I really can't control myself

Chapter 2005 Full Moon Queen

"Good afternoon...!" Following Linton's greeting and a loud "bang", the door to the uppermost library of the college was kicked open. A figure flew in directly from the door, hit the floor, flew up and hit the stone pillar, and did not stand up again after falling back to the ground.

The person who flew in was a man dressed as a knight wearing gorgeous armor. It was obvious that he was the guarding knight of this book pavilion. Although Linton was a little surprised as to why there was only one person guarding the door of the bookstore, it was obvious that he had no intention of going into details. It happened to block the road, and Linton solved it smoothly.

Lani, who followed Linton in, glanced at the fallen knight on the ground. She naturally knows this knight. This knight is not a knight from the academy, but a knight from their Kallia royal family. Naturally, he appears here to protect her mother Lenara. He is already the last one standing in front of Lenara. A layer of barrier.

There is absolutely no way that a Calian knight would betray the academy, which meant that the man who fell on the ground was actually one of his own. But Lani didn't say anything, because it was impossible for the knight to let them pass easily. Since he was stopped here, he would definitely fight to the end and stop anyone who tried to get close to his mother.

Not to mention that Lani is not her true self now, even if the knight recognizes her as the princess of Kallia, it is unlikely that she will be allowed to pass directly. This style, which can even be said to be somewhat rigid, has always been implemented by the Kalia Knights.

As Linton continued forward into the bookstore, the surrounding light gradually dimmed. It was obvious that this bookstore was indeed somewhat closed. There seemed to be no windows that let in light, and there were no candles even. It was currently quiet inside, as if there was no special reaction to the loud noise Linton kicked the door before.

Linton walked inside while looking. Although the light was a bit dark, it did not have that big of an impact on Linton. He could still see the surroundings clearly, but he did not see the Lenora he was looking for.

However, at this moment, a faint fire suddenly appeared in front. Linton looked towards the fire. Someone had lit a candle. If you look closely, you see a guy lying on the ground, holding a candlestick and just crawling out from behind the pile of books next to him.

There are indeed a lot of books in this bookstore. Not only are the surrounding bookshelves full of books, but there are also piles of books on the ground that are taller than a person. It is obvious that the huge amount of storage in this bookstore cannot accommodate these books. .

After the first person holding the candlestick climbed out, many more people quickly climbed out from behind the surrounding bookshelves and stacks of books, and there were quite a few of them.

Some of these people were holding candlesticks, some were holding books, and some were holding things like bells. The common feature is that they wear the same clothes, some of which are like the bachelor's uniforms worn when taking group photos after college graduation. Of course, in addition to this, there is a more obvious feature, that is, these people all crawled out.

Linton was confused as to what kind of special collective performance art these people were doing and why they were crawling on the ground. At this time, the group of people on the ground suddenly raised their heads and looked at Linton, and their movements were quite neat.

At this time, Linton was a little surprised to find that the people who crawled out all looked the same. They looked like fourteen or five-year-old boys or girls whose gender was not clear, and they all had a somewhat aloof look on their faces. A weird smile, that kind of expression that makes you smile but not smile at all. The scene can even be said to be a bit weird.

"Looks like the Platinum Son." Asuna said suddenly from behind.

"The one without legs?" Linton said and looked at the guys lying on the ground in front of him. After Asuna reminded him, Linton did notice that the guys on the ground seemed to have no legs. Will lie on the ground.

But at this time, Lani here spoke: "No, they are not the Platinum Sons."

Obviously Lani should know more, after all, it is information about her mother. Of course, Linton didn't really care what the thing lying on the ground was. There was a high probability that it wasn't a normal human being. Naturally, the person he is looking for is Lenara, but she hasn't seen anyone yet.

But at this moment, the people lying on the ground suddenly raised their heads and looked into the sky. Linton followed their gazes and looked over.

At this time, a small beam of light appeared in the middle of the book pavilion, and a golden sphere appeared above it. This translucent golden sphere actually looks more like a defensive shield, with a figure clearly visible inside.

This was a mature woman wearing a gorgeous dark blue robe and a curved crown. Although it was the first time he saw her, Linton was instantly sure that she was the Lenora he was looking for. I have to say that although the other party is already a mother of three children, you really can’t tell from her appearance. Her appearance is really quite good.

Of course, Linton also saw an orange "stone" in the other person's arms. This should be an amber egg. On the way, Lani also told him about the situation. The big rune he was looking for was inside the amber egg. Obviously this thing is definitely a little special, Linton can feel it.

Lenara here did not fall directly to the ground. After descending to a certain height, she floated in the air and maintained a floating state. Then she glanced at the three people in front of her. His gaze seemed to rest on Lani.

"Mother." Lani here took the initiative and said.

Lenara's expression seemed a little confused. After a moment, she looked at Lani and said, "You... also want to be born again?"

"Mother, please give me the big rune." Lani continued.

"I...will definitely make you a good boy." Lenara said.

"No, are you two chatting encrypted?" Linton next to him couldn't help but ask.

"It should be a cross-server chat," Asuna said.

"My mother's sanity is often a little confused now." Lani also sighed and said, "Please give me some time..."

"Oh... ok, then you..." Before Linton could finish his words, there was a sudden "bang", and a book next to him hit his head directly. This book wasn't thrown by anyone, it just suddenly flew up and hit it.

Of course, Linton also knew who did this, because as soon as Linton turned his head, the crawling guys on the ground burst into laughter like silver bells, and they seemed to be laughing quite happily.

Linton felt a tic-tac-toe vein appear directly on his head. Asuna next to him looked at it and said, "Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry...no, I picked up the joke subconsciously, I..."

Before Linton could finish his words, a book hit him on the head again.

"You're not angry! You like throwing things, right? I'll accompany you!"

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