I really can't control myself

Chapter 1996 Valkyrie

Asuna was speechless for a moment, feeling that the complaint program had been stuck. But the next second she just yelled: "Where did you get this kind of thing? Why do you need to take out this thing? Is it necessary to take out this thing now?"

"The wholesale price for group purchases on the black market is only 60,000 points each." Linton said, "It seems to be the cheapest thing on the black market."

As he spoke, Linton casually broke off a branch from the sacred branch next to him and stabbed it down directly. The branch pierced the shell on the side of the missile. Linton also held the branch and lifted the entire missile. stand up.

"Complete, physics staff." Linton said with satisfaction.

"What does this have to do with the staff? Aren't you afraid that this thing will explode if you act like this?" Asuna yelled.

"Calm down, calm down. Because this thing is a nuclear bomb, there is no danger at all. This thing is different from ordinary missiles loaded with explosives. Nuclear bombs must be detonated through a special triggering method. I read the instructions. It is specifically mentioned above that this nuclear bomb can only be triggered if it has a trigger device on the top and must exert an impact of more than 280,000 joules. According to the weight of this thing, it is probably possible to explode if it is thrown down from a height of at least 500 meters. And There's no way the side damage would detonate this thing," Linton said.

"Why did you suddenly start talking about science? This is not very scientific in itself." Asuna said.

"After all... I am now a mage from the physics department." Linton said with his chest raised.

"So you haven't always been?" Asuna said.

"No, no, no, this is different." Linton waved his hand and said, "I used to fight with others in close combat. I could be said to be a melee mage or a physical mage, but I am not a physical mage. Now I have completed the sublimation , I am completely different from who I was before.”

"Really? What's the difference?" Asuna asked.

"Although it's just a word difference, it has completely different meanings. Just look at other fire mages and ice mages. This is a systemic problem, right?" Linton said.

"What... does this have to do with you taking out a nuclear bomb?" Asuna asked.

"So this is a weapon. What do you think a fire mage's weapon is? Generally speaking, it is a branch with fire magic crystals on it. It is called a fire staff, right? Then As a physics mage, wouldn't it be very appropriate for me to stick a nuclear bomb on a tree branch?" Linton said.

"It actually... makes some sense..." Asuna said in surprise.

"Right, is there any problem?" Linton said.

"But your statement always makes me feel a little panicked. What kind of spells do your physics mages usually use to attack?" Asuna asked.

"Come on, come on, I happened to have enlightenment this night and created a new genre. I must give you a good performance." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Um... may I ask what this thing is..." Diaros, who had been listening for a long time, couldn't help but come up and ask. Although I listened for a long time, I didn't understand what Linton and Asuna were talking about at all. Although I probably know that the thing Linton is holding now seems to be called a nuclear bomb, but what is a nuclear bomb?

"How about it, little nephew, if I am not cool, am I more cool than someone who goes to the battlefield with a bouquet of flowers?" Linton said while carrying the nuclear bomb.

"You're so capable." Before Diaros could answer, Asuna next to her held her forehead again.

"Uh...this...should be quite cool." Diaros thought for a while, but even though he didn't understand the specific situation, he still followed Linton's words.

"Why do you feel so forced? Oh, it seems so. After all, you don't know much about this thing. Come on, I have to demonstrate it to you." Linton said, "Let's have a BOSS!"

"Don't you think this guy is difficult to take care of?" Yuno next to him didn't quite understand the situation. He just looked at Fan Lei next to him and whispered.

"Why do you care so much about my weapons?" Fan Lei was even more confused because Linton seemed to be particularly dissatisfied with his special weapons, but he didn't understand what was going on.

"Oh oh oh, the front looks like a BOSS battle area. Seeing how big the place is, I must not have run away." Linton was very excited at this time and trotted forward a few steps. It was completely different from the situation just now, "This If you are online, you will definitely see a lot of bloodstains in front of you."

Soon, several people followed Linton to the BOSS battle area that Linton mentioned. As soon as they arrived here, Yuno and Fan Lei immediately felt something was wrong.

In front of them was a whole wall entangled with huge roots. It felt like they were at the center of the roots of this sacred tree. What was in front of them might be the trunk root system of this tree.

And in the middle of the wall where the roots are entangled, I don't know why it always feels like there is a round hole left. It seems that there was something round in there before, but now that thing is gone, so this is left. An empty area.

"The size...matches." Asuna's scan further illustrates this point. The size match he mentioned is obviously that the size of this empty enclosure matches the size of Mikaela's cocoon that he saw before, that is, Said that Mengge was the Michaela kidnapped from here.

"Over there..." Yunuo said to everyone at this time. After reminding them, everyone also looked at the position facing Nuoyou. At this time, they also discovered that there was actually a chair placed under the wall wrapped with huge roots. A woman with long red hair was sitting on the chair.

From a distance, Linton and the others couldn't see clearly. The woman seemed to be leaning on the roots at the bottom, as if she was sleeping. The reason why Linton and the others didn't notice it before was actually because this woman had no breath at all now and felt as if she was dead. When they first came in, what they noticed was obviously the huge root wall in front of them and the hole above it.

But just when everyone was looking at the woman, the woman who looked like she was dead suddenly moved, her body swayed, she opened her eyes, and looked at a few people.

A strong aura emanated from the woman's body. Linton, who was not only able to sense aura, could now feel the aura of the other party. Yuno and others also felt the murderous intention of the other party in an instant. For a moment, they unconsciously assumed a fighting stance, because their intuition told them that the woman in front of them was powerful and dangerous.

"The body was like gold, and the body was corroded and infected. Countless corpses were piled up just to wait for that person's return." The woman stood up slowly, and as she spoke, she picked up the prosthetic leg on the ground and installed it on her right hand.

Yes, this woman obviously has a physical disability. Her right hand has completely disappeared. Looking at the connection with the prosthetic limb, it seems that she has always been in the habit of using prosthetic limbs.

"Intruders, no matter why you came here, feel it well." The woman continued to put on the helmet. At this time, Linton also noticed that there were rotten scars on the other person's face. "I, Marlenia, as Michaela The blade is the reason to be invincible."

As she spoke, Marlenia waved the long knife in her hand. It was a long blade with an exaggerated length, like a samurai sword, but it looked like it was connected to her prosthetic limb. At this time, Marlenia's swing of the sword was just a movement, but the strong wind caused by this casual sword made Fan Lei, Yuno and Diaros feel frightened.

"Is this... the invincible Valkyrie Marlenia?" Yuno couldn't help but murmured, "It seems... it won't be solved that easily."

"Huh... is he so strong? No wonder even Master Meng... doesn't dare to confront that guy Meng if he doesn't want to," Fan Lei also said.

"Is this TN eight years old?" However, when it was Linton's turn, the style of painting became a bit strange again.

"No, what's going on? Where's the promised Loli?" Linton looked at Asuna next to him and asked, "Can this be eight years old?"

"Hmm... I don't understand." Asuna didn't seem to be able to figure it out. "Her brother Mikaela is indeed an underage individual, but she... doesn't look like it. Two guesses, either. Her side is developing faster, or her brother is developing slower."

"I'm not in such a hurry," Linton said.

Before she even finished speaking, Marlenia here didn't want to wait for them to slowly comment on her. However, she didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. She just walked elegantly, holding the knife and slowly approaching the direction of the few people. As she approached, the pressure around her also increased sharply.

This was a feeling of fear similar to facing a ferocious beast. Yuno and Fan Lei felt it very clearly. In fact, they could not help but take action. Facing such an enemy, it feels like if you don't act now, you won't have a chance in the future.

Of course, Diaros was still as panicked as ever, too scared to move, and his body seemed to have lost control. Although he has improved a lot, he is still far behind when facing enemies of this level.

At this time, she had probably arrived at the attack position. Marlenia raised her sword in what looked like a starting position. For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to tighten. Yuno and Fan Lei here also took out their whips, but before they could do anything, a figure had already arrived in front of them.

"Get out of the way, I just said, leave this to me." Linton held the nuclear bomb staff directly and stood in front of several people.

"Sir." Fan Lei said a little anxiously.

"Stand far away. The power of physics magic may be a bit strong, but don't be affected." Linton said.

"I've...forget it." Asuna behind her held her forehead.

With a "ding", Malenia's blade suddenly rang, and she rushed towards Linton in front.

"Watch it!" Linton ignored Yuno and the others' answers and directly raised the nuclear bomb towards Marlenia.

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