I really can't control myself

Chapter 2014 Royal City

"So, is this guy scared by me?" Linton walked, but still couldn't hold it in, and complained again, "What's wrong with the people in your border area? Each one can hide better than the other, right? Then Why can’t Sky City hide in a space crack and not be found? Why doesn’t this supreme will that has been blowing for a long time come out to face me? Is this what you call a god?”

"The Supreme Will will not come to the junction. Whatever it does, it will only be executed through agents." Lani said next to her.

"But it was him who smashed the meteorite on my head this time, right? It wasn't his agent who did it." Linton said, "Then he smashed the meteorite and ran away? What kind of quality!"

"If you say it is a tentative attack, it does feel a bit weak." Asuna said next to her, "The other party just used six meteor attacks. This level should not be enough to destroy the ancient civilization called Nokron. Go underground. If we didn’t use all our strength just because the target was relatively small, then a larger second attack should be carried out immediately after the failure of the first wave of attacks.”

"So the conclusion is..." Linton asked.

"The shattering of Elden's Ring may have affected the ability of the Supreme Will. If it is speculated that he rules this area to absorb some energy from this area, now due to the broken Ring, the collapse of the Golden Law , its ability is also weakening." Asuna said.

"So you were scared away by me?" Linton said, "No, the more you think about it, the more angry you become. You must find a way to kill this guy."

After speaking, Linton took two more steps forward, and then suddenly stopped: "Fuck, shouldn't I have killed those things called Esti before? The other party launched meteorites down, so why don't I just go back?" Can you follow the opponent's launch direction to find the guy who threw the meteorite?"

"But the meteorite you summoned came from nowhere. It's not the place where you cast your spell." Asuna said.

"Hmm...it seems to be the case...what should I do? You can quickly think of a solution for me." Linton said.

"Currently, when we don't know the opponent's location at all, we can only attract the opponent to show up." Asuna said, "As for the method of attraction... we can only start with the opponent's lifeline."

"Lifeline?" Linton asked.

"Although the destruction of the God's Grant Tower has attracted the opponent's attention, it should not be its lifeblood. If my previous speculation is correct, the damage of the magic ring and the collapse of the Golden Law will affect the Supreme Will and probably cause it Pay attention to these two sides." Asuna said, "According to the instructions conveyed by the two fingers, the main task of the Faded One is to repair the damaged magic ring. It should also be the expectation of the Supreme Will. We can probably start with this. Make it appear."

"Oh oh oh, you can actually think of a way. Your upgrade is really good." Linton said, "So we will kill all the faded ones now..."

"It's about attacking the magic ring." She was interrupted by Asuna before she could finish her words. "Even if all the faded ones fail, the Supreme Will will use other methods to continue to repair the magic ring. In fact, the faded ones should have already This is its second plan. The first plan should be the fragment war. I originally wanted to use these fragment kings to repair the magic circle, but they are all doing their own things there, such as this one who just gave up his fragment. Lani, like Greg who has been hiding in the city all day long, saw that these people had no hope, so they anxiously summoned the faded ones, so repairing this matter should be very important to the Supreme Will."

"I see..." Asuna reasoned like this, and indeed Linton understood a lot, "If the magic ring is completely irreparable, this supreme will will also show up anxiously to stop me..."

As he spoke, Linton also raised his head and looked at the golden tree that could always be seen above the junction: "Are we finally going to touch you?"

After saying that, Linton waved his hand: "Let's go directly to the Royal City. Don't worry about those two fingers. This kind of little guy is not worth a trip for. Just kill his master and that's it."

After dealing with the fallen Esti, Linton also waited for a while, but the Supreme Will showed no intention of showing up.

For Lani and the others, the crisis has been resolved, but Linton was provoked and no one from the other party came. In addition, he could not find a way to Sky City before, which has made him unhappy until now.

After that, Alexander said goodbye to Linton again, and he continued his journey of cultivation. Linton's group was originally planning to go to the Moonlight Altar.

The Moonlight Altar was not Linton's original destination. After all, there were no big runes there. The main reason for going there was because of Lani next to me.

Yes, after seeing the situation just now, Lani did not stick to her previous plan. She should now believe that Linton could complete the God-killing without getting the God-killing props from Nokron. From Lani's perspective, Linton was already a certified Outer God, so he also revealed her future plans.

Linton was quite happy at first, but he thought that Lani knew where the hometown of the Supreme Will was and wanted to find it. However, after careful questioning, I found out that Lani did not know the location of the Supreme Will. She had also said this before. The god she wanted to kill was Two Fingers.

Lani knew that Two Fingers was there, that is, the Moonlight Altar they were going to, but when she heard that it was not the Supreme Will, but just his spokesperson Two Fingers, Linton didn't want to go. After all, in his opinion, it is better to find a spokesperson than to go directly to their master, right? So although the group of people also started walking in the direction of the Moonlight Altar, Linton was still thinking about how to find the Supreme Will until Asuna came up with a plan.

The temporary rerouting obviously ruined Lani's original plan even more. Hearing Linton's words, Lani turned her head and looked at Linton, but she didn't say anything directly at the first time.

"You can't solve the problem even if you solve it with two fingers. That guy is just a spokesperson after all." Linton said, "There must be more than one spokesperson. Even if it is solved, the Supreme Will will find a new one, and we still have to look at the root cause. Just deal with it."

There is indeed some truth to this, and Lani did listen to it. She didn't doubt Linton's ability now, but Linton's purpose and what he wanted to do to her.

Lani naturally doesn't want to be a spokesperson, no matter whether this god is the Supreme Will or Linton. But what should be done now, Lani was actually very confused. After all, Linton's appearance was so sudden that she had no plans for it.

For example, Linton is now planning to go directly to the royal city to force the Supreme Will to appear. What should Lani do? The original plan must not go ahead. If I go to the Moonlight Altar now, even if I can solve the problem of Two Fingers, what is the use? If Linton solves the problem of the Supreme Will, then what are the two fingers of the spokesperson of the Supreme Will? Now that God is dead, does God’s spokesperson still have any meaning?

So after thinking about it like this, it seems that Lani can only follow Linton now, otherwise she might not even know what happened and be doing completely meaningless things.

"What kind of law is your law?" Lani suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Linton was indeed a little confused by this sudden question. Wasn't he discussing going to the Royal City? What does this have to do with the law?

"Please tell me." Lani asked seriously.

"Uh... no, what question did you ask suddenly? Law?" Linton looked at Asuna next to him, "Do you have any legal books here?"

"There are a complete set of laws in each state of Magnesium," Asuna said. "Marvel, in order to avoid legal issues when opening a company, I also entered all the legal information here."

"..." Lin suddenly believed it. When Asuna was asked to open a company, the seriousness of the other party and the input of all the legal information were not surprising.

"Okay... you can sort it out here and give her a copy." Linton said.

"Okay." Asuna nodded.

It was obvious that Linton didn't understand what Lani meant now. He just saw that the other party was asking seriously, so he didn't care why the other party wanted it and just gave it to him before saying: "Anyway, she will sort out the things you want and give them to you later, so you should go back first." Is it okay to do things in the royal city?"

"Why...why do you want to ask for my opinion?" Lani asked.

"After all, I promised you to help you solve your problem before. I am a person who will never break his promise." Linton said, "So I'm not going to explain to you that I'm not going to do it, but that it's okay to solve it." significance."

"I understand." Lani nodded.

"So you agreed?" Linton asked.

"I think you are right." Lani said.

"OK, hurry up." Linton said as he opened a portal directly next to him. In other places, Linton didn't have any idea of ​​the location, so it was quite troublesome to open the door, but the location in Wangcheng was easy to find, and Linton had already memorized the location before. Linton didn't intend to walk further and went straight to the topic.

After passing through the portal, several people immediately came to the vicinity of the Royal City. Of course, although Linton had already located his location, it was still a bit biased because he had not been there before. The location that appeared at this time was under the wall of the royal city, but it looked like an outer wall.

"It's really a nice city." Linton looked up and saw the majesty of the Royal City just from the city wall that could be seen in front. Compared with the dilapidated Stonewell City that he had seen before, the Royal City was obviously better. A lot.

"Would you like to say hello first..." However, Linton's first reaction was to open a path with meteorites or something. But he was still thinking about it here, when suddenly a person next to him flew out of thin air and hit the city wall next to him with a "bang".

Linton subconsciously looked to the side, but when he saw the person flying over, he was stunned for a moment: "Eldest nephew?"

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