I really can't control myself

Chapter 2000 Communication

Linton had seen the familiar appearance once before. When the blue light spot episode ended, I saw Lani sitting on an outstretched branch next to her, still silent and looking at Linton quietly.

"Uh... so why do you insist on me coming over and greeting you when you clearly come to see me every time?" Linton walked under the branch, looked up at Lani above and said, "And you sit down Why are you so high? Can you come down and talk?"

"Faded One, I am indeed looking for you." Lani here said.

"Uh... okay." Although he ignored a lot of Linton's questions, Linton didn't care and said directly, "Why are you looking for me? Are you here to help?"

"If the help you are talking about is looking for the golden needle, I can indeed help." Lani said directly.

"Really?" A group of Lintons below looked at Lani's position and said in surprise.

"Hey, this girl is very useful."

"Didn't we originally want to find her? We quickly kidnapped her."

"Figure plus one."

"The art of big explosion of clones!" Linton didn't say anything, he just clapped his hands and heard several violent explosions nearby, and the shadow clones around him were blown away.

"Why are the dolls passing by so much more reliable than myself?" Linton held up his forehead, "You must be serious, you can indeed find it."

"Of course what I said is true." Lani confirmed. Although it is true that Linton and Lani are not that familiar, Linton still believes in each other based on the understanding that witches are both good people.

"So, what are the conditions required?" Linton asked.

"No conditions are required. I have already heard from Blaze what happened before. Although it may not be out of your own will, you did push my destiny." Lani said.

"So you came here specifically to repay your kindness? It seems that you are right. Witches are really good people." Linton said.

"I... am not a good person, I have already told you this." Lani said.

"Yes, yes, can we still argue about this?" Linton spread his hands and said, "In addition to repaying your kindness, do you have nothing else to discuss? For example, the matter of killing gods, I am really very Interested."

"..." Lani was silent for a moment, and then said, "Maybe, I really need your help."

"Why is this expression so reluctant?" Linton said, "It's not a big deal just to kill yourself. At least it's much easier than finding a needle here."

"..." Lani stared at Linton for a while, then skipped this section of the narrative and continued, "Blaze lost news after going to Noklon."

"The werewolf? Dead?" Linton asked.

"He... must have been captured, and I can probably guess who the person who captured and imprisoned him is," Lani said.

"So, you asked me for help because you asked me to save the wolf?" Linton asked.

"No, the person who imprisoned him was also doing it for me." Lani said, "Blaize is the servant assigned to me by Two Fingers. His mission is to protect me and... when I turn away from Two Fingers. When I exert my will, it turns into a shadow of disaster and kills me.”

"Is that guy a two-fingered person?" Linton was a little surprised. After all, Blaze seemed to be quite loyal to Lani, "The one who is responsible for monitoring you?"

"But Blaze betrayed the orders of Two Fingers." Lani continued, "He chose to become my subordinate, but after all, he was the person appointed by Two Fingers, and he carried the mission of Two Fingers. Now I have completely betrayed The guidance of Two Fingers, and in order to help me, he was also fighting against the orders of Two Fingers. The person who imprisoned him was worried that he would not be able to resist the orders of Two Fingers, so he would kill him without my order. captivity."

"The people under your command are somewhat talking to themselves." Linton said, "Let me guess, it's the guy named Iggy, right? You said he was your military advisor before."

"Yeah." Lani nodded.

"Because his original intention is for your own good, so even if you speak without your order, you won't settle the score with him, right?" Linton said, "You still say that you are not a good person?"


"So the current situation is that you have no one to use, right? Apart from them, isn't there someone else?" Linton asked.

"That guy is only cooperating with us temporarily. I don't trust him." Lani said, without saying the other person's name.

"So according to what you said, your destiny is stuck again, right?" Linton nodded, "Then there is really something that can kill God in Nokron?"

"I'm sure." Lani said, "I found you this time because I feel that even without me, you will embark on the path of confronting the Supreme Will..."

"So you don't want to pull me into trouble, do you?" Linton nodded, "Okay, now I can basically understand your logic in life. Yes, I won't feel comfortable if I don't overturn this supreme will when I come here. This guy Do you know where it is?"

Lani did not answer Linton's question, but thought for a moment and said, "If you help me find that thing in Nokron, I think I can exchange it with you for what you want."

"Uh... you mean if I help you find the god-killing tool, you can tell me the location of the Supreme Will?" Linton asked.

"I am not sure about the location of the Supreme Will. I am just a person who wants to get rid of my own destiny." Lani said.

"I don't know? If you want to kill the gods, you must have some plan," Linton said.

"The plan? It is to bring new laws to this area. My laws are not gold, but the stars and the moon, the laws of the cold night. I want to keep them away from this land. The current life and soul Everything is with the law, those things that can be clearly seen, felt, believed, and touched...I hope that the possible can be turned into the impossible, so I hope to abandon this land together with the law." Lani said.

"Uh...can I say 'human talk' here?" Linton frowned, "So to put it simply, what you mean is that you want to overthrow the current golden law and establish your own law, but I don’t want to be a goddess and leave after establishing the law and let this borderland develop freely, right?”

"...It can be understood that way." Lani was also stunned for a moment, and then said after probably studying Linton's words.

"Then... OK, it really doesn't conflict with me." Linton said that it really doesn't conflict with him. After all, his plan seems to be similar to Lani's, which is to go up and directly combine the Supreme Will with any of his subordinates. Refer to the golden law. Kill the goddesses Marika and Radagon directly, and then just pat your butt and leave. As for what happens after this junction, I'm sorry that Linton has no time to care about it. Look at this So similar to Lani's thoughts.

"In short, since the goals do not conflict, we can still cooperate." Linton said, "But if you insist on finding some God-killing props, I think it is unnecessary. Do you need any special props to deal with those guys? Do you really want to find them? If you know the location, just tell me."

"I don't think your plan will succeed." Lani shook her head and said, "Even if you defeat those fragmented kings, it's not that easy to deal with them with two fingers."

"I don't believe it. You said he is really immortal, and I reluctantly admit it. But the problem is that someone has already made a god-killing tool. The people in Noklonen can make a god-killing tool just by messing with it. I can’t threaten those so-called gods? I don’t accept what you say,” Linton said.

"If you can give that thing to me, I will give you what you want in exchange." Lani did not continue to argue with Linton about this, but said again.

"Oh, by the way, you also said what I want before. If it doesn't refer to the position of the Supreme Will, what does it mean?" Linton also asked.

"Of course it's the fragments of Elden's Ring that you Faded Ones have been looking for," Lani said.

"Oh? The fragments of Elden's Ring?" Linton didn't refuse. After all, they were all points. "Is that how fast you got it and then gave it up?"

"No." Lani shook her head, "You should have heard about the Night of Black Knives."

"Oh, I heard something. It is said that the prince named Godwin was assassinated. Is the murderer you?" Linton said directly.

"Yes, I am the one who assassinated Godwin." Lani nodded directly.

"Huh?" Linton was really stunned for a moment. Although he was indeed suspicious, it was just suspicion. He didn't expect Lani to recognize it so quickly.

"I don't hide my past and I don't regret it," Lani said.

"Uh... ok, I'm just curious anyway, and I won't avenge Godwin." Linton said, "Then what?"

"On that day, I killed and abandoned the body I was born with. As you can see now, I am only possessed by this puppet." Lani continued, "The death of demigods It left the mark of a curse, which is called a centipede. Godwin and I should have received our own curses, so what you want is on the body that was abandoned by me."

"I'm... a little confused by you. Isn't it just that your big rune is on your body? What does this have to do with the curse mark?" Linton asked.

"That's... forget it." Lani thought for a while, and was probably a little used to Linton's situation. "Anyway, in exchange, I will tell you the location of the body I abandoned. There is what you want on it. thing."

"Oh... so your body is still there." Linton nodded, "Do you want to be resurrected? I can pull you up directly."

"Huh?" This time it was Lani's turn to be stunned, "Do you still have such an ability?"

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