The place where Linton and Diaros arrived was in a castle that looked a bit gloomy. The decoration in the room looked very luxurious, even more luxurious than the previous decoration in the round table hall. But the problem is that the whole room is lit with some candles that emit red light, making the entire interior a red color, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

A masked woman sat on a chair on the right side of the hall, and behind her stood a tall knight wearing heavy armor. Needless to say, this woman should be Ms. Tanis that Laya mentioned.

"Hello, you two faded ones, my name is Tanis." Seeing Linton and Diaros looking over, Tanis here also took the initiative to say. Although the other party is wearing a mask and cannot see her face, just by listening to her voice, she can imagine that the other party is a young and beautiful woman.

"I heard La Ya's report. It is said that both of them are heroes with great potential." Tanith said, "I now officially invite you to join the Volcano Mansion, but I must also explain to you first that in our opinion, blessing We are not going to follow the guidance, the arrogant empty words of the fingers, and everything imposed. Joining us is equivalent to drawing a sword against the golden tree. Even so, are you willing to join us and fight side by side with us?"

"Who is this?" Linton did not answer, but pointed to a painting behind Tanis and asked. There was a huge portrait hanging just behind where Tanith was sitting. It showed a mighty middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous coat and holding a sword in his hand. Looking at the position of the painting, I feel that the person in the painting should be the owner of the mansion. Otherwise, if the woman in front of me is the owner of the mansion, shouldn't her portrait be hung here?

Tanis paused for a moment, then turned her head to look at the painting behind her. After a moment, she said, "This portrait is the portrait of our King Racade."

"Insulting King Larcade?" Linton was a little surprised. Was this Volcano Mansion the force of Larcade?

"Is it blasphemy? Indeed." Tanis did not deny the title when she heard it, but continued, "The golden tree gives blessings to the faded ones, but compared with the mission, this blessing is too small. So. The Faded Ones long for power and are forced to do so, just like the situation faced by the kings who received the fragments when the Ring of Elden was broken. Without power, they will be destroyed."

"The Shard Kings are forced to snatch each other's power. My Lord cannot accept this superficial behavior. Since the gods intend to harm us, even if we commit blasphemy, we must rise up and safeguard our dignity." Tanis continued.

"I see. To put it simply, you are a rebel army?" Linton nodded, "So you are rebelling against the Golden Tree, right? That's why you are called blasphemous to the king."

"Yes, this is a true hero's path, full of blasphemy and ridicule. In other words, only these can give birth to real heroes." Tanith said.

"Then what's the purpose of attacking the other Faded Ones?" Linton asked.

"Those faded ones who only follow the guidance of the golden tree and don't think at all, we will plunder their power and use it as a weapon against the gods." Tanith said.

"I understand, to put it simply, you just think your salary is not enough, and then you randomly rob passers-by, thinking that by robbing, you can become a big capitalist and open a new company, right?" Linton nodded.

"Although I didn't understand something, your tone probably doesn't agree with what we're doing." Tanis said.

"What about Racade? I'm wondering what role he plays in it." Linton said, "You said you rob passers-by. Does Racade collect taxes from it? He also needs to rob others if he wants to fight against the gods. Of course, whose power is he robbing...I have never heard of a capitalist opening a company to do charity, so he must take the lion's share."

"If you don't agree with our philosophy and don't want to draw swords against the Golden Tree, please leave here." Tanith said.

"I'm just going to ask clearly, can't you tell me? You said let us join and attack other faded ones. So, do we need to pay tribute to Lord Rakad for the power we get from other faded ones? ? As for tribute, how much is the tribute? You should ask clearly before entering the company. Otherwise, if you don’t explain clearly, what is the difference between you and the golden tree in your mouth, he will just give you a little and let you work for him, so you That's the opposite, right? Now it's your turn, what do you do?" Linton asked with a smile.

"There is no need to pay tribute. The power you capture belongs to you. We are different from the Golden Tree." Tanith said.

"Then your Lord Larcade is really a good man. He only does charity." Linton nodded, "But as an employee who is about to join the company, I am also a little worried. Since we are going to resist the gods, Larcade will always get Become stronger, he is the main force against the gods, where does he get his strength from?"

"You don't need to know these... after all, you are not one of us yet. When you officially join us and meet Lord Rakad, you will naturally know everything." Tanis seemed to be annoyed by the question and said directly. .

"I see, it's reasonable not to tell outsiders about the company's future development direction." Linton nodded, "Then let me ask again, there are always some outstanding employees in our company, right? You said you can get stronger power by joining here, right? , have some people become stronger? Can you show us the results of these people? This way we can have some hope, right?"

"If you are just here to cause trouble, please leave here." Tanis probably lost her patience and said directly.

"From what you just said, you at least feel that what you or your family members are doing is right and just. You said it yourself is the path to becoming a hero, right? In that case, what do you have to hide? ?Your concealment is blaspheming the ideals of your family, okay? Think about it for yourself. When you felt that these things could not be told to me publicly, did you already have the idea that 'this may not be the right thing' in your mind? You Are you worthy of your master? He is so just and great, yet you are questioning him."

"I will not question my king!" These words directly broke Tanith's guard, and she stood up and shouted excitedly.

"Then what can't be said!" Linton also shouted directly, "To be honest, after hearing this, I have already guessed what is going on. With this little trick of yours, who are you trying to bluff? Is Card a philanthropist? He established an organization just to do good deeds and help people become stronger? I’m afraid it’s not about skinning people and sucking their marrow.”

"What...means?" Diaros, who was next to him, didn't understand what he was hearing and asked.

"How does Rakad become stronger? Isn't this the best material to become stronger? Aren't these rebels who rob others? They rob others, and Rakad reaps the benefits. Just rob his men and that's it. I You are right, Ms. Tanith." Linton said with a smile.

"What? This..." Diaros looked at Tanis in surprise.

"..." Tanis did not immediately refute, and there was even a strange silence.

"The blasphemy of the king is really a good title. This is really a garbage organization that is rotten from the beginning to the end. It has a beautiful name and does things that are more hypocritical than the golden tree. People will not at least say that we are doing charity. You guys TN Are you embarrassed to say that you are a hero? If you have a little face, you won't be so disgusted." Linton said.

"Please leave here." Tanis seemed to have stopped arguing and waved directly to Linton and Diaros. At the same time, the tall knight standing behind her also moved, obviously preparing to take action.

But before the knight could take out his weapon, Linton kicked him without saying a word. With a loud "boom", the knight here turned into a straight line and crashed through the wall behind, disappearing directly into the building.

Seeing the Crucible Knight disappearing in an instant, Tanith didn't even react, staring blankly at the big hole in the wall behind her. At this moment, a hand directly grasped her head and lifted her up.

"To tell you the truth, I also want to chop down the golden tree, and I have nothing to do with those who claim to be gods. But now I understand that the golden tree at least has a certain bottom line, and you guys are the real bottom line. None, I really need the support of my peers. Compared with you, the golden tree is a little cuter." Linton said.

"Let me go..." Tanis began to struggle.

"Oh oh oh, what happened here?" A knight wearing armor and holding a snake-shaped sledgehammer walked out of the next room. He was obviously attracted by the loud noise when Linton kicked the Crucible Knight away just now. However, seeing the situation in front of him, the other party did not save people immediately, but looked at the situation in front of him with interest.

"Who?" Linton asked directly.

"Me? My name is Bernal, a... warrior." The man named Bernal here replied.

"Did you kill the woman named Lenia?" Linton asked directly.

"I... have killed a lot of people, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone named Lenia." Bernal thought for a while and said.

"I'm going to kill Racade now. Are you going to join me or are you going to stop me?" Linton asked again.

"Kill Racade?" Bernal was a little surprised, "It's really... incredible. Of course I won't stop you, if you have made up your mind. The law of the jungle is our rule, even I will do it Great preparation for a happy death. But I do want to witness this scene."

"Follow me." Linton dragged Tanis around and said, "No, you lead the way."

"Let me confirm, you just said that you also want to chop down the golden tree, right?" Bernal suddenly asked.

"That's right." Linton nodded.

"Understood, follow me." Bernal shouldered his weapon and said.

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