I really can't control myself

Chapter 1983 Riding Battle

When Linton said horse, he really wasn't a curse, it was indeed a horse. Because there was indeed a horse riding on Latarn's crotch at this time.

Although this horse is considered a tall horse according to the size of ordinary people, the problem is that Latane is not the size of an ordinary person. Didn't Asuna say before that Latane might be of the blood of a giant that has returned to its ancestors? And so on, so the horse even looks a little funny under the tower's crotch.

Of course, Latarn here had no intention of discussing his horse with Linton. Hearing Linton's voice, Latarn here directly raised his right hand and grabbed Linton on his shoulder, and slammed it towards the ground. One smash.

Just when he hit Linton, Alexander here had already arrived in front of him. It was still the familiar spinning attack, and with the rotation of the body, he punched Latarn fiercely. However, something happened that surprised Alexander. His previous blow hit the dragon, and the dragon couldn't bear it, but the same attack hit Latarn, and the opponent didn't seem to shake at all.

"Ho ho ho!" Before he could react, Latarn punched out fiercely. With a "bang" sound, Alexander flew back in the entire tank. It was obvious that his body cracked open again. Large chunks of flesh and blood were thrown off from his split parts.

Diaros, who originally wanted to go up, saw this situation and suddenly stopped in place. Before he could decide whether to run first, a black figure behind him jumped up and struck Latarn with a sword. Down.

With a "pop", blood splashed everywhere. The sword did indeed cut into Latarn's body. However, the half-wolf Blaze who took action frowned. Although the sword broke through the defense, the damage caused was not Unsatisfactory.

Sure enough, it made Latan here even more furious. He punched out fiercely and knocked Blaze away. Blaze spat out a mouthful of blood in the air. This force was really not something that ordinary people could withstand.

The next moment, La Tarn suddenly pulled out two big knives from his waist and shouted in the sky. Just as he was about to swing the knife, a figure on the right came directly in front of La Tarn and kicked him in the face.

With a loud "bang", Latarn flew out and rolled several times on the ground. But in the middle of the roll, Latarn suddenly grabbed the ground with both hands, and at the same time the horse under his crotch also stabilized its limbs. The opponent, including man and horse, made a sliding shovel drift on the ground and stopped his body.

"Damn, this is kind of cool." Linton, who had landed on the ground, was stunned for a moment when he saw this action. Could this man be crazy enough to act like a man and a horse? As they watched, Latarn, who had stopped here, rode towards Linton again, and the speed was not slow. The shape of the small horse-drawn cart did not seem to affect their speed.

"Mounted battle? It doesn't matter, I also have a mount, okay." Linton said and waved his hand, the ring on his right hand flashed, and at the same time he turned over and jumped directly onto Torrett who appeared on his crotch.

"Brother Niuma, come on!" Linton pointed directly at Latarn who was rushing forward.

Torrett snorted to express his dissatisfaction, mainly because it was not called Cow Horse Brother, but Torett. However, looking at Latan charging menacingly in front of it, it immediately accelerated and rushed towards the opposite side without fear at all.

"Come!" Linton held his right hand in the air at this time, and a double-spiral black spear appeared in his hand. Of course it was the Amanuma Spear of the Six Paths Immortal. Because the length was a bit exaggerated, it seemed nothing to use it as a guest lance. Something wrong.

At this time, the battle seemed to suddenly turn into a medieval knight duel. Linton and Latarn charged directly towards each other on horseback.

The distance between the two sides quickly closed. Linton thrust his gun directly, while Latarn raised his sword with both hands and slammed it down.

There was a loud "bang", and the next moment Linton and his horse were thrown out, flipping around in the air and landing on the beach. Torrett here was in a similar situation, falling directly next to Linton.

But Latarn was obviously fine. He knocked Linton away with one blow, rushed forward for a certain distance, and then turned around.

"Brother Niu Ma, can you do this?" Linton looked at Torrett, who was struggling to get up, and couldn't help but said. Yes, the main reason for being knocked away was that Torrett was knocked away, causing Linton who was sitting on it to also fly out.

Of course, this is Linton's idea. If both of them were standing on the ground, the person who flew out would definitely not be Linton, but the problem is that the horse Taran is riding is not a mythical beast, that is. It's a very ordinary horse. In fact, there is no difference between the two horses. It's just that in terms of riding skills, the two are not at the same level.

Latarn can protect his horse when attacking and relieve it of its strength, and his horse can also cooperate with Taran to exert force. It is indeed close to the realm of man and horse. Linton himself would not relieve himself, and asked him to help. Isn't this funny?

However, Linton didn't understand this at all. When he looked up, Latarn in front had already returned to his horse and rushed toward them again, preparing for the second blow. Linton looked at Torrett next to him and clasped his hands together.

"The Majestic Susanoo. The Beast's Trouble!"

His hands covered Torett's body, and Torett's body immediately changed in the next second. The black armor began to wrap around Toret's body. Originally, this guy had two horns. Now the horns here began to lengthen continuously, and then bent toward the front, turning into two very exaggerated-looking horns. horn.

If I have to say it, the previous Torrett looked like a fusion of a horse and a buffalo, but now it looks like a fusion of a horse and a North American bison. His body is a whole circle bigger, his back is arched, and he looks very powerful at first glance. .

"Come again!" Linton directly grabbed the horse's back with one hand, and moved his right hand to the side. The Amazing Spear that had just fallen flew up out of the air and was sucked back into his hand by Linton.

Torrett started simultaneously and rushed towards Latarn who came over again. It seemed that it was also very dissatisfied.

The two sides rushed towards each other again, a second horse-riding duel, but this time, Linton, who started behind, accelerated especially quickly. Linton still maintained the previous action, and swung his gun upwards.

There was a loud "clang" sound as weapons collided. Linton's spear and the opponent's sword collided again, but this time Torrett below withstood the force. It was not that Linton had any improvement, it was simply that Thoret's power has just become stronger.

This time, it was Latarn who couldn't withstand it. His movements were directly deformed, and his hands were spread open to both sides. When Linton saw the opponent's situation, he stood up directly, stepped hard on Torrett's body, and stabbed forward with the Amazing Spear again.

With a "poof", the spear pierced directly from Taran's abdomen, lifting the opponent's entire body. Both of them fell off their mounts, and Linton lowered the spear in his hand, directly pinning Taran to the ground.

"Ho ho ho!" Latan here roared like a wild beast. This blow obviously made him feel pain. The next moment, a purple shock wave suddenly struck. Because it was so sudden, Linton was directly thrown away by the shock wave. However, before flying very far, Linton was immediately caught by a pair of hands.

Turning around, he saw that the person who caught him was none other than Brother Hu, Alexander. Linton glanced briefly and found that Alexander's injuries were not serious. It looked more serious than when he fought the flying dragon before. It was probably a combination of new injuries and old ones. Injury double outbreak.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked anxiously. Although you could hear his worry, Linton must be fine. Instead, Alexander should worry about himself.

"This guy actually knows the Shinra Tensei?" Linton was a little surprised that Latan's skill is indeed quite similar to the Shinra Tensei. It should be a skill based on the same principle. Linton can feel the repulsion.

It wasn't just Alexander who came up, a figure jumped over the two of them and flew directly towards Latarn. He thrust his sword towards Latarn, who was still roaring.

It was the half-wolf Blaze who took action, and his blow was indeed pretty good. The big sword pierced Taran's collarbone directly, and even penetrated the opponent's body. However, Latan seemed to be furious at this time, and he swung his fist violently, knocking Blaze away with one strike of his sword again.

Blaze flew more than ten meters away and fell to the ground vomiting blood. This time he really couldn't get up for a while.

After Latarn hit Blaze away, there was another roar like a wild beast, and then with a sudden force, the whole person suddenly rose vertically into the air, carrying Linton's Amazing Spear through the black night sky. middle.

After a while, a bright light appeared in the sky, and a golden thing dragged a tail in the air. After turning in a circle, it rushed towards the ground. The obvious target was Linton and the others.

They have all seen this skill before, and of course Blaze and others reacted immediately. However, both Blaze and Alexander were injured at this time, and they were not able to dodge with their body skills like they did just now. Blaze even fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Alexander subconsciously lifted Linton, looking like he was going to throw Linton directly. Of course, the purpose was to throw Linton out of the attack range. Seeing Alexander's actions, Linton quickly said: "Wait a minute, put me down and I'll deal with it. I still have a family trick that's useless."

"What's the trick?" Alexander was obedient and put Linton down directly and asked.

"Have you heard of the Great Sword Parking Dragon Car?" Linton looked at the meteorite heading towards them and said with a smile.

"The big sword...the dragon carriage?" Alexander didn't understand. What did the dragon carriage mean? But more importantly, "What about your great sword?"

"Blaze, give me the sword." Linton shouted directly to Blaze next to him.

Blaze didn't say much. He looked at his royal sword that fell beside him, struggled to hold it, and swung it in Linton's direction.

Linton raised his hand to catch the flying sword, turned his back to the incoming meteorite, and held the hilt of the sword with both hands: "Watch it."

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