I really can't control myself

Chapter 1981 Half Wolf

"So what's going on with the slippery hands?" Linton looked at his own hands speechlessly. Although his own hands were indeed not slippery, the hand of Diaros next to him was not slippery either. How did Alexander tell the difference between the two hands?

The current situation is that Alexander is temporarily traveling with Linton and others. Anyway, they are all going to participate in the battle festival, so they are on their way. And the current situation of Alexander is also a bit dangerous, after all, it has been leaked.

The current Alexander is a little weak due to a slight damage to the cylinder shell. If it were a human, Linton could help with the treatment, but this tank... Linton didn't know what the structure was.

Although Alexander himself said that he was fine, it was not okay to keep leaking like this. At this time, Diaros here came to help inexplicably. He tried to help Alexander repair it a little to see if he could plug the loophole. Unexpectedly, it was quite successful.

Even though it was Alexander who touched the opponent's hand, he said that his hands were smooth and very suitable for being a pottester. The pot master seems to be a profession that repairs and maintains these pots, but Linton didn't understand the selection criteria. According to Alexander, the hands of the pot master must be smooth.

I didn't understand what was happening with this slippery thing. Diaros's hand wasn't slippery at all, at least in Linton's opinion.

"There is almost no difference in the composition of the secretions on your hands, and the friction coefficient of the skin on your hands is also similar." Asuna said here, "So the slipperiness should not be a physical difference, but a magical level or A spiritual difference.”

"When you say that, it's really confusing." Linton said with a smile, "What is the difference?"

"For example...the number of murders." Asuna said suddenly.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment. This reasoning is very powerful. Indeed, this is the biggest difference between himself and Diaros. Because Diaros is naturally timid and kind-hearted, he has always avoided fighting and has not killed anyone. Extraordinary, he said so himself. At most, you can kill a few wild beasts by fighting monsters. In other words, when Alexander talks about slippery, does he mean the difference between hands that have killed people and hands that have not?

Although the reasoning is very reasonable, the problem is Asuna's reasoning. Linton looked at Asuna in surprise: "It makes sense. When did you have this ability to associate? Can a robot also understand the difference in murderous intent?"

"Maybe... I can't understand it." Asuna thought for a while and said, "The degree of anger should be inferred, but things like murderous intent are relatively subjective and shouldn't be something I can understand."

"So..." Linton asked.

"So there are indeed some changes in me." Asuna thought for a while and said, "It should be the influence of the Mind Stone."

"Gradually starting to have personality?" Linton asked.

"Probably..." Asuna was obviously unable to analyze such a situation. After all, the term "becoming like a person" was very abstract and did not conform to her usual logical way of thinking.

As they spoke, everyone continued to move towards the south of the Galede Wilderness, gradually approaching the Red Lion City. Along the way, we could indeed see a lot of Red Lion soldiers fighting against corrupt creatures, but these soldiers didn't look like they were welcoming Linton and the others.

During this period, Alexander recovered very quickly. After plugging the leak with the help of Diaros, Alexander quickly became active again. But Linton understood clearly. Although it was quite confident, it was better not to leave it to him to lead the way. It seemed that the Onion Knights of the past generations were not very good at recognizing the way. It would be better to let Asuna do this kind of thing. At least she could clearly tell which way was south.

Soon, the group of people came to the Red Lion City. This is also a fortress city that looks very dangerous. At least when it was established, it seemed that no traffic thoroughfares were considered. It was built in the Galede Wilderness. The southernmost part was already built against the sea. Behind the cliff behind the city was the endless sea. Linton seemed to have reached the edge of the map, because he couldn't see anything further away.

The city was unexpectedly quiet at the moment. Even Linton and the others didn't see anyone when they came in. It seemed as if it had suddenly emptied out.

But walking further, the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion suddenly felt lively. In this current situation, the front was actually decorated with lights and decorations that looked like celebration flags. Not only that, there are now many people gathered in the square.

"Is it really a celebration?" Alexander here was a little excited. When he saw someone in front of him, he ran over in a hurry. It seemed that he was preparing to get to know these warriors who were preparing to challenge Latarn. After all, everyone might have to stand shoulder to shoulder in a while. Of course, they might be competitors, but no matter what, Alexander decided to get to know them first.

Linton was not interested in getting to know people. He looked at the people here. Many of them were participating in the spirit state, and there were also people who came in person. There were really quite a lot of people.

As he was watching, a tall figure appeared in front of Linton and blocked Linton's way. Linton turned around and looked. The person blocking the front was a tall... wolf-headed man. Yes, Linton carefully distinguished whether this guy was wearing a wolf-headed mask or looked like that, and found that the other person should be a wolf-headed person himself. He should be an orc in this world. He had heard of it before.

"You should be the faded one named Linton, right? Are you still here?" The wolf-headed man here said, "My name is Blaze, and I serve the god Lani."

"Your fur is so dirty, it needs to be washed." Linton said that when he saw the dog's head, he wanted to stroke it, but Blaze was indeed very dirty now. It felt like he hadn't bathed for a long time, and his fur was all stuck together. , I couldn’t do it anymore.

"..." Blaze didn't know how to answer this.

"You said you were Lani's subordinate, right?" Linton was able to change the subject, "Godly Lani? Didn't you say you were still a demigod before, and now you have been promoted?"

"This god-man seems to have a special title. He is a special kind of demigod." Asuna explained next to her. "It is said that the demigod who was chosen by two fingers to become the new King of Elden is Being able to obtain the title of God-Man probably means taking over the throne from some of the more powerful princes."

"Oh, so." Linton nodded, "Then is Latarn a god?"

"No." Asuna said.

"Hey, this Lani is quite powerful." Linton said, "Then why did she send you here? I told her before that I wanted to kill her brother, and she herself agreed. This is Are you regretting sending you to stop me again?"

"Of course not." Blazer said, "On the contrary, I am also here to understand Latarn."

"Oh?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"The demigod Latarn stopped the flow of the stars and also blocked Lani's fate. Only by eradicating him can Lani's fate continue to flow. As Lani's shadow, I must help her complete this task. thing," Blazer said.

"Are you starting to play Riddler now? The flow of fate? It's quite mysterious." Linton said.

"It's not that I can't tell you. After all, Lani also said that you should be able to help." Blazer said, "Our target is the lost city of Noklon. But I used some methods. After searching, I couldn't find the road to Nokron. But I also found the reason. It was all because of the flow of stars blocked by the demigod Latarn. The road to Nokron was blocked. The only way was to kill him. , Lani can continue her mission."

"Mission?" Linton asked.

"About this... I can't tell you for the time being, at least I'm not sure whether you really want to help Lani." Blaze said, "If you want to know, you can ask her directly."

"Where is Nokron?" Linton said to Asuna next to him.

"It is known as the Eternal City. It is a city in the ancient dynasty. However, it is said that it violated a taboo and offended the Supreme Will, so the Supreme Will punished it, and the city disappeared out of thin air." Asuna said. , obviously the content in the data.

"According to my investigation, Nocron did not disappear, but was buried underground." Blazer continued Asuna's words and explained, "It's just that although I discovered the location of Nocron, I can't reach it. . After another investigation, I found out the reason and came here."

"The idea of ​​violating a taboo is a bit interesting," Linton said. "What taboo is violated that requires this person called the Supreme Will to personally take action? For ordinary pagans, this god will not personally deal with it."

"Probably... God-killing crime or something." Asuna also speculated in the same way, which was basically the same as Linton's guess.

"Only when the gods themselves are threatened can the gods end up in person. Otherwise, just find an agent to play with them." Linton nodded, "So you are going to Nokron, and what you are asking for should be obvious, right? ."

"..." Blaze was silent for a moment, and then said, "Yes, we are going to Nokron to look for something. It is said... that it is a forbidden item that can kill gods."

"Oh oh oh, did you guess it right? So Lani's mission you mentioned before is..." Although Linton didn't finish his sentence, the meaning was obvious.

"..." Blaze was silent again. Although he didn't say anything, he didn't expect Linton to guess it casually. After thinking for a while, he said directly: "Now that you know our goal, you must join now, otherwise I can only let you taste my fangs."

"Oh? This threat is a bit interesting." Linton said with a smile.

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