linton did a stick dance, and then pointed forward, "Broken Dao No. 90, Black Coffin."

A huge black cube suddenly appeared in front of Linton and swallowed Klose directly. What surprised Linton was that this black coffin seemed to be one size larger than the black coffin Aizen released on him before, almost filling the entire training ground. I don’t know if this skill is more powerful if it is large or small.

Of course, Ellie next to her also looked at the sudden appearance of the black cube in surprise. After all, she came from a magic family. Although she and her father did not study magic, there were many other people who studied magic, as well as Klose's students. and their students. She also knew a lot about magic, but she had never seen the magic released by Linton. This black thing looked a bit ominous, and it didn't move much, but it gave her a depressing feeling.

But before she could recover, the black coffin was over, and the black cube slowly disappeared, revealing the situation inside. At this time, Linton and Ellie were both stunned, because what appeared in front of them was Klose covered in blood.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned. Before he could say anything, Klose fell down with blood spurting all over his body.

"Grandpa!" Although Ellie was surprised, she rushed forward immediately.

Linton reacted and ran over immediately. When he saw Klose's condition, it turned out that Klose was seriously injured all over his body. But...what happened? Didn't it mean that his defensive magic could block even the attacks of peak saint-level people? How could he be beaten like this by himself? Could it be that his attack has exceeded the peak of the Saint level? It's impossible. Although he has never seen any Saint level peak, he wouldn't be so good if he thought about it.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Ellie was still calling Klose, but Klose had already passed out. When Linton saw the situation, he immediately said: "Stop shaking, he will really die soon, please find someone to help him quickly."

"Priest...there is the best priest in the palace." Ellie said anxiously.

Linton still knew the palace, so he directly summoned Susanoo, grabbed Klose and Ellie on the ground, lifted into the air and flew towards the palace. Anyway, people here think that Susanoo is some kind of fighting spirit golden body, so it wouldn't be too strange.

Of course, such a huge giant rushing towards the palace still alarmed everyone, including Emperor Wigley. Of course Wigley soon knew that this was Linton, after all he had seen it before. So he came out directly to find Linton. After all, if there was nothing important, Linton would not rush to the palace like this.

When he came out, Linton had already landed. Before he could ask what was going on, Wigley had already seen Klose covered in blood. No matter what the situation was, he had to call the palace chaplain for treatment.

Soon, Klose was taken for treatment. According to the on-site inspection by the palace priest here, he should be able to be saved. However, Klose is a bit old and still a bit dangerous, so let’s try our best.

While Klose was receiving treatment, Wigley also asked about Linton's condition. At this time, Linton was also lucky. Fortunately, there was Ellie as a witness, otherwise he would not be able to explain the matter clearly.

Ellie explained a little bit, and Wigley probably understood the situation. This can't be blamed on Linton. After all, it was Klose who proposed to test it on himself. But at this time, Wigley thought of something and frowned.

"Since we have the diagnosis and treatment from Mr. Byron (the court chaplain), it should be fine." Wigley comforted the anxious Ellie, and then said to Linton, "But... the exchange in the magical world three days later The conference may be in some trouble."

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