"Yeah... everything is so familiar, I feel like I'm back home." After a while, Linton returned to Asuna with satisfaction, "The familiar blacksmith, the familiar old lady who eats SHI , this place is really full of warmth.”

"What is that you are carrying?" Asuna asked.

"Oh, this red spirit suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was still wandering around, and suddenly came to me to PK." Linton said while pinching the head of a red guy wearing a magician's robe, and pulled the opponent away. He raised it and said, "It looks quite funny, but after all, it is an NPC in the Fire Sacrifice. I don't know if squishing it to death will affect the plot. I will bring it back first and ask if anyone knows it."

As he spoke, Linton also looked at Diaros next to him: "Do you know him? Nephew."

"I... don't know him." Diaros immediately shook his head and said.

"What about Sir Bai Zhi? Doesn't it mean that he knows a lot of information?" Linton asked.

"He went back to his room and said he was still very busy." Asuna said, "But he didn't mind me looking through the information here. I should have already determined the general goal."

"Oh, really?" Because he wanted to talk about business, Linton picked up the red spirit and slapped it on the wall next to him. With a "bang", the red spirit here turned into dots of red. The light disappeared.

Diaros next to him looked at a handprint left by Linton on the wall and swallowed subconsciously. There happened to be a faded person passing by, and Diaros took two steps back, probably to talk to him.

"It's unscientific not to even leave the equipment." Linton looked at the red spirit that had completely disappeared. The sickle and staff just used by the other party disappeared without knowing why. It was probably... a game mechanism? Linton didn't pay much attention and asked Asuna: "Anyway, the goal is..."

"According to the information provided by Sir Bai Zhi, there is a goddess named Marika in this continent, who is considered the ruler of this continent. The Elden Ring looks like her ruling prop, but I don't know what happened many years ago. The goddess suddenly smashed the artifact called the Elden Ring by herself. As a result, the artifact was now broken into several pieces, and they were acquired by some powerful people on the continent. She should have obtained part of the power of the artifact." Sina said.

"Those who obtain artifact fragments are called fragment kings. The goal of this game should be to defeat these fragment kings, take back the fragments from their hands, and then reassemble them into the Elden Ring." Asuna continued.

"Yeah, yeah, that's easy to understand. It's the usual routine of Black Soul." Linton nodded. The plot really didn't exceed his expectations at all. It was exactly the same as before. "How many fragmented kings are there? Where are they? "

Asuna was obviously prepared and directly handed the tablet in front of Linton. Didn't Linton ask her to collect intelligence before? Not only did she collect the intelligence, but she also organized it into a PPT. She is really a good and dedicated employee.

"There are five people who can find information from Sir Momochi." Asuna explained while showing Linton the PPT, "'Amputee' Greg is currently hiding in Stonewell City. 'Broken Star' Lata Well, it is currently in the Red Lion City in the Galid region in the eastern part of the continent. 'The Blasphemy King' Rakad is in the volcanic area in the western part of the continent. 'The Bad Omen King' Menggert is in the royal city under the golden tree that we saw before. Rodel. 'Queen of the Full Moon' Lenara is from the Rhea Lucalia Academy we met before."

"But in addition to these five fragment kings who can accurately know their locations, there are several fragments that only know that they have magic rings, and their specific locations have not yet been obtained. Sir Bai Zhi mentioned a few names, 'Princess of the Moon' Lani, but I heard that she has given up the magic ring fragment. 'Mikaela's Blade' Marlenia, this person disappeared after a battle with Broken Star Latarn. 'Holy Tree' Mi Keira, there is very little information about this person. There is also an unknown person called the 'Blood King', whose true identity is currently unknown."

"Hey, hey, you suddenly said so many names, who can remember them?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

"I can probably expect this situation, so I made a PPT presentation." Asuna said.

"Then you are really smart." Linton said, "If nothing else, the valuables in this world seem to be the fragments of these magic rings, which means that all the fragments must be obtained. These five can be found The location ones are easy to solve, but the rest of them don’t know where they are…”

"There is a lot of information. The person named Sir Bai Zhi has indeed collected a lot of information, but the information is very fragmented and mixed, and a lot of the information is still contradictory, so what he is doing is sorting out the information." Yasi Na said, "Perhaps I can help him sort out some of them. In this way, we may be able to find some clues about the remaining people, but it will take some time."

"Okay, you first follow him to sort out the information." Linton nodded, "I'll deal with these guys who know the location first."

"I suggest you wait for me for a while and wait for me to sort out the information before we act together. Because the information provided by Sir Momochi may not be correct. If we act together, I can update the wrong information in time," Asuna said.

"Oh, you are now willing to give advice." Linton said.

"Well... this should not be caused by the influence of the Mind Stone. I am not simply an artificial intelligence designed to help humans. You should also know the original intention of my design, so giving opinions should be its own function." Yasi Na thought for a moment and said.

"Really? Well..." Linton nodded, "So what is the function of this Mind Stone? There is no response yet? Will the calculation speed be faster?"

"I haven't felt it yet." Asuna said.

"How long will it take to sort out these things?" Linton looked at Sir Bai Zhi's room next to him. The whole room was filled with books and various materials on the floor. Let alone reading these books, just seeing these books The cover gave Linton a headache.

"Preliminary estimate is that it will be completed within thirty hours." Asuna said.

"I'm TN... OK, I'm going to take a nap first." Linton held his forehead.

"This faded person I have never seen before, if you want to sleep, do you need someone to accompany you?" A woman's voice came from the side, "My name is Feiya, although it is a bit sudden, but can I hold you tight? Please Don’t get me wrong, this is a very sacred ceremony in our hometown, can you help me?”

"Is it so direct? It's so good... No, my TN is already married, give me guna." Linton yelled.

"I understand, and I understand that you feel disdainful." Feiya nodded and said, "But if you change your mind, you can come to me in the room over here at any time."

Having said that, Feiya didn't bother and walked directly into the next room.

"Uh... you said I..." Linton looked at Asuna next to him.

"It is recommended not to do this." Before Linton finished, Asuna said, "According to the records, this person was called the 'Death Sleeping Girl' Feiya. According to her own words, she She will absorb the survival strength and willpower of living people, and then she will sleep with other corpses and give these powers to those corpses, as if it is a ritual from their hometown."

"Hey, are the soul suckers of this generation so insidious? No one can refuse this, okay?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"In short... Judging from the current information, it is better not to approach this woman casually." Asuna said.

"Okay, I'm really not interested anymore after hearing about sleeping with dead bodies. I'd better continue teasing my fire-proof girl. But as for my fire-proof girl... Melina really can't find anyone," Linton said.

Just as he was talking, Linton saw Diaros coming from the side, and saw Linton also saying to Linton: "I'm leaving, and another fader provided me with the news about Lenia. She turned out to be true." She still appeared in the Lienia area, and this time it was confirmed that she appeared in the town in front of the college. I have to find her."

"Oh, that's okay, I'll go with you." Linton nodded. Asuna just wanted to study some information and then attack the BOSS. Linton did have some time. I had promised to accompany Diaros to find his attendant Lenia, so I went to look for him by the way.

The two sides acted separately, with Asuna staying in the Round Table Hall. Linton took Diaros back to Lijenia, which was the blessing location they had teleported to before. Linton also looked around again, but still didn't see Melina. This time he didn't even feel like she was being watched. It seemed that she was really not here.

"Go look over there." Diaros said, pointing in the north direction. There were some buildings there, and Linton thought the town in front of the college was a small town at first, but when he actually arrived, he discovered that the place had turned into a ruin, and it didn't look like anyone was living there. It feels like, looking at the surrounding situation, it must have been destroyed by the war, and it happened a long time ago.

There isn't anything special that appears in the ruins, so it's fairly safe. Linton accompanied Diaros for a short stroll around the area, and unexpectedly found the Lenia he was looking for. But the problem was that what he found was not a living person, but Lenia's body.

Linton frowned and took a look. This man looked dead for at least a day or two. He had stab wounds on his body and was obviously killed. While Linton was inspecting the corpse, Diaros was studying what seemed to be marks carved on some strange stones next to the corpse.

"It's the message left by Lenia. Her murderers are some people who call themselves rebels." After Diaros touched those things, he seemed to suddenly get a clue, "These despicable rats who hunt our compatriots! I We must find their hiding place and let them get the retribution they deserve. Khosrow speaks for it with blood. I, Diaros, will definitely make them realize this!"

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